methods, notes and classification Obstacles for web sales by size class of enterprise methods, notes and classification

    • Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2)
      • 0 All activities, without financial sector
    • Size classes in number of persons employed
      • 0 From 0 to 1 person employed
      • 1 From 0 to 9 persons employed
      • 2 From 1 to 4 persons employed
      • 3 From 1 to 9 persons employed
      • 4 From 2 to 9 persons employed
      • 5 From 5 to 9 persons employed
      • 6 From 10 to 49 persons employed
      • 7 From 10 to 249 persons employed
      • 8 10 persons employed or more
      • 9 From 50 to 249 persons employed
      • a 250 persons employed or more
    • Information society indicator
      • 0 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - high costs of delivering or returning products
      • 1 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - related to resolving complaints and disputes
      • 2 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - adapting product labelling
      • 3 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - lack of knowledge of foreign languages
      • 4 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - restrictions from business partners
      • 5 Difficulties when selling to other EU countries - related to the VAT system in EU countries
      • 6 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - any (of high costs, complaints, labelling, languages, business partners restrictions)
      • 7 Difficulties for web sales to other EU countries - none (of high costs, complaints, labelling, languages, business partners restrictions)
      • 8 The enterprise's goods or services are not suitable - enterprises selling via website
      • 9 Problems related to logistics (shipping of goods or delivery of services) - enterprises selling via website
      • a Problems related to payments - enterprises selling via website
      • b Problems related to ICT security or data protection - enterprises selling via website
      • c Problems related to the legal framework - enterprises selling via website
      • d The costs of introducing web sales too high compared to the benefits - enterprises selling via website
      • e The enterprise's goods or services are not suitable - enterprises not selling via website
      • f Problems related to logistics (shipping of goods or delivery of services) - enterprises not selling via website
      • g Problems related to payments - enterprises not selling via website
      • h Problems related to ICT security or data protection - enterprises not selling via website
      • i Problems related to the legal framework - enterprises not selling via website
      • j The costs of introducing web sales too high compared to the benefits - enterprises not selling via website
    • Unit of measure
      • 0 Percentage of enterprises
      • 1 Percentage of enterprises with web sales
      • 2 Percentage of enterprises without web sales
      • 3 Percentage of enterprises with web sales to other EU countries
      • 4 Percentage of enterprises where persons employed have access to the internet
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 00 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
      • 01 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
      • 02 European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)
      • 03 European Union - 15 countries (1995-2004)
      • 04 Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023)
      • 05 Belgium
      • 06 Bulgaria
      • 07 Czechia
      • 08 Denmark
      • 09 Germany
      • 0a Estonia
      • 0b Ireland
      • 0c Greece
      • 0d Spain
      • 0e France
      • 0f Croatia
      • 0g Italy
      • 0h Cyprus
      • 0i Latvia
      • 0j Lithuania
      • 0k Luxembourg
      • 0l Hungary
      • 0m Malta
      • 0n Netherlands
      • 0o Austria
      • 0p Poland
      • 0q Portugal
      • 0r Romania
      • 0s Slovenia
      • 0t Slovakia
      • 0u Finland
      • 0v Sweden
      • 0w Iceland
      • 0x Norway
      • 0y United Kingdom
      • 0z Bosnia and Herzegovina
      • 10 Montenegro
      • 11 North Macedonia
      • 12 Serbia