******************************************************************************** * * * Deutsche Bundesbank * * Frankfurt Time Series Database * * -------------------- * * * * Internet-/CD-ROM-/DVD-Production: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** Classification plan for statistics: Monthly Report, Statistical Section Structure of series code: XXXXXX / XXX Sub-code : 1 XXXXXX... Table 2 ......XXX free numbering Sub-code 1 : Table ---------- I. I Key economic data for the euro area b005 1 Monetary developments and interest rates 1 be05 1 Monetary developments and interest rates 2 b005 2 External transactions and positions 1 be05 2 External transactions and positions 2 b006 3 General economic indicators 1 b007 3 General economic indicators 2 be06 3 General economic indicators 3 be07 3 General economic indicators 4 II. II Overall monetary survey in the euro area b00809 1. The money stock and its counterparts 1 be0809 1. The money stock and its counterparts 2 b01011 2 Consolidated balance sheet of monetary financial institutions (MFIs) 1 b01213 2 Consolidated balance sheet of monetary financial institutions (MFIs) 2 be1011 2 Consolidated balance sheet of monetary financial institutions (MFIs) 3 be1213 2 Consolidated balance sheet of monetary financial institutions (MFIs) 4 b01415 3 Liquidity position of the banking system 1 be1415 3 Liquidity position of the banking system 2 III. III Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem b01617 1 Assets 1 be1617 1 Assets 2 b01819 2 Liabilities 1 be1819 2 Liabilities 2 IV. IV Banks b02021 1 Assets and liabilities of monetary financial institutions (excluding the Bundesbank) in Germany 1 b02223 1 Assets and liabilities of monetary financial institutions (excluding the Bundesbank) in Germany 2 be2021 1 Assets and liabilities of monetary financial institutions (excluding the Bundesbank) in Germany 3 be2223 1 Assets and liabilities of monetary financial institutions (excluding the Bundesbank) in Germany 4 b02425 2 Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany, by category of banks 1 be2425 2 Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany, by category of banks 2 b02627 3 Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-.á-vis residents 1 be2627 3 Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-.á-vis residents 2 b02829 4 Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-.á-vis non-residents 1 be2829 4 Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-.á-vis non-residents 2 b03031 5 Lending by banks (MFIs) in Germany to domestic non-banks (non-MFIs) 1 be3031 5 Lending by banks (MFIs) in Germany to domestic non-banks (non-MFIs) 2 b03233 6 Lending by banks (MFIs) in Germany to domestic enterprises and households, housing loans, sectors of economic activity 1 be3233 6 Lending by banks (MFIs) in Germany to domestic enterprises and households, housing loans, sectors of economic activity 2 b03435 7 Deposits of domestic non-banks (non-MFIs) at banks (MFIs) in Germany 1 be3435 7 Deposits of domestic non-banks (non-MFIs) at banks (MFIs) in Germany 2 b03637 8 Deposits of domestic households and non-profit institutions at banks (MFIs) in Germany. 1 be3637 8 Deposits of domestic households and non-profit institutions at banks (MFIs) in Germany. 2 b03637 9 Deposits of domestic government at banks (MFIs) in Germany, by creditor group 1 be3637 9 Deposits of domestic government at banks (MFIs) in Germany, by creditor group 2 b038 10 Savings deposits and bank savings bonds of banks (MFIs) in Germany sold to non-banks (non-MFIs) 1 be38 10 Savings deposits and bank savings bonds of banks (MFIs) in Germany sold to non-banks (non-MFIs) 2 b038 11 Debt securities and money market paper outstanding of banks (MFIs) in Germany 1 be38 11 Debt securities and money market paper outstanding of banks (MFIs) in Germany 2 b039 12 Building and loan associations (MFIs) in Germany 1 be39 12 Building and loan associations (MFIs) in Germany 2 b04041 13 Assets and liabilities of the foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries of German banks (MFIs) 1 be4041 13 Assets and liabilities of the foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries of German banks (MFIs) 2 V. V Minimum reserves b042 1 Reserve ratios 1 be42 1 Reserve ratios 2 b042 2 Reserve maintenance in Germany up to the end of 1998 1 be42 2 Reserve maintenance in Germany up to the end of 1998 2 b042 3 Reserve maintenance in the euro area 1 be42 3 Reserve maintenance in the euro area 2 VI. VI Interest rates b043 1 - 4 ECB interest rates, base rates, eurosystem monetary policy operations allotted through tenders, Money market rates (by month) 1 be43 1 - 4 ECB interest rates, base rates, eurosystem monetary policy operations allotted through tenders, Money market rates (by month) 2 b044 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 44 to 45 1 b045 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 44 to 45 2 be44 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 44 to 45 3 be45 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 44 to 45 4 b046 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 46 to 47 1 b047 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 46 to 47 2 be46 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 46 to 47 3 be47 5 Interest rates and volumes for outstanding amounts and new business of German banks (MFIs), page 46 to 47 4 VII. VII Insurance corporations and pension funds b048 1 Assets 1 be48 1 Assets 2 b049 2 Liabilities 1 be49 2 Liabilities 2 VIII. VIII Capital market b050 1 Sales and purchases of debt securities and shares in Germany 1 be50 1 Sales and purchases of debt securities and shares in Germany 2 b051 2 Sales of debt securities issued by residents 1 be51 2 Sales of debt securities issued by residents 2 b052 3 Amounts outstanding of debt securities issued by residents 1 be52 3 Amounts outstanding of debt securities issued by residents 2 b052 3 Shares in circulation issued by residents 1 be52 3 Shares in circulation issued by residents 2 b053 4 Yields and indices on German securities 1 be53 4 Yields and indices on German securities 2 b053 5 Sales and purchases of mutual fund shares in Germany 1 be53 5 Sales and purchases of mutual fund shares in Germany 2 IX. IX Financial accounts b054 1 Acquisition of financial assets and financing of non-financial corporations 1 be54 1 Acquisition of financial assets and financing of non-financial corporations 2 b055 2 Financial assets and liabilities of non-financial corporations 1 be55 2 Financial assets and liabilities of non-financial corporations 2 X. X Public finances in Germany b058 1 General government: deficit and debt level as defined in the Maastricht Treaty 1 be58 1 General government: deficit and debt level as defined in the Maastricht Treaty 2 b058 2 General government: revenue, expenditure and financial deficit/surplus as shown in the national accounts 1 be58 2 General government: revenue, expenditure and financial deficit/surplus as shown in the national accounts 2 b059 3 General government: budgetary development 1 be59 3 General government: budgetary development 2 b059 4 Central, state and local government: budgetary development 1 be59 4 Central, state and local government: budgetary development 2 b060 5 Central, state and local government: tax revenue 1 be60 5 Central, state and local government: tax revenue 2 b060 6 Central, state government and European Union: tax revenue, by type 1 be60 6 Central, state government and European Union: tax revenue, by type 2 b061 7 Central, state and local government: individual taxes 1 be61 7 Central, state and local government: individual taxes 2 b061 8 German pension insurance scheme: budgetary development and assets 1 be61 8 German pension insurance scheme: budgetary development and assets 2 b062 9 Federal Employment Agency: budgetary development 1 be62 9 Federal Employment Agency: budgetary development 2 b062 10 Statutory health insurance scheme: budgetary development 1 be62 10 Statutory health insurance scheme: budgetary development 2 b063 11 Statutory long-term care insurance scheme: budgetary development 1 be63 11 Statutory long-term care insurance scheme: budgetary development 2 b063 12 Central government: borrowing in the market 1 be63 12 Central government: borrowing in the market 2 b063 13 Central, state and local government: debt by creditors 1 be63 13 Central, state and local government: debt by creditors 2 b064 14 Central, state and local government: debt by category 1 be64 14 Central, state and local government: debt by category 2 XI. XI Economic conditions in Germany b065 1 Origin and use of domestic product, distribution and national income 1 be65 1 Origin and use of domestic product, distribution and national income 2 b066 2 Output in the production sector 1 be66 2 Output in the production sector 2 b067 3 Orders received by industry 1 be67 3 Orders received by industry 2 b068 4 Orders received by construction 1 be68 4 Orders received by construction 2 b068 5 Retail trade turnover, sales of motor vehicles 1 be68 5 Retail trade turnover, sales of motor vehicles 2 b069 6 Labour market 1 be69 6 Labour market 2 b070 7 Prices 1 be70 7 Prices 2 b071 8 Households income 1 be71 8 Households income 2 b071 9 Negotiated pay rates (overall economy) 1 be71 9 Negotiated pay rates (overall economy) 2 b072 10 Assets, equity and liabilities of listed non-financial groups 1 be72 10 Assets, equity and liabilities of listed non-financial groups 2 b073 11 Revenues and operating income of listed non-financial groups 1 be73 11 Revenues and operating income of listed non-financial groups 2 XII. XII External sector b074 1 Major items of the balance of payments of the euro area 1 be74 1 Major items of the balance of payments of the euro area 2 b075 2 Major items of the balance of payments of the Federal Republic of Germany 1 be75 2 Major items of the balance of payments of the Federal Republic of Germany 2 b076 3 Foreign trade (special trade) of the Federal Republic of Germany, by country and group of countries 1 be76 3 Foreign trade (special trade) of the Federal Republic of Germany, by country and group of countries 2 b077 4 Services and Primary of the Federal Republic of Germany 1 be77 4 Services and Primary of the Federal Republic of Germany 2 b077 5 Secondary income of the Federal Republic of Germany 1 be77 5 Secondary income of the Federal Republic of Germany 2 b077 6 Capital account of the Federal Republic of Germany 1 be77 6 Capital account of the Federal Republic of Germany 2 b078 7 Financial account of the Federal Republic of Germany 1 be78 7 Financial account of the Federal Republic of Germany 2 b079 8 External position of the Bundesbank since the beginning of European monetary union 1 be79 8 External position of the Bundesbank since the beginning of European monetary union 2 b080 9 Assets and liabilities of enterprises in Germany (other than banks) vis-.á-vis non-residents 1 be80 9 Assets and liabilities of enterprises in Germany (other than banks) vis-.á-vis non-residents 2 b081 10 Euro foreign exchange refrence rates of selected countries 1 be81 10 Euro foreign exchange refrence rates of selected countries 2 b081 11 Euro-area member states and irrevocable euro conversion rates in the third stage of European Economic and Monetary Union 1 be81 11 Euro-area member states and irrevocable euro conversion rates in the third stage of European Economic and Monetary Union 2 b082 12 Effective exchange rates of the euro and indicators of the price competitiveness of the German economy 1 be82 12 Effective exchange rates of the euro and indicators of the price competitiveness of the German economy 2