Balance sheets for non-financial assets
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- 00 Current prices, million euro
- 01 Current prices, million units of national currency
- Sector
- 00 Total economy
- 01 Non-financial corporations
- 02 Financial corporations
- 03 General government
- 04 Households; non-profit institutions serving households
- Assets (ESA 2010)
- 00 Produced non-financial assets (net)
- 01 Fixed assets and inventories (net)
- 02 Total fixed assets (net)
- 03 Dwellings (net)
- 04 Other buildings and structures (net)
- 05 Buildings other than dwellings (net)
- 06 Other structures (net)
- 07 Machinery and equipment and weapons systems (net)
- 08 Cultivated biological resources (net)
- 09 Intellectual property products (net)
- 0a Research and development (net)
- 0b Mineral exploration and evaluation (net)
- 0c Computer software and databases (net)
- 0d Entertainment, literary or artistic originals (net)
- 0e Other intellectual property products (net)
- 0f Inventories (net)
- 0g Valuables (net)
- 0h Non-produced non-financial assets (net)
- 0i Natural resources (net)
- 0j Land (net)
- 0k Mineral and energy reserves (net)
- 0l Non-cultivated biological resources and water resources (net)
- 0m Other natural resources (net)
- 0n Contracts, leases and licences (net)
- 0o Purchases less sales of goodwill and marketing assets (net)
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 Belgium
- 001 Bulgaria
- 002 Czechia
- 003 Denmark
- 004 Germany
- 005 Estonia
- 006 Ireland
- 007 Greece
- 008 Spain
- 009 France
- 00a Croatia
- 00b Italy
- 00c Cyprus
- 00d Latvia
- 00e Lithuania
- 00f Luxembourg
- 00g Hungary
- 00h Malta
- 00i Netherlands
- 00j Austria
- 00k Poland
- 00l Portugal
- 00m Romania
- 00n Slovenia
- 00o Slovakia
- 00p Finland
- 00q Sweden
- 00r Norway
- 00s United Kingdom