Macroeconomic imbalance procedure - Statistical annex indicators
methods, notes and classification
- Macroeconomic imbalance procedure indicators
- 00 Current account balance - % of GDP, 3 years average
- 01 Current account balance - % of GDP
- 02 Net international investment position - % of GDP
- 03 Real effective exchange rate, 42 trading partners - 1 year % change
- 04 Real effective exchange rate, 42 trading partners - 3 years % change
- 05 Export market shares - 5 years % change
- 06 Export market shares - 1 year % change
- 07 Nominal unit labour cost index - 3 years % change
- 08 Nominal unit labour cost index - 1 year % change
- 09 House price index, deflated - 1 year % change
- 0a Private sector credit flow, consolidated - % of GDP
- 0b Private sector credit flow, non-consolidated - % of GDP
- 0c Private sector debt, consolidated - % of GDP
- 0d General government sector debt - % of GDP
- 0e Total financial sector liabilities, non-consolidated - 1 year % change
- 0f Total financial sector liabilities, non-consolidated - million of national currency
- 0g Unemployment rate - 3 years average
- 0h Unemployment rate - %
- 0i Real gross domestic product (GDP) - 1 year % change
- 0j Gross fixed capital formation - % of GDP
- 0k Gross domestic expenditure on R&D - % of GDP
- 0l Net Lending / Borrowing - % of GDP
- 0m Net external debt - % of GDP
- 0n Direct investment liabilities (flows) - % of GDP
- 0o Direct investment liabilities (stocks) - % of GDP
- 0p Net trade balance of energy products - % of GDP
- 0q Real effective exchange rate, euro area trading partners - 3 years % change
- 0r Share of OECD export - 5 years % change
- 0s Terms of trade - 5 years % change
- 0t Export market share, volumes - 1 year % change
- 0u Labour productivity - 1 year % change
- 0v Nominal unit labour cost index - 10 years % change
- 0w Unit labour cost performance relative to euro area - 10 years % change
- 0x Nominal house price index - 3 years % change
- 0y Residential construction - % of GDP
- 0z Private sector debt, non-consolidated - % of GDP
- 10 Financial sector leverage (debt-to-equity) - %
- 11 Employment - 1 year % change
- 12 Activity rate (15-64 years) - % of the total population of the same age group
- 13 Activity rate (15-64 years) - % point change (t, t-3)
- 14 Long-term unemployment rate - % of active population in the same age group
- 15 Long-term unemployment rate - % of active population in the same age group, % point change (t, t-3)
- 16 Youth unemployment rate - % of active population in the same age group
- 17 Youth unemployment rate - % of active population in the same age group, % point change (t, t-3)
- 18 Young people neither in employment nor in education and training - % of total population
- 19 Young people neither in employment nor in education and training - % of total population, % point change (t, t-3)
- 1a People at risk of poverty or social exclusion - % of total population
- 1b People at risk of poverty or social exclusion - % of total population, % point change (t, t-3)
- 1c People at risk of poverty after social transferes - % of total population
- 1d People at risk of poverty after social transferes - % of total population, % point change (t, t-3)
- 1e Severely materially deprived people - % of total population
- 1f Severely materially deprived people - % of total population, % point change (t, t-3)
- 1g People living in households with very low work Intensity - % of population aged 0-59
- 1h People living in households with very low work intensity - % of population aged 0-59, % point change (t, t-3)
- 1i Gross non-performing loans, domestic and foreign entities - % of gross loans
- 1j Consolidated banking leverage, domestic and foreign entities (asset-to-equity multiple)
- 1k Net international investment position excluding non-defaultable instruments - % of GDP
- 1l Household debt, consolidated including Non-profit institutions serving households - % of GDP
- Release
- 0 Statistical annex 2012
- 1 Statistical annex 2013
- 2 Statistical annex 2014
- 3 Statistical annex 2015
- 4 Statistical annex 2016
- 5 Statistical annex 2017
- 6 Statistical annex 2018
- 7 Statistical annex 2019
- 8 Statistical annex 2020
- 9 Statistical annex 2021
- a Statistical annex 2022
- b Statistical annex 2023
- c Statistical annex 2024
- Indicator
- 0 Headline indicators
- 1 Auxiliary indicators
- 2 All indicators
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 1 Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- 2 Belgium
- 3 Bulgaria
- 4 Czechia
- 5 Denmark
- 6 Germany
- 7 Estonia
- 8 Ireland
- 9 Greece
- a Spain
- b France
- c Croatia
- d Italy
- e Cyprus
- f Latvia
- g Lithuania
- h Luxembourg
- i Hungary
- j Malta
- k Netherlands
- l Austria
- m Poland
- n Portugal
- o Romania
- p Slovenia
- q Slovakia
- r Finland
- s Sweden
- t United Kingdom