Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for family sickness or emergencies, by occupation
methods, notes and classification
Sex Age class0 From 15 to 24 years1 From 15 to 64 years2 From 20 to 49 years3 From 25 to 49 years4 From 50 to 64 years Modalities of the variable for the ad-hoc module0 No1 No answer2 Total3 Yes, 'special leave' days remunerated4 Yes, 'special leave' days not at all remunerated5 Yes, other arrangements always used International Standard Classification of Occupations for European Union purposes (ISCO-88 (COM))0 Total1 Legislators, senior officials and managers2 Professionals3 Technicians and associate professionals4 Clerks5 Service workers and shop and market sales workers6 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers7 Craft and related trades workers8 Plant and machine operators and assemblers9 Elementary occupationsa Armed forcesb No response Working time0 Total1 Part-time2 Full-time3 No response Geopolitical entity (reporting)0 European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)1 European Union - 15 countries (1995-2004)2 Euro area - 18 countries (2014)3 Euro area - 17 countries (2011-2013)4 Euro area - 13 countries (2007)5 Belgium6 Bulgaria7 Czechia8 Denmark9 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)a Estoniab Irelandc Greeced Spaine Francef Italyg Cyprush Latviai Lithuaniaj Luxembourgk Hungaryl Maltam Netherlandsn Austriao Polandp Portugalq Romaniar Slovenias Slovakiat Finlandu Swedenv Icelandw Norwayx Switzerlandy United Kingdom