EU level - top 10 extra-EU partner countries by gross weight of goods handled in EU main ports
methods, notes and classification
- Maritime entity (partner)
- 00 Norway
- 01 United Kingdom
- 02 Türkiye
- 03 Russia
- 04 Algeria
- 05 Egypt
- 06 Morocco
- 07 Nigeria
- 08 South Africa
- 09 Brazil
- 0a Canada
- 0b United States
- 0c China (except Hong Kong)
- 0d Saudi Arabia
- 0e Singapore
- Unit of measure
- 00 Thousand tonnes
- 01 Sum of the last 4 quarters (in thousand tonnes)
- 02 Rolling 4-quarter growth rate
- 03 Growth rate on previous period (t/t-1)
- 04 Growth rate on the same quarter in previous year