Financial accounts: counterpart information -- annual data
methods, notes and classification
- Stock or flow
- Counterpart sector
- 00 Total economy
- 01 Non-financial corporations
- 02 Financial corporations
- 03 General government
- 04 Households; non-profit institutions serving households
- 05 Rest of the world
- Sector
- 00 Total economy
- 01 Non-financial corporations
- 02 Financial corporations
- 03 General government
- 04 Households; non-profit institutions serving households
- National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- 00 Total financial assets/liabilities
- 01 Net acquisition of financial assets/net incurrence of liabilities
- 02 Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)
- 03 Monetary gold
- 04 Special drawing rights (SDRs)
- 05 Currency and deposits
- 06 Currency
- 07 Transferable deposits
- 08 Other deposits
- 09 Debt securities
- 0a Short-term debt securities
- 0b Long-term debt securities
- 0c Loans
- 0d Short-term - loans
- 0e Long-term - loans
- 0f Equity and investment fund shares
- 0g Equity
- 0h Listed shares
- 0i Unlisted shares
- 0j Other equity
- 0k Investment fund shares/units
- 0l Money market fund shares /units
- 0m Non-Money market fund shares/units
- 0n Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantees
- 0o Non-life insurance technical reserves
- 0p Life insurance and annuity entitlements
- 0q Pension entitlements
- 0r Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
- 0s Claims of pension funds on pension managers
- 0t Entitlements to non-pension benefits
- 0u Provisions for calls under standardised guarantees
- 0v Financial derivatives and employee stock options
- 0w Financial derivatives
- 0x Employee stock options
- 0y Other accounts receivable/payable
- 0z Trade credits and advances
- 10 Other accounts receivable/payable, excluding trade credits and advances
- 11 Net financial transactions
- 12 Financial net worth
- Financial position
- Unit of measure
- 00 Million euro
- 01 Million units of national currency
- 02 Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
- 03 Percentage change on previous period
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 Belgium
- 001 Bulgaria
- 002 Estonia
- 003 Greece
- 004 Spain
- 005 France
- 006 Latvia
- 007 Lithuania
- 008 Luxembourg
- 009 Hungary
- 00a Malta
- 00b Austria
- 00c Portugal
- 00d Finland