0p Other food products n.e.c. and tobacco products (except in parcel service or grouped)
0q Textiles and textile products; leather and leather products
0r Textiles
0s Wearing apparel and articles of fur
0t Leather and leather products
0u Wood and products of wood and cork (except furniture); articles of straw and plaiting materials; pulp, paper and paper products; printed matter and recorded media
0v Products of wood and cork (except furniture)
0w Pulp, paper and paper products
0x Printed matter and recorded media
0y Coke and refined petroleum products
0z Coke oven products; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels
10 Liquid refined petroleum products
11 Gaseous, liquefied or compressed petroleum products
12 Solid or waxy refined petroleum products
13 Chemicals, chemical products, and man-made fibers; rubber and plastic products ; nuclear fuel
14 Basic mineral chemical products
15 Basic organic chemical products
16 Nitrogen compounds and fertilizers (except natural fertilizers)
17 Basic plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
18 Pharmaceuticals and parachemicals including pesticides and other agro-chemical products
19 Rubber or plastic products
1a Other non metallic mineral products
1b Glass and glass products, ceramic and porcelain products
1c Cement, lime and plaster
1d Other construction materials, manufactures
1e Basic metals; fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
1f Basic iron and steel and ferro-alloys and products of the first processing of iron and steel (except tubes)
1g Non ferrous metals and products thereof
1h Tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings
1i Structural metal products
1j Boilers, hardware, weapons and other fabricated metal products
1k Machinery and equipment n.e.c.; office machinery and computers; electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.; radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus; medical, precision and optical instruments; watches and clocks
1l Agricultural and forestry machinery
1m Domestic appliances n.e.c. (white goods)
1n Office machinery and computers
1o Electric machinery and apparatus n.e.c.
1p Electronic components and emission and transmission appliances
1q Television and radio receivers; sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus and associated goods (Brown goods)
1r Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks
1s Other machines, machine tools and parts
1t Transport equipment
1u Automobile industry products
1v Other transport equipment
1w Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c.
1x Furniture
1y Other manufactured goods
1z Secondary raw materials; municipal wastes and other wastes
20 Household and municipal waste
21 Other waste and secondary raw materials
22 Mail, parcels
23 Parcels, small packages
24 Equipment and material utilized in the transport of goods
25 Containers and swap bodies in service, empty
26 Pallets and other packaging in service, empty
27 Goods moved in the course of household and office removals; baggage and articles accompanying travellers; motor vehicles being moved for repair; other non market goods n.e.c.
28 Household removal
29 Other non market goods n.e.c.
2a Grouped goods: a mixture of types of goods which are transported together
2b Grouped goods
2c Unidentifiable goods: goods which for any reason cannot be identified and therefore cannot be assigned to groups 01-16.
2d Unidentifiable goods in containers or swap bodies
2e Other unidentifiable goods
2f Other goods n.e.c.
Country/region of unloading/disembarking
000 Belgium
001 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
002 Vlaams Gewest
003 Prov. Antwerpen
004 Prov. Limburg (BE)
005 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
006 Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
007 Prov. West-Vlaanderen
008 Région wallonne
009 Prov. Brabant wallon
00a Prov. Hainaut
00b Prov. Liège
00c Prov. Namur
00d Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
00e Bulgaria
00f Severna i Yugoiztochna Bulgaria
00g Severozapaden
00h Severen tsentralen
00i Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
00j Czechia
00k Praha
00l Střední Čechy
00m Severozápad
00n Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
00o Denmark
00p Nordjylland
00q Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
00r Germany
00s Baden-Württemberg
00t Stuttgart
00u Karlsruhe
00v Freiburg
00w Tübingen
00x Bayern
00y Niederbayern
00z Oberpfalz
010 Mittelfranken
011 Unterfranken
012 Berlin
013 Brandenburg
014 Brandenburg - Nordost (NUTS 2006)
015 Brandenburg - Südwest (NUTS 2006)
016 Bremen
017 Hamburg
018 Hessen
019 Darmstadt
01a Gießen
01b Kassel
01c Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
01d Niedersachsen
01e Braunschweig
01f Hannover
01g Lüneburg
01h Weser-Ems
01i Nordrhein-Westfalen
01j Düsseldorf
01k Köln
01l Münster
01m Detmold
01n Arnsberg
01o Rheinland-Pfalz
01p Koblenz
01q Trier
01r Rheinhessen-Pfalz
01s Saarland
01t Sachsen
01u Dresden
01v Leipzig
01w Sachsen-Anhalt
01x Schleswig-Holstein
01y Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
01z Spain
020 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
021 France
022 Ile de France
023 Centre — Val de Loire
024 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
025 Bourgogne
026 Normandie
027 Basse-Normandie
028 Haute-Normandie
029 Hauts-de-France
02a Nord-Pas de Calais
02b Picardie
02c Grand Est
02d Alsace
02e Champagne-Ardenne
02f Lorraine
02g Pays de la Loire
02h Bretagne
02i Nouvelle-Aquitaine
02j Aquitaine
02k Occitanie
02l Languedoc-Roussillon
02m Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
02n Rhône-Alpes
02o Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
02p Bassin Parisien (NUTS 2013)
02q Champagne-Ardenne (NUTS 2013)
02r Picardie (NUTS 2013)
02s Haute-Normandie (NUTS 2013)
02t Centre (FR) (NUTS 2013)
02u Bourgogne (NUTS 2013)
02v Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NUTS 2013)
02w Est (FR) (NUTS 2013)
02x Lorraine (NUTS 2013)
02y Alsace (NUTS 2013)
02z Franche-Comté (NUTS 2013)
030 Ouest (FR) (NUTS 2013)
031 Pays de la Loire (NUTS 2013)
032 Bretagne (NUTS 2013)
033 Poitou-Charentes (NUTS 2013)
034 Sud-Ouest (FR) (NUTS 2013)
035 Aquitaine (NUTS 2013)
036 Centre-Est (FR) (NUTS 2013)
037 Rhône-Alpes (NUTS 2013)
038 Méditerranée (NUTS 2013)
039 Languedoc-Roussillon (NUTS 2013)
03a Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (NUTS 2013)
03b Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
03c Croatia
03d Hrvatska
03e Panonska Hrvatska
03f Kontinentalna Hrvatska (NUTS 2016)
03g Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
03h Luxembourg
03i Hungary
03j Közép-Magyarország
03k Budapest
03l Dunántúl
03m Közép-Dunántúl
03n Alföld és Észak
03o Dél-Alföld
03p Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
03q Netherlands
03r Noord-Nederland
03s Groningen
03t Friesland (NL)
03u Drenthe
03v Oost-Nederland
03w Overijssel
03x Gelderland
03y Flevoland
03z West-Nederland
040 Utrecht (NUTS 2021)
041 Noord-Holland
042 Zuid-Holland (NUTS 2021)
043 Zeeland
044 Zuid-Nederland
045 Noord-Brabant
046 Limburg (NL)
047 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
048 Austria
049 Ostösterreich
04a Niederösterreich
04b Wien
04c Westösterreich
04d Oberösterreich
04e Salzburg
04f Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
04g Poland
04h Makroregion północno-zachodni
04i Zachodniopomorskie
04j Makroregion północny
04k Pomorskie
04l Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
04m Romania
04n Macroregiunea Doi
04o Sud-Est
04p Macroregiunea Trei
04q Sud-Muntenia
04r Macroregiunea Patru
04s Sud-Vest Oltenia
04t Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
04u Slovakia
04v Bratislavský kraj
04w Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
04x Finland
04y Manner-Suomi
04z Etelä-Suomi
050 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
051 Sweden
052 Östra Sverige
053 Stockholm
054 Östra Mellansverige
055 Södra Sverige
056 Sydsverige
057 Västsverige
058 Norway
059 Sør-Østlandet (statistical region 2016)
05a Agder og Rogaland (statistical region 2016)
05b Vestlandet (statistical region 2016)
05c Nord-Norge
05d Not regionalised/Unknown level 2
05e Switzerland
05f Nordwestschweiz
05g Not regionalised/Unknown level 2
05h United Kingdom
05i Yorkshire and The Humber (NUTS 2021)
05j East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire (NUTS 2021)
05k East of England (NUTS 2021)
05l East Anglia (NUTS 2021)
05m Essex (NUTS 2021)
05n London (NUTS 2021)
05o Inner London (NUTS 2010)
05p South East (UK) (NUTS 2021)
05q Kent (NUTS 2021)
05r Wales (NUTS 2021)
05s West Wales and The Valleys (NUTS 2021)
05t Scotland (NUTS 2021)
05u North Eastern Scotland (NUTS 2021)
05v Northern Ireland (UK) (NUTS 2021)
05w Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
05x Moldova
05y Serbia
05z Ukraine
060 Russia
061 Unknown
Country/region of loading/embarking
000 Belgium
001 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
002 Vlaams Gewest
003 Prov. Antwerpen
004 Prov. Limburg (BE)
005 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
006 Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
007 Prov. West-Vlaanderen
008 Région wallonne
009 Prov. Brabant wallon
00a Prov. Hainaut
00b Prov. Liège
00c Prov. Luxembourg (BE)
00d Prov. Namur
00e Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
00f Bulgaria
00g Severna i Yugoiztochna Bulgaria
00h Severozapaden
00i Severen tsentralen
00j Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
00k Czechia
00l Praha
00m Střední Čechy
00n Severozápad
00o Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
00p Denmark
00q Sjælland
00r Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
00s Germany
00t Baden-Württemberg
00u Stuttgart
00v Karlsruhe
00w Freiburg
00x Bayern
00y Oberbayern
00z Niederbayern
010 Oberpfalz
011 Oberfranken
012 Mittelfranken
013 Unterfranken
014 Berlin
015 Brandenburg
016 Brandenburg - Nordost (NUTS 2006)
017 Brandenburg - Südwest (NUTS 2006)
018 Bremen
019 Hamburg
01a Hessen
01b Darmstadt
01c Kassel
01d Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
01e Niedersachsen
01f Braunschweig
01g Hannover
01h Lüneburg
01i Weser-Ems
01j Nordrhein-Westfalen
01k Düsseldorf
01l Köln
01m Münster
01n Detmold
01o Arnsberg
01p Rheinland-Pfalz
01q Koblenz
01r Trier
01s Rheinhessen-Pfalz
01t Saarland
01u Sachsen
01v Chemnitz (NUTS 2006)
01w Dresden
01x Chemnitz
01y Sachsen-Anhalt
01z Schleswig-Holstein
020 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
021 Estonia
022 Spain
023 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
024 France
025 Ile de France
026 Centre — Val de Loire
027 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
028 Bourgogne
029 Normandie
02a Basse-Normandie
02b Haute-Normandie
02c Hauts-de-France
02d Nord-Pas de Calais
02e Picardie
02f Grand Est
02g Alsace
02h Champagne-Ardenne
02i Lorraine
02j Bretagne
02k Nouvelle-Aquitaine
02l Aquitaine
02m Occitanie
02n Languedoc-Roussillon
02o Midi-Pyrénées
02p Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
02q Rhône-Alpes
02r Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
02s Bassin Parisien (NUTS 2013)
02t Champagne-Ardenne (NUTS 2013)
02u Picardie (NUTS 2013)
02v Haute-Normandie (NUTS 2013)
02w Centre (FR) (NUTS 2013)
02x Bourgogne (NUTS 2013)
02y Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NUTS 2013)
02z Est (FR) (NUTS 2013)
030 Lorraine (NUTS 2013)
031 Alsace (NUTS 2013)
032 Ouest (FR) (NUTS 2013)
033 Pays de la Loire (NUTS 2013)
034 Bretagne (NUTS 2013)
035 Poitou-Charentes (NUTS 2013)
036 Sud-Ouest (FR) (NUTS 2013)
037 Aquitaine (NUTS 2013)
038 Centre-Est (FR) (NUTS 2013)
039 Rhône-Alpes (NUTS 2013)
03a Méditerranée (NUTS 2013)
03b Languedoc-Roussillon (NUTS 2013)
03c Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (NUTS 2013)
03d Corse (NUTS 2013)
03e Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
03f Croatia
03g Panonska Hrvatska
03h Kontinentalna Hrvatska (NUTS 2016)
03i Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
03j Italy
03k Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
03l Cyprus
03m Latvia
03n Extra-Regio NUTS 1
03o Lithuania
03p Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
03q Luxembourg
03r Hungary
03s Közép-Magyarország
03t Budapest
03u Dunántúl
03v Közép-Dunántúl
03w Nyugat-Dunántúl
03x Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
03y Netherlands
03z Noord-Nederland
040 Groningen
041 Friesland (NL)
042 Drenthe
043 Oost-Nederland
044 Overijssel
045 Gelderland
046 Flevoland
047 West-Nederland
048 Utrecht (NUTS 2021)
049 Noord-Holland
04a Zuid-Holland (NUTS 2021)
04b Zeeland
04c Zuid-Nederland
04d Noord-Brabant
04e Limburg (NL)
04f Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
04g Austria
04h Ostösterreich
04i Niederösterreich
04j Wien
04k Westösterreich
04l Oberösterreich
04m Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
04n Poland
04o Makroregion północno-zachodni
04p Zachodniopomorskie
04q Makroregion północny
04r Pomorskie
04s Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
04t Romania
04u Macroregiunea Doi
04v Sud-Est
04w Macroregiunea Trei
04x Sud-Muntenia
04y Macroregiunea Patru
04z Sud-Vest Oltenia
050 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
051 Slovakia
052 Bratislavský kraj
053 Západné Slovensko
054 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 2
055 Finland
056 Manner-Suomi
057 Etelä-Suomi
058 Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
059 Sweden
05a Östra Sverige
05b Stockholm
05c Östra Mellansverige
05d Södra Sverige
05e Västsverige
05f Not regionalised/Unknown NUTS 1
05g Norway
05h Not regionalised/Unknown level 2
05i Switzerland
05j Nordwestschweiz
05k Not regionalised/Unknown level 2
05l United Kingdom
05m Yorkshire and The Humber (NUTS 2021)
05n East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire (NUTS 2021)