Monthly Foreign Trade Statistics - Series A
The database consist of time series shown in Parts 1,2 and 3 of the printed publication "Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade".
These data relate to the twenty-nine OECD Member countries and their country groupings.
Information on the individual time series, such as full titles, footnotes, etc. may be found in the printed publication.
Like the paper publication, this CD-ROM database includes five subjects: ╖ calculated aggregates and indicators ; ╖ volume , average value and price indices ; ╖ trade by SITC sections ; ╖ trade by partner countries ; ╖ exchange rates.
This part gives values of trade, for each OECD Member country. The series are shown both before and after adjustment for seasonal variations. These adjustments are made by the Secretariat using the X-12 method developed by the US Bureau of Census. Values for groups of countries are adjusted directly. Therefore they do not equal the sum of the adjusted series for constituent countries.
This database also contains the calculated net trade and coverage ratios.
There is considerable variation between countries in the amount of detail provided and in the classifications used. Average value indices reflect changes in the commodity composition of trade as well as pure price movement. A few countries publish prices indices which eliminate the effect of change in trade composition.
Unless otherwise stated, volume and price indices are base-weighted (Laspeyres); average value indices are current year weighted (Paasche).
Compared with the previous version, this part has been improved in two respects:
This part provides data on each country's trade classified by five major group of commodities, based on the sections of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC):
Machinery and transport equipment (SITC section 7).
Trade by partner countries
The fourth part provides data on trade of Member countries and groups of Member countries with partner countries and groups of partner countries. Economic groupings have been added to geographical groupings.
The exchange rates used to convert national currency to US$.
******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS Monthly Foreign Trade Statistics - Series A * * ------------------------------------------- * * * * Internet & DVD: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XXX / X / X / X / XXX SUB-CODES : 1 XXX...... Country 2 ...X..... Subject 3 ....X.... Flow (or Blank) 4 .....X... Type of data / Indices categories (or Blank) 5 ......XXX Type of indices / SITC sections / Partner country (or Blank) SUB-CODE 1 : Country ----------- Country groups E15 European Union (15 countries) A12 Euro area (12 countries) XEA Euro Area 12 (declaring) excluding intra EU trade (partners) X15 European Union 15 (declaring) excluding intra EU trade (partners) G7M G7 NAT NAFTA OEU OECD Europe OAO OECD - Asia Oceania OTO OECD - Total Countries AUS Australia AUT Austria BEL Belgium BLX Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union CAN Canada CHL Chile CZE Czech Republic DNK Denmark EST Estonia FIN Finland FRA France DEU Germany GRC Greece HUN Hungary ISL Iceland IRL Ireland ISR Israel ITA Italy JPN Japan KOR Korea LUX Luxembourg MEX Mexico NLD Netherlands NZL New Zealand NOR Norway POL Poland PRT Portugal SVK Slovak Republic SVN Slovenia ESP Spain SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland TUR Turkey GBR United Kingdom USA United States SUB-CODE 2 : Subject ----------- 0 Net trade and coverage ratio 1 Trade indicators in value 2 Volume, unit value and price indices: OECD base year 3 Trade in value classified by sections of SITC 4 Trade in value by partner countries 5 Exchange rates SUB-CODE 3 : Flow ----------- M Imports X Exports SUB-CODE 4 : Type of data / Indices categories ----------- R Raw data A Adjusted for seasonal variations P Price Index L Volume Index V Value Index SUB-CODE 5 : Type of variables / Type of indices / SITC sections / Partner country ----------- Type of variables 070 Coverage ratio 071 Net trade Type of indices 001 Products of agriculture, forestry, and fishing 072 Agricultural products 002 Forestry products 003 Live animals 004 Fishing 005 Mineral fuels and lubricants 006 Mineral fuels 007 Energy products 050 Energy 008 Products of food and agricultural industries 009 Food, beverages and tobacco 010 Food and beverages 011 Food 012 Beverages and tobacco 013 Animal and vegetable oils and fats 014 Chemicals and chemical products 015 Chemicals 016 Manufactured goods 017 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly material 018 Manufactured goods, excluding oil products 019 Finished manufactures 053 Petroleum products 052 Textiles and wearing apparels 020 Manufactured goods: n.e.c. 021 Industrial products 022 Inductrial products: textiles, wearing apparel and leather 023 Inductrial products: wood industry 024 Industrial products: paper industry 025 Industrial products: Metal and metal products 026 Metal products 027 Machinery and equipment 028 Machinery and transport equipment 049 Machinery 029 Investment goods 030 Investment goods: machines and devices 031 End products, inedible 032 Fabricated materials, inedible 033 Equipment goods 034 Household's equipment goods 035 Textile products 036 Consumer goods 051 Intermediate goods 037 Ore 038 Crude petroleum 039 Crude materials 040 Raw materials 041 Raw materials: industrial 042 Raw materials: building activity 043 Raw materials: textile materials 044 Raw materials: Metallic materials 045 Raw materials and semi-manufactures 046 Basic materials 047 Motor and other road vehicules 048 Total SITC sections 001 Total 002 0 + 1: Food live animal, beverages and tobacco 003 0: Food and live animal 004 1: Beverages and tobacco 005 2 + 4: Crude materials, inedible, oils and fat 006 2: Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 007 4: Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 008 3: Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 009 5 + 6 + 8 + 9: chemicals, manufactured goods 010 5: Chemicals and related products, n.e.s 011 6: Manufactured goods 012 8: Miscellaneous manufactured articles 013 9: Commodities and transactions n.e.c 014 7: Machinery and transport equipment Partner country AFR AFRICA AME AMERICA APE APEC ASE ASEAN ASI ASIA AFG Afghanistan XCB Africa n.e.s. ALB Albania DZA Algeria XCC America n.e.s. ASM American Samoa AND Andorra AGO Angola AIA Anguilla ATA Antarctica ATG Antigua and Barbuda ARG Argentina ARM Armenia ABW Aruba XCD Asia n.e.s. NAS in Asia of which AUS Australia XBA Australian Oceania AUT Austria AZE Azerbaijan BHS Bahamas BHR Bahrain BAL Baltic States BGD Bangladesh BRB Barbados BLR Belarus BEL Belgium BLZ Belize BEN Benin BMU Bermuda BTN Bhutan BOL Bolivia BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina BWA Botswana BVT Bouvet Island BRA Brazil IOT British Indian Ocean VGB British Virgin Islands XAD British Virgin Islands & Montserrat BRN Brunei Darussalam BGR Bulgaria BFA Burkina Faso BDI Burundi CEE CEEC CIS CIS KHM Cambodia CMR Cameroon CAN Canada CPV Cape Verde CAR Caribbean and Bahamas Islands CYM Cayman Islands CAF Central African Republic CAM Central America and Caribbean TCD Chad 830 Channel Islands CHL Chile CHN China TWN Chinese Tapei CXR Christmas Island (Australia) CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands COL Colombia COM Comoros COG Congo COK Cook Islands CRI Costa Rica HRV Croatia CUB Cuba CYP Cyprus CZE Czech Republic COD Democratic Republic of Congo DNK Denmark DJI Djibouti DMA Dominica DOM Dominican Republic E15 European Union (15 countries) X15 European Union 15 (declaring) excluding intra EU trade (partners) A12 Euro area (12 countries) EUR EUROPE TMP East Timor ECU Ecuador EGY Egypt SLV El Salvador GNQ Equatorial Guinea ERI Eritrea (Ethiopia) EST Estonia ETH Ethiopia XCA Europe n.e.s. NFA FAR EAST FRO Faeroe Islands FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FJI Fiji FIN Finland BUR Former Burma CSK Former Czechoslovakia PCZ Former Panama (Canal Zone) SUN Former USSR MKD Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia YUG Former Yugoslavia FRA France FRU France unspecified FRM France incl. Monaco excl. overseas GUF French Guiana PYF French Polynesia ATF French Southern Territories G7M G7 GAB Gabon GMB Gambia XAC Gaza strip GEO Georgia DEU Germany GHA Ghana GIB Gibraltar GRC Greece GRL Greenland GRD Grenada GLP Guadeloupe GUM Guam GTM Guatemala GIN Guinea GNB Guinea-Bissau GUL Gulf Arabian Countries GUY Guyana HTI Haiti HMD Heard Island and McDonald Islands HND Honduras HKG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China HUN Hungary ISL Iceland IND India IDN Indonesia IRN Iran IRQ Iraq IRL Ireland IMN Isle of Man ISR Israel ITA Italy ITU Italy unspecified CIV Ivory Coast JAM Jamaica JPN Japan JOR Jordan KAZ Kazakstan KEN Kenya KIR Kiribati KOR Korea PRK Korea, Democratic People's Republic of XKO Kosovo KWT Kuwait KGZ Kyrgyzstan LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic LVA Latvia LBN Lebanon LSO Lesotho LBR Liberia LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LIE Liechtenstein LTU Lithuania LUX Luxembourg MER MERCOSUR NMI MIDDLE EAST MAC Macao Special Administrative Region of China MDG Madagascar MWI Malawi MYS Malaysia MDV Maldives MLI Mali MLT Malta MHL Marshall Islands MTQ Martinique MRT Mauritania MUS Mauritius MYT Mayotte MEX Mexico FSM Micronesia, Federated States of MDA Moldova, Republic of MCO Monaco MNG Mongolia MNE Montenegro, Republic of MSR Montserrat MAR Morocco MOZ Mozambique MMR Myanmar (ex-Burma) NAT NAFTA NOA Non-OECD America NOS Non-OECD Asia NOE Non-OECD Europe NMM Non-OECD Middle East NMO Non-OECD Oceania and Antarctica NMC Non-OECD Oceania NAM Namibia NRU Nauru NPL Nepal NLD Netherlands ANT Netherlands Antilles NTZ Neutral zone NCL New Caledonia NZL New Zealand XBB New Zealand Oceania NIC Nicaragua NER Niger NGA Nigeria NIU Niue NFK Norfolk Island MNP Northern Mariana Islands NOR Norway NOU Norway unspecified PSE Occupied Palestinian Territory OCE OCEANIA OPA OECD ASIA AND PACIFIC O29 OECD COUNTRIES OEU OECD EUROPE OPE OPEC XCE Oceania n.e.s. XOF OECD n/e/s OMN Oman XCF Other areas n.e.s. OTU Other Former Yugoslavia PCI Pacific Islands PAK Pakistan PLW Palau XAB Palestine PAN Panama (excluding the Canal Strip) PNG Papua New Guinea PRY Paraguay PER Peru PHL Philippines PCN Pitcairn Island POL Poland PRT Portugal PRI Puerto Rico QAT Qatar REU Reunion ROU Romania RUS Russian Federation RWA Rwanda SAA SAARC SHN Saint Helena KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis LCA Saint Lucia SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines WSM Samoa SMR San Marino STP Sao Tome and Principe SAU Saudi Arabia XXX Confidential information and differences SEN Senegal SRB Serbia, Republic of SCG Serbia & Montenegro SCU Serbia & Montenegro unspecified SYC Seychelles XDA Ships' supplies SLE Sierra Leone SGP Singapore SVK Slovakia SVN Slovenia SLB Solomon Islands SOM Somalia ZAF South Africa SAM South America of which SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ESP Spain LKA Sri Lanka SDN Sudan SUR Surinam SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SWZ Swaziland SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland CHU Switzerland unspecified SYR Syrian Arab Republic TJK Tajikistan THA Thailand TLS Timor-Leste TGO Togo TKL Tokelau Islands TON Tonga TTO Trinidad and Tobago TUN Tunisia TUR Turkey TKM Turkmenistan TCA Turks et Caicos Islands TUV Tuvalu UGA Uganda UKR Ukraine ARE United Arab Emirates GBR United Kingdom TZA United Republic of Tanzania USA United States USU USA unspecified UMI United States Minor Outlying Islands VIR United States Virgin Islands UNS Unspecified URY Uruguay UZB Uzbekistan VUT Vanuatu VAT Vatican City State (Holy See) VEN Venezuela VNM Vietnam WLF Wallis and Futuna Islands XBD West Indies ESH Western Sahara XBD West Indies WLD World XAB XAB YEM Yemen ZMB Zambia ZWE Zimbabwe XMB Zone: Africa XMD Zone: Asia ARC Zone: Central America XNA Zone: North America XSA Zone: South America XMF Zone: Central and South America XMA Zone: Europe XME Zone: Oceania XAN Zone: Antarctica Important note: --------------- Data published are expressed as monthly averages. Quarterly and annual data are calculated as averages of monthly figures!