methods, notes and classification Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Germany - quarterly data methods, notes and classification

DATA_DESCR The maritime transport domain contains quarterly and annual data. Maritime transport data refer to gross weight of goods (in tonnes), passenger movements (in number of passengers) as well as for vessel traffic (in number of vessels and in gross tonnage of vessels). Data for transport of goods in containers are also expressed in volume terms (TEUs = 20 ft equivalent unit). Data at regional level (NUTS 2, 1 and 0) are also available. The data collection is based on the terms of Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea. The maritime transport data have been calculated using data collected at port level. The data are displayed at port level, Regional level, Maritime Coastal Area (MCA) level and country level. The data are presented in six collections, displaying Main Annual results, Short Sea Shipping, Passengers, Goods, Vessels traffic and Regional information.

CLASS_SYSTEM Classifications are available in Directive 2009/42/EC and Commission Decision 2008/861/EC. The type of cargo classification has been established in conformity with the United Nation ECE Recommendation N░21. Maritime Coastal area: the nomenclature is based on the Geonomenclature (the country nomenclature for the external trade statistics of the Community and statistics of trade between Member States, originally drawn up by the Council Regulation (EEC) N░1736/75) in force in the year to which the data refer. Nationality of registration of vessels: the nomenclature used is the Geonomenclature (the country nomenclature for the external trade statistics of the Community and statistics of trade between Member States, originally drawn up by the Council Regulation (EEC) N░1736/75) in force in the year to which the data refer. The type of ship classification is harmonised with an internationally agreed International Classification of Ship by Type (ICST). á

STAT_CONC_DEF Within the collection of Main annual results, there is information on goods, volume (in TEUs; TEU = 20 ft equivalent unit), on passengers and on vessels, following the tables: Country level - Gross weight of goods handled in all ports Country level - Gross weight of goods handled in all ports, by direction Country level - Gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by type of cargo Country level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports Country level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by type of traffic Country level - Volume (in TEUs) of containers handled in main ports, by loading status Top 20 ports - Gross weight of goods handled in each port, by direction Top 20 ports - Gross weight of goods handled in each port, by type of cargo (main ports) Top 20 ports - Volume (in TEUs) of containers handled in each port, by loading status Country level - Passengers embarked and disembarked in all ports Country level - Passengers embarked and disembarked in all ports, by direction Country level - Passengers (excluding cruise passengers) transported to/from main ports Country level - Passengers (excluding cruise passengers) transported to/from main ports, by type of traffic Top 20 ports - Passengers embarked and disembarked in each port, by direction Country level - Number and Gross Tonnage of vessels in the main ports (based on inwards declarations), by type of vessel Within the collection of Short Sea Shipping (SSS), the following tables give information on goods transported to/from main ports, on volume (in TEU's), the top 20 ports and top 5 ports by type of cargo: Short Sea Shipping - Country level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports Short Sea Shipping - Country level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by direction Short Sea Shipping - Country level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by sea region of partner ports Short Sea Shipping - Country level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by type of cargo Short Sea Shipping - EU level - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by type of cargo for each sea region of partner ports Short Sea Shipping - Country level - Volume (in TEU's) of containers transported to/from main ports, by loading status Short Sea Shipping - Top 20 ports - Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports Short Sea Shipping - Top 5 ports for liquid bulk - Gross weight of liquid bulk goods transported to/from main ports Short Sea Shipping - Top 5 ports for dry bulk- Gross weight of dry bulk goods transported to/from main ports Short Sea Shipping - Top 5 ports for containers - Gross weight of goods in containers transported to/from main ports Short Sea Shipping - Top 5 ports for Ro-ro units - Gross weight of goods in Ro-ro units transported to/from main ports Within the collection displaying passenger's information, there are three groups containing respectively: Maritime transport - Passengers - Annual data - All ports - by direction; Maritime transport - Passengers - Quarterly data - Main ports - by direction and type of traffic (national and international); Maritime transport - Passengers - Quarterly data - Main ports - One detailed table per each reporting country - by direction, partner entity and nationality of registration of vessels. Within the Goods collection, there are five groups containing respectively: Maritime transport - Goods (gross weight) - Annual data - All ports - by direction; Maritime transport - Goods (gross weight) - Quarterly data - Main ports - by direction and type of traffic (national and international); Maritime transport - Goods (gross weight) - Annual data - Main ports - One detailed table per each reporting country - by direction, partner entity, type of cargo and nationality of registration of vessels; Maritime transport - Goods (gross weight) - Quarterly data - Main ports - One detailed table per each reporting country - by direction, partner entity and type of cargo (detailed classification); Maritime transport - Goods (volume) - Quarterly data - Main ports - Cargo: containers only (TEU) - by direction, partner entity, container size and loading status. Within collection displaying vessels information, there is only one table: Maritime transport - Vessel traffic - Quarterly data - Main ports - Number and gross tonnage of vessels - by type and size of vessels - Direction: inwards only. Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology); Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). The concepts used in this domain are the following: Port A place having facilities for merchant ships to moor and to load and/or unload cargo or to disembark and/or embark passengers to or from vessels, usually directly to a pier. Statistical Port A statistical port consists of one or more ports, normally controlled by a single port authority, which is able to record ship, passenger and cargo movements. Reporting Port A statistical port for which statistics of inward and outward maritime transport flows are compiled. Main port A main port is a statistical port which has annual movements of no less than 200 thousand passengers or recording more than one millions tonnes of cargo. For ports selected on the basis of only one of these cargo or passenger criteria, detailed statistics are required only for that transport. Maritime coastal area (MCA) A maritime coastal area is defined as a contiguous stretch of coastline, together with islands offshore. Within a country, an MCA is defined either in terms of one or more ranges of ports along its coastline, or in terms of the latitude and longitude of one or more sets of extremities of the coastal area. Riverbanks can be included. Normally the coastline of each country is allocated to a single maritime coastal area and the coastlines of more than one country may form a single maritime coastal area. There are some exceptions. For example, the USA is separated into a number of maritime coastal areas to cover its overall coastline. For some countries, two separate stretches of coastline may be counted as one maritime coastal area, as, for example, the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines of Mexico. Carriage of goods and passengers by sea The movement of goods and passengers using seagoing vessels, on voyage which are undertaken wholly or partly by sea. The scope of the Maritime Directive 2009/42/EC also includes goods a. Shipped to offshore installations;b. Reclaimed from seabed and unloaded in ports. Bunkers and stores supplied to vessels shall be excluded from the scope. Seagoing vessel Floating marine structure with one or more surface displacement hulls In the context of the Directive, sea-going vessels are vessels other than those which navigate exclusively in inland waters or in waters within, or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply. Nationality of registration of seagoing vesselá (Flag state) Every ship is entered in a registry (i.e. list) of ships. Registries are maintained by many countries, each having a set of rules regarding safety procedures, inspection schedules, manning numbers and nationalities for crew and officers, training requirements, etc. Ship-owners select which registry to use based on the balance between the relative cost implications of the rules of each registry and possible penalties from insurance assessments dependent on these rules. Type of cargo The type of cargo classification, set according to the UNECE - Codes for types of cargo, packages and packaging materials, Recommendation 21, Geneva, March 1986, describes how the goods are being transported in terms of the vessels being used and the port facilities required to handle them. It is therefore very different from the categories of goods classification. For more detailed information regarding the distinction between type of cargo and type of goods, please refer to Clarification_Goods_vs_Cargo. Freight container Special box to carry freight, strengthened and stackable and allowing horizontal or vertical transfers. A more formal technical definition of a container is an article of transport equipment which is: a) Of a permanent character and accordingly strong enough to be suitable for repeated useb) Specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more mode of transport without intermediate reloadingc) Fitted with devices permitting its ready handling, particularly its transfer from one mode of transport to anotherd) So designed as to be easy to fill and emptye) Having a length of 20 feet or moref) Stackable andg) Having an internal volume of 1 m3 or more Swap bodies are excluded. Although without internal volume flats used in maritime transport should be considered to be a special type of container and therefore are included here. For a fuller description, reference should be made to ISO 668 and 1496. The related term "container cargo" refers to containers, with or without cargo, which are lifted on or off the vessels which carry them by sea Ro-ro unit This means wheeled equipment for carrying cargo, such as a truck, trailer or semi-trailer, which can be driven or towed onto a vessel. Port or ships' trailers are included in this definition. Classifications should follow United Nations ECE Recommendation No 21 'Codes for types of cargo, packages and packaging materials'. Live animals on the hoof are included. Vehicles being transported as cargo as opposed to a means of transport for freight are recorded in the separate headings of the Ro-ro cargo classification, when they are rolled on or rolled off of a vessel on their own wheels. Ro-ro cargo This means goods, whether or not in containers, on ro-ro units, and ro-ro units, which are rolled on and off the vessels, which carry them by sea. Gross weight of goods The gross weight of each consignment is the weight of the actual goods together with the immediate packaging in which they are being transported from origin to destination, but excluding the tare weight of containers or ro-ro units (e.g. containers, swap bodies and pallets containing goods as well as road goods vehicles, wagons or barges carried on the vessel). This measure of quantity is different from that used in trade statistics, namely the net weight of goods (1)áand different from statistics collected on other transport modes where the tare weight is included. Where goods are transported in a road goods vehicle, in a container, or other intermodal transport unit, the gross weight of the goods does not include the tare weight (2) of the transport unit. Gross tonnage This means the measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. Passenger Any person who makes a sea journey on a merchant ship. Service staff assigned to merchant ships is not regarded as passengers. Non-fare paying crewmembers travelling but not assigned and infants in arms are excluded. Cruise passenger This means a sea passenger making a sea journey on a cruise ship. Passengers on day excursions are excluded. Cruise ship This means a passenger ship intended to provide passengers with a full tourist experience. All passengers have cabins. Facilities for entertainment aboard are included. Ships operating normal ferry services are excluded, even if some passengers treat the service as a cruise. In addition, cargo-carrying vessels able to carry a very limited number of passengers with their own cabins are also excluded. Ships intended solely for day excursions are also excluded. Cruise passenger excursion This means a short visit by a cruise passenger to a tourist attraction associated with a port while retaining a cabin on board. Passengers excluding cruise passengers Sea passengers other than cruise passengers. ______________________________________________ (1) The weight of goods in a consignment, excluding any immediate packaging. For some types of goods, (e.g. liquids in bottles) the weight of packaging can be as large as or larger than the weight of the goods. (2) The unladen weight of an intermodal transport unit (e.g. road goods vehicle or trailer, container, swap-body, etc.). á

STAT_UNIT The data used in the domain are collected by the different data providers at port level. See the definition of statistical port under item 3.4 In some countries the numerous very small ports are grouped for practical statistical reasons under a fictitious "statistical port" (for example "other ports").

STAT_POP Detailed data are provided for ports handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually (Main ports). The other ports only provide summary data. However, detailed data may be included by countries also for minor ports on a voluntary basis.

REF_AREA Data are transmitted to Eurostat by 22 Member States of the European Union (Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria and Slovakia having no maritime ports). Iceland and Norway provide data as members of the European Economic Area (EEA). Liechtenstein has no maritime port. Croatia and Turkey are Candidate Countries to the EU and provide data on a voluntary basis. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has no maritime ports. For the time being, Montenegro has not provided data to Eurostat. The Spanish data include Ceuta and Melilla. The Portuguese data include Madeira and Azores. The French data include Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion and French Guiana.

BASE_PER Not applicable

UNIT_MEASURE Tonnes: Gross weight of goods, Gross tonnage of vessels (see definition of gross tonnage under item 3.4) Number: Passengers, Vessels, Units loaded (with or without cargo) TEU's: Twenty feet equivalent units TEU calculation coefficients:20-ft freight units (code 31) áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá (1 TEU)40-ft freight units (code 32) áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá (2 TEU)Freight units over 20-ft and under 40-ft in length (code 33) áááááááááááááááááá (1.5 TEU)Freight units over 40-ft long (code 34)áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá (2.25 TEU)á

    • Direction of flow
      • 0 Total
      • 1 Inwards
      • 2 Outwards
    • Type of cargo
      • 00 Total
      • 01 Liquid bulk goods
      • 02 Liquid bulk - liquified gas
      • 03 Liquid bulk - crude oil
      • 04 Liquid bulk - refined oil products
      • 05 Liquid bulk - other
      • 06 Dry bulk goods
      • 07 Dry bulk - ores
      • 08 Dry bulk - coal
      • 09 Dry bulk - agricultural products
      • 0a Dry bulk - other
      • 0b Large containers
      • 0c Large containers - 20-ft freight units
      • 0d Large containers - 40-ft freight units
      • 0e Large containers - freight units over 20-ft and less than 40-ft
      • 0f 40-ft
      • 0g Ro-Ro - mobile self-propelled units
      • 0h Ro-Ro - road goods vehicles and accompanying trailers
      • 0i Ro-Ro - passenger cars, motorcycles and accompanying trailers/caravans
      • 0j Ro-Ro - passenger buses
      • 0k Ro-Ro - trade vehicles (incl. import/export motor vehicles)
      • 0l Ro-Ro - live animals on the hoof
      • 0m Ro-Ro - other mobile self-propelled units
      • 0n Ro-Ro - mobile non-self-propelled units
      • 0o Ro-Ro - unaccompanied road goods trailers and semi-trailers
      • 0p Ro-Ro - unaccompanied caravans and other road agricultural and industrial vehicles
      • 0q Ro-Ro - rail wagons, shipborne port-to-port trailers, and shipborne barges engaged in goods transport
      • 0r Ro-Ro - rail wagons engaged in goods transport
      • 0s Ro-Ro - other mobile non-self-propelled units
      • 0t Ro-Ro - unspecified mobile non-self-propelled units
      • 0u Other cargo not elsewhere specified
      • 0v Other cargo - forestry products
      • 0w Other cargo - iron and steel products
      • 0x Other cargo - other general cargo
      • 0y Unknown
    • Maritime entity (partner)
      • 00 Total
      • 01 Belgium
      • 02 Bulgaria
      • 03 Denmark
      • 04 Germany
      • 05 Germany: North Sea
      • 06 Germany: Baltic Sea
      • 07 Germany: Rhine
      • 08 Germany: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 09 Estonia
      • 0a Ireland
      • 0b Greece
      • 0c Spain
      • 0d Spain: North Atlantic
      • 0e Spain: Mediterranean and South Atlantic
      • 0f Spain: Ceuta
      • 0g Spain: Melilla
      • 0h Spain: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 0i France
      • 0j France: Atlantic / North Sea
      • 0k France: Mediterranean
      • 0l France: Guyane
      • 0m France: Guadeloupe and Martinique
      • 0n France: Réunion
      • 0o France: Mayotte
      • 0p France: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 0q Croatia
      • 0r Italy
      • 0s Cyprus
      • 0t Latvia
      • 0u Lithuania
      • 0v Malta
      • 0w Netherlands
      • 0x Poland
      • 0y Portugal
      • 0z Romania
      • 10 Slovenia
      • 11 Finland
      • 12 Sweden
      • 13 Sweden: Baltic Sea
      • 14 Sweden: North Sea
      • 15 Sweden: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 16 Iceland
      • 17 Norway
      • 18 United Kingdom
      • 19 United Kingdom: Great Britain and Northern Ireland
      • 1a United Kingdom: Isle of Man
      • 1b United Kingdom: Guernsey and Jersey (Channel Islands)
      • 1c United Kingdom: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 1d Montenegro
      • 1e Albania
      • 1f Türkiye
      • 1g Türkiye: Black Sea
      • 1h Türkiye: Mediterranean
      • 1i Türkiye: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 1j Ukraine
      • 1k Bosnia and Herzegovina
      • 1l Faeroe Islands (DK)
      • 1m Gibraltar (UK)
      • 1n Russia
      • 1o Russia: Black Sea
      • 1p Russia: Baltic Sea (unspecified)
      • 1q Russia: Asia
      • 1r Russia: Barents and White Sea
      • 1s Russia: Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland only)
      • 1t Russia: Baltic Sea (excluding Gulf of Finland)
      • 1u Russia: European inland waterways, including Caspian Sea
      • 1v Russia: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 1w Algeria
      • 1x Angola
      • 1y Benin
      • 1z Cameroon
      • 20 Cape Verde
      • 21 Comoros
      • 22 Congo
      • 23 Côte d'Ivoire
      • 24 Democratic Republic of the Congo
      • 25 Djibouti
      • 26 Egypt
      • 27 Equatorial Guinea
      • 28 Eritrea
      • 29 Gabon
      • 2a Gambia, The
      • 2b Ghana
      • 2c Guinea
      • 2d Guinea-Bissau
      • 2e Kenya
      • 2f Liberia
      • 2g Libya
      • 2h Madagascar
      • 2i Mauritania
      • 2j Mauritius
      • 2k Morocco
      • 2l Morocco: Mediterranean
      • 2m Morocco: West Africa
      • 2n Morocco: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 2o Mozambique
      • 2p Namibia
      • 2q Nigeria
      • 2r São Tomé and Príncipe
      • 2s Senegal
      • 2t Seychelles
      • 2u Sierra Leone
      • 2v Somalia
      • 2w South Africa
      • 2x Sudan
      • 2y Tanzania
      • 2z Togo
      • 30 Tunisia
      • 31 Western Sahara
      • 32 Antigua and Barbuda
      • 33 Argentina
      • 34 Aruba (NL)
      • 35 Bahamas
      • 36 Barbados
      • 37 Belize
      • 38 Bermuda (UK)
      • 39 Brazil
      • 3a Canada
      • 3b Canada: Atlantic
      • 3c Canada: Great Lakes, Upper St Lawrence
      • 3d Canada: West Coast
      • 3e Canada: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 3f Chile
      • 3g Colombia
      • 3h Colombia: North Coast
      • 3i Colombia: West Coast
      • 3j Colombia: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 3k Costa Rica
      • 3l Cuba
      • 3m Curaçao
      • 3n Dominica
      • 3o Dominican Republic
      • 3p Ecuador
      • 3q El Salvador
      • 3r Falkland Islands (UK)
      • 3s Former Netherlands Antilles
      • 3t Greenland (DK)
      • 3u Grenada
      • 3v Guatemala
      • 3w Guyana
      • 3x Haiti
      • 3y Honduras
      • 3z Jamaica
      • 40 Mexico
      • 41 Mexico: Atlantic
      • 42 Mexico: Pacific
      • 43 Mexico: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 44 Nicaragua
      • 45 Panama
      • 46 Peru
      • 47 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (FR)
      • 48 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
      • 49 Suriname
      • 4a Trinidad and Tobago
      • 4b Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)
      • 4c United States
      • 4d United States: North Atlantic
      • 4e United States: South Atlantic
      • 4f United States: Gulf
      • 4g United States: South Pacific
      • 4h United States: North Pacific
      • 4i United States: Great Lakes
      • 4j United States: Puerto Rico
      • 4k United States: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 4l Uruguay
      • 4m US Virgin Islands (US)
      • 4n Venezuela
      • 4o Azerbaijan
      • 4p Bahrain
      • 4q Bangladesh
      • 4r Brunei Darussalam
      • 4s Cambodia
      • 4t China (except Hong Kong)
      • 4u Egypt: Mediterranean
      • 4v Egypt: Red Sea
      • 4w Egypt: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 4x Georgia
      • 4y Hong Kong
      • 4z India
      • 50 Indonesia
      • 51 Iran
      • 52 Iraq
      • 53 Israel
      • 54 Israel: Mediterranean
      • 55 Israel: Red Sea
      • 56 Japan
      • 57 Jordan
      • 58 Kazakhstan
      • 59 Kuwait
      • 5a Lebanon
      • 5b Macao
      • 5c Malaysia
      • 5d Maldives
      • 5e Myanmar/Burma
      • 5f North Korea
      • 5g Oman
      • 5h Pakistan
      • 5i Palestine*
      • 5j Philippines
      • 5k Qatar
      • 5l Saudi Arabia
      • 5m Saudi Arabia: Red Sea
      • 5n Saudi Arabia: Gulf
      • 5o Saudi Arabia: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 5p Singapore
      • 5q South Korea
      • 5r Sri Lanka
      • 5s Syria
      • 5t Taiwan
      • 5u Thailand
      • 5v Timor-Leste
      • 5w Turkmenistan
      • 5x United Arab Emirates
      • 5y Vietnam
      • 5z Yemen
      • 60 Australia
      • 61 Fiji
      • 62 French Polynesia (FR)
      • 63 Guam (US)
      • 64 Kiribati
      • 65 Marshall Islands
      • 66 Nauru
      • 67 New Caledonia (FR)
      • 68 New Zealand
      • 69 Northern Mariana Islands (US)
      • 6a Papua New Guinea
      • 6b Samoa
      • 6c Solomon Islands
      • 6d Tonga
      • 6e United States Minor Outlying Islands (US)
      • 6f Vanuatu
      • 6g Total unspecified and unknown locations
      • 6h Aggregates extraction areas not elsewhere specified and other activities not elsewhere specified
      • 6i Unknown
    • Unit of measure
      • 00 Thousand tonnes
    • Maritime entity (reporting)
      • 000 Germany
      • 001 Germany: North Sea
      • 002 Germany: Baltic Sea
      • 003 Germany: Inland
      • 004 Germany: unspecified maritime coastal area
      • 005 Amrum
      • 006 Andernach
      • 007 Anklam
      • 008 Baltrum
      • 009 Beidenfleth
      • 00a Bendorf/Rhein
      • 00b Bensersiel
      • 00c Berlin
      • 00d Berndshof
      • 00e Borkum
      • 00f Bottrop
      • 00g Brake
      • 00h Braunschweig
      • 00i Bremen
      • 00j Bremerhaven
      • 00k Brunsbüttel
      • 00l Burgstaaken/Fehmarn
      • 00m Büsum
      • 00n Bützfleth
      • 00o Carolinensiel
      • 00p Cuxhaven
      • 00q Dagebüll
      • 00r Demmin
      • 00s Dortmund
      • 00t Duisburg
      • 00u Düsseldorf
      • 00v Eckernförde
      • 00w Emden
      • 00x Emmelsum
      • 00y Esens
      • 00z Flensburg
      • 010 Föhr
      • 011 Frankfurt am Main
      • 012 Gelsenkirchen
      • 013 Glückstadt
      • 014 Godorf
      • 015 Greifswald
      • 016 Gröde
      • 017 Hamburg
      • 018 Hanau
      • 019 Heiligenhafen
      • 01a Helgoland
      • 01b Hildesheim
      • 01c Hooksiel
      • 01d Husum
      • 01e Ibbenbüren
      • 01f Itzehoe
      • 01g Juist
      • 01h Kappeln
      • 01i Kiel
      • 01j Köln
      • 01k Krefeld
      • 01l Langeoog
      • 01m Leer
      • 01n Lingen
      • 01o List/Sylt
      • 01p Lubmin
      • 01q Lübeck
      • 01r Lülsdorf
      • 01s Lünen
      • 01t Magdeburg
      • 01u Meppen
      • 01v Minden
      • 01w Mülheim an der Ruhr
      • 01x Nessmersiel
      • 01y Neuharlingersiel
      • 01z Neuss
      • 020 Neustadt/Holstein
      • 021 Norddeich
      • 022 Nordenham
      • 023 Norderney
      • 024 Nordstrand
      • 025 Oldenburg
      • 026 Orsoy
      • 027 Papenburg
      • 028 Peine
      • 029 Pellworm
      • 02a Putbus
      • 02b Puttgarden
      • 02c Recklinghausen
      • 02d Rendsburg
      • 02e Rheinberg-Ossenberg
      • 02f Riesa
      • 02g Rostock
      • 02h Sachsenhagen
      • 02i Salzgitter
      • 02j Sassnitz
      • 02k Spieckeroog
      • 02l Spyck
      • 02m Stade
      • 02n Stralsund
      • 02o Stuttgart
      • 02p Ueckermünde
      • 02q Venhaus
      • 02r Vierow
      • 02s Walsum
      • 02t Wangerooge
      • 02u Wedel-Schulau
      • 02v Weissenthurm
      • 02w Wesel
      • 02x Wilhelmshaven
      • 02y Wischhafen
      • 02z Wismar
      • 030 Wittmund
      • 031 Wolgast
      • 032 Germany (Elbe) - other ports
      • 033 Germany (offshore installations - North Sea) - other ports
      • 034 Germany (North Sea) - other ports
      • 035 Germany (offshore installations - Baltic Sea) - other ports
      • 036 Germany - other inland ports
      • 037 Germany (unknown maritime coastal area) - other ports