Country destination of international sourcing by business function and economic activity (2009-2011) - experimental statistics
methods, notes and classification
Unit of measure Economical indicator for structural business statistics Business function0 Core function (Production of goods and services for the market)1 Support function2 Distribution and logistics3 Marketing, sales and after sales services4 ICT services5 Administrative and management6 Research, development, engineering and related technical services7 Other functions8 Core and/or support function Geopolitical entity (partner)0 EU15 countries (1995-2004) except reporting country1 EU12 countries (1986-1994) except reporting country2 Russia3 Other European countries (aggregate changing according to the context)4 Canada and United States5 Brazil6 China including Hong Kong7 India8 Other Asian and Oceanian countries (aggregate changing according to the context)9 All countries of the worlda Rest of the world Classification of economic activities - NACE Rev.20 Total - all NACE activities1 Industry (except construction)2 High and medium high-technology manufacturing3 Low and medium low-technology manufacturing4 Construction, services of the business economy except financial and insurance activities5 Knowledge-intensive market services6 Construction, services of the business economy except knowledge-intensive market services, financial and insurance activities Geopolitical entity (reporting)0 Belgium1 Bulgaria2 Denmark3 Estonia4 Ireland5 France6 Latvia7 Lithuania8 Netherlands9 Portugala Romaniab Slovakiac Finlandd Swedene Norway