OECD, Main Industrial Indicators
Drawing on existing OECD databases, the newly created Main Industrial Indicators database provides series which highlight trends in industrial structure and performance in selected OECD countries and country groups. Designed to mirror OECD's existing Main Science and Technology Indicators electronic product and complement the latest edition of the biennial Science, Industry and Technology - Scoreboard of IndicatorsÆ (1999) paper publication, it provides indicators covering international trade; industrial composition; business enterprise R&D; employment and productivity; and physical investment.
Main Industrial Indicators provides 25 indicators that have been calculated with data from a range of OECD sources such as the STAN database for industrial analysis, the Analytical Business Enterprise R&D Database (ANBERD), the International Sectoral Database (ISDB) and the Annual National Accounts (ANA) database. Figures are given for the period 1980-1997 and are available for 29 OECD countries and 8 country groups covering 31 manufacturing sectors (based on ISIC revision 2), 10 aggregate non-manufacturing sectors (including services) and 4 industry groups based on technology intensity.
Descriptions of the source databases and other information concerning science, technology and industry statistics can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.oecd.org/dsti/sti/sta-ana.
The recommended citation for use of these data is OECD(1999), Main Industrial Indicators.
The indicators are presented in five groups according to their main theme:
Note: Country groupings include intra group trade (for example, the EU group does not exclude intra EU trade). In the definitions below and in the database, OECD represents an aggregate of the 24 OECD countries for which the relevant trade data are available. In the database, the country group NORAM (North America) does not include Mexico as historical trade data are not available. The data presented for Belgium include trade for Luxembourg. Up to and including 1990, the data for Germany refer to western Germany (Federal Republic of Germany, including West Berlin). From 1991, data for Germany include Eastern Germany.
INDUSTRIAL COMPOSITION These indicators attempt to reveal the importance of manufacturing industry in the economies of OECD countries, the industrial composition of manufacturing, the weight of different countries in OECD production by industry, and the relative growth performance of industries.
BUSINESS ENTERPRISE R&D These indicators highlight the distribution of business enterprise research and development efforts within and across OECD countries, the intensity of R&D, and the relationship of investment in R&D to physical investment.
Note: For the United States, Shipbuilding (3841) is included in Other transport equipment (3842A). Consequently, for regions including USA, 3841 is a sum of 3841 for all countries except USA and USA 3841 is included in 3842A. For Germany, R&D data refer to western Germany up to 1990 and total Germany for 1991-94. The country group NORAM (North America) does not include Mexico as consistent R&D data are not available.
EMPLOYMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY Indicators in this area address the issue of employment structure and compensation, labour costs and labour productivity.
PHYSICAL INVESTMENT Indicators in this area address the issue of the distribution of investment efforts by manufacturing industry and the intensity of investment in production and employment.
Export shares Export shares are calculated as exports of a certain industry for a given country (or country group) as a percentage of exports of this industry for the OECD as a whole.
Export specialisation This indicator shows a country's (or country groupÆs) exports for an industry as a proportion of total manufacturing exports divided by OECD exports of the same industry as a proportion of OECD total manufacturing exports. For a given country, a value above 100 in a certain industry implies that, relative to the OECD average, the country specialises in exports in that industry. The indicator is also commonly known as the revealed comparative advantage index.
Export share of production Export share of production is the percentage share of exports in production in a given industry.
Note: Exports can exceed Production for the following reasons: (i) exports include re-exports; (ii) production data are normally based on Industrial Surveys which record establishmentsÆ primary activities. Therefore, activities that are mainly secondary may be understated in terms of production by not being allocated to the relevant ISIC code while exports of the related commodities are recorded; (iii) bias introduced by the conversion from product-based trade statistics to activity-based industry statistics for certain sectors for certain countries.
Composition of manufacturing exports Composition of manufacturing exports is calculated as exports in a given industry as a percentage of total manufacturing exports.
Import specialisation This indicator shows a country's (or country groupÆs) imports for an industry as a proportion of total manufacturing imports divided by OECD imports of the same industry as a proportion of OECD total manufacturing imports. For a given country, a value above 100 in a certain industry implies that, relative to the OECD average, the country specialises in imports in that industry.
Import penetration This indicator is imports as a percentage of total domestic demand (estimated as production plus imports less exports).
Note: Exports can exceed Production for the following reasons: (i) exports include re-exports; (ii) production data are normally based on Industrial Surveys which record establishmentsÆ primary activities. Therefore, activities that are mainly secondary may be understated in terms of production by not being allocated to the relevant ISIC code while exports of the related commodities are recorded; (iii) bias introduced by the conversion from product-based trade statistics to activity-based industry statistics for certain sectors for certain countries.
Export import ratio The export import ratio is exports as a percentage of imports for an industry. The trade data in country groupings and for the OECD total include intra-group trade.
Intra-industry specialisation Intra-industry trade is the value of total trade remaining after subtraction of the absolute value of net exports or imports of an industry. For comparison between countries and industries, the measures are expressed as a percentage of each industry's combined exports and imports. For total manufacturing, the calculation is the summation of the value of total trade remaining after subtraction of the absolute value of net exports or imports for all manufacturing industries. This index varies between zero and 100. If a country exports and imports roughly equal quantities of a certain product, the IIT index is high. If trade is mainly one-way (whether exporting or importing), the IIT index is low.
Production shares across the OECD
Production shares are calculated as production in a certain
industry for a given country (or country group) as a percentage
of production in the industry for the OECD area. OECD in the
definition below is an aggregate of 21 countries for which
detailed production data and PPPs are available. Ireland,
Luxembourg, Switzerland and Turkey are not included
because the relevant production data are not available. Korea
is not included because the necessary PPPs are not available.
Share of GDP contributed manufacturing This indicator is the value added contributed by each manufacturing sector as a percentage of value added for the total economy.
Value added shares Value added shares is each industry's value added as a percentage of value added for total manufacturing.
R&D expendiutures shares across the OECD For each industry, this indicator represents R&D expenditures for a given country as a percentage of the R&D expenditures for the ANBERD14 group of countries.
Distribution of R&D expenditures This indicator is the R&D expenditures for an industry as a percentage of R&D expenditures for total manufacturing.
R&D intensity (using value added data) R&D intensity expresses R&D expenditures by an industry (or industry grouping) as a percentage of value added.
R&D intensity (using production data) R&D intensity expresses R&D expenditures by an industry (or industry grouping) as a percentage of production.
R&D investment ratio This indicator is R&D expenditures by an industry as a percentage of total physical investment (gross fixed capital formation) in that industry.
Employment shares in manufacturing This indicator is each industry's employment as a percentage of employment for total manufacturing.
Labour compensation per employee Labour compensation per employee is calculated as the ratio of labour compensation for a particular industry (or industry group) to the number engaged divided by the ratio of labour compensation of total manufacturing to number engaged for total manufacturing.
Labour productivity Labour productivity is the ratio of constant price value added to number engaged. Although hours worked would be preferable as a measure of labour input, at the present time consistent hours worked data are not available.
These series are presented as indices with 1990 = 100.
Unit labour cost Unit labour cost is the ratio of labour compensation in current prices to output measured as constant price value added.
These series are presented as indices with 1990 = 100.
Relative unit labour cost For each industry, relative unit labour costs are calculated as the unit labour cost for a country divided by the average unit labour cost for the OECD. OECD in the definition below is an aggregate of 19 countries for which detailed constant price value added data and PPPs are available. Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Switzerland and Turkey are not included because the relevant constant price value added data are not available. Korea is not included because the necessary PPPs are not available.
These series are presented as indices with 1990 = 100
Labour share of value added This indicator is labour compensation in a certain industry as a percentage of value added in that industry.
Note: Labour costs can exceed value added when an industry incurs losses or when an industry receives significant net subsidies (Value added measured at market or producerÆs prices does not include subsidies). However, the occurrence of values exceeding 100 may also be due to measurement biases because series are estimates.
Investment shares in manufacturing This indicator is gross fixed capital formation in an industry as a percentage of GFCF for total manufacturing.
Investment intensity (using production data) Investment intensity is gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of production in an industry.
Investment per employee This indicator is calculated as GFCF in a certain industry divided by the number engaged in that industry for a specific country (or country grouping). Although capital stock would be more appropriate than GFCF data, capital stock data at detailed levels are unavailable.
These series are presented as indices with 1990 = 100.
Country Groups
EU Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom
EU9 Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom
NAFTA Canada, Mexico and the United States
NORAM Canada and the United States
G-7 Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States
ASIA/PACIFIC (OECD) Australia, Japan, Korea (Korea not included in international trade and R&D indicators)
OECD-14 Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States (Australia and Sweden not included in investment indicators)
Descriptions of the source databases and other information concerning science, technology and industry statistics can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.oecd.org/dsti/sti/sta-ana.
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