International Trade and Competitiveness Indicators
The following changes have been implemented since the June 2002 issue of the database for OECD International Trade and Competitiveness Indicators.
. Data for Luxembourg are now available. Data start in 1988.
Information on the "Sources and Methods" is also available at our INTERNET site.
The data in this product correspond to the "OECD Economic Outlook, No 72" and are presented in national currencies. The irrevocable conversion euro rates are ==> 1 euro :
Germany………1.95583 DEM France……….6.55957 FRF Italy………..1936.27 ITL Austria………13.7603 ATS Belgium………40.3399 BEF Finland………5.94573 FIM Ireland………0.787564 IEP Luxembourg……40.3399 LUF Netherlands…..2.20371 NLG Portugal……..200.482 PTE Spain………..166.386 ESP Greece……….340.750 GRD
Methodology changes
. In this issue, out trade data are based in 1995 using the new world bilateral trade matrices(source CNUCED). This also affects export markets.
. From 1993 onwards, each country/regions export markets are calculated if at least 60% of partners' imports are in history.
Missing data have been estimated using the semi-annual projections published in the OECD Economic Outlook, No 72.
Data availability and EC trade data collection:
As from January 1993, INTRASTAT, the new system of data collection for intra-European Union trade, has been implemented in the fifteen European Union (EU) member countries. Trade data are no longer recorded through customs services but through VAT declarations.
Content Summary
The International Trade and Competitiveness Indicators (ITCI) diskettes contain quarterly data beginning in 1975 for: — foreign trade for thirty OECD member countries; — export market growth and export performance for thirty OECD member countries; — international competitiveness for thirty OECD member countries.
The principal sources and methods are reported in the associated OECD Economics Department Working Paper No.120, "OECD's Indicators of International Trade and Competitiveness", which provides the technical documentation for the methods of calculation. A copy of this paper is included with all diskette subscriptions. The ITCI is revised on a regular basis to take account of new and updated information.
The data are seasonally adjusted and on a quarterly frequency. Indices and prices are based on 100.
A. Foreign trade variables are expressed in millions of local currency with the base year in 1995. Indices and prices are in local currency with base year 1995.
B. Export market growth and export performance indicators are expressed in US $ with indices and prices being in US $
C. International competitiveness indicators. Expressed in indices with 1995 = 100.
******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS International Trade and Competitiveness Indicators * * -------------------------------------------------- * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XXX / XXXXXX SUB-CODES : 1 XXX...... Country 2 ...XXXXXX Variable SUB-CODE 1 : Country ----------- AUS Australia AUT Austria BEL Belgium CAN Canada CZE Czech Republic DNK Denmark FIN Finland FRA France DEU Germany GRC Greece HUN Hungary ISL Iceland IRE Ireland ITA Italy JPN Japan LUX Luxembourg MEX Mexico NLD Netherlands NZL New Zealand NOR Norway POL Poland PRT Portugal KOR Republic of Korea SVK Slovak Republic ESP Spain SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland TUR Turkey GBR United Kingdom USA United States SUB-CODE 2 : Variable ----------- Foreign Trade variables expressed in local currency, 1995 base year XGVC Exports of Goods, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis) XFV Exports of Food and Agricultural products, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis) XEV Exports of Energy, Volume, Local Currency XRV Exports of Raw Materials, Volume, Local Currency XMV Exports of manufactured goods, Volume, Local Currency XNV Exports of Non Manufactured goods, Volume, Local Currency XGC Exports of Goods, Value, Local Currency XF Exports of Food and Agricultural products, Value, Local Currency XE Exports of Energy, Value, Local Currency XR Exports of Raw Materials, Value, Local Currency XM Exports of Manufactured Goods, Value, Local Currency XN Export of Non Manufactured goods, Value, Local Currency PXG Export Price of Goods PXF Export Price of Food and Agricultural products , Local Currency PXE Export Price of Energy, Local Currency PXR Export Price of Raw Materials, Local Currency PXM Export Price of Manufactured goods, Local Currency PXN Export Price of Non Manufactured goods, Local Currency MGVC Imports of Goods, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis) MFV Imports of Food and Agricultural products , Volume, Local Currency MEV Imports of Energy, Volume, Local Currency MRV Imports of Raw Materials, Volume, Local Currency MMV Imports of Manufactured goods, Volume, Local Currency MNV Imports of Non manufactured goods, volume, Local Currency MGC Imports of Goods, Value, Local Currency MF Imports of Food and Agricultural products, Value ME Imports of Energy, Value MR Imports of Raw Materials, Value MM Imports of Manufactured Goods , Value MN Imports of Non Manufactured Goods , Value PMG Import Price, Total goods PMF Import Price of Food and Agricultural products, Local Currency PME Import Price of Energy, Local Currency PMR Import Price of Raw Materials, Local Currency PMM Import Price of Manufactured goods, Local Currency PMN Import Price of Non Manufactures Goods , Local Currency expressed in US $ EXCHUD Exchange Rate, Units of Local Currency Per $US XGCD Exports of Goods, Value, $US XMD Exports of Manufactured Goods, Value in $US XND Exports of Non Manufactured goods, value in $US MGCD Imports of Goods, Value, $US MMD Imports of Manufactured Goods , Value in $US MND Import of Non manufactured goods, value in $US expressed in US, base year 1995 $ PXGD Export of goods, unit value in US$, customs basis PXMD Exports of manufactured goods, unit value in US$, customs basis PXND Exports of Non manufactured goods, unit value in US$, customs basis PMGD Imports of Goods, unit value in US$, customs basis PMMD Import of Manufactured goods, unit value in US$, customs basis PMND Import of Non manufactured goods, unit value in US$, customs basis Export market growth and export performance indicators expressed in US $ XGVMKT Export Market Growth : Total Goods $US XMVMKT Export Market Growth: Manufactured goods, $US XNVMKT Export Market Growth: Non manufactured goods,$US expressed in 1995 Index = 1 XGPERF Export Performance of Total Visible Goods Index XMPERF Export Performance of Manufactures Index XNPERF Export Performance of non manufactured goods Index International competitiveness indicators expressed as an index, 1995 = 100 ULCM Unit Labour Cost, in Manuf. Ind., Local Currency Index ULCMDR Index of Relative Unit Labour Cost Manufacturing Sector, Common Currency (Overall Competitiveness) PXMDR Index of Relative Export Price Manufactured Goods in a Common Currency (Overall Competitiveness) CPIDR Index of Relative Consumer Price in a Common Currency, (Overall Competitiveness) Units: ------ All series are seasonally adjusted at annual rates. Volume and value data are expressed in millions of local currency or USD. Prices and indices are based on 100 and vary as to base year depending on national conventions.