Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance - annual data
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- 00 Million euro
- 01 Million units of national currency
- 02 Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
- Pension scheme
- 0 Pension schemes (core and not core accounts)
- 1 Private pension schemes
- 2 Private defined contribution schemes
- 3 Private defined benefit schemes
- 4 Defined benefit schemes for general government employees classified in financial corporations
- 5 Defined contribution schemes of general government (core accounts)
- 6 Defined benefit schemes for general government employees classified in general government (core accounts)
- 7 Defined benefit schemes for general government employees classified in general government (not in core accounts)
- 8 Social security pension schemes (not in core accounts)
- 9 Counterparts: resident households
- a Counterparts: non-resident households
- b Private/Funded entitlements
- c Unfunded entitlements
- National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- 00 Pension entitlements in opening balance sheet
- 01 Net pension contributions
- 02 Employers' actual pension contributions
- 03 Employers' imputed pension contributions
- 04 Households' actual pension contributions
- 05 Households' pension contributions supplements
- 06 Minus: pension insurance scheme service charges
- 07 Other (actuarial) change of pension entitlements in social security pension schemes
- 08 Social insurance pension benefits
- 09 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
- 0a Transfers of pension entitlements between scheme
- 0b Change in pension entitlements due to negotiated changes in scheme structure
- 0c Changes due to other changes in volume
- 0d Changes due to revaluations
- 0e Pension entitlements in closing balance sheet
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 Belgium
- 001 Bulgaria
- 002 Czechia
- 003 Denmark
- 004 Germany
- 005 Estonia
- 006 Ireland
- 007 Greece
- 008 Spain
- 009 France
- 00a Croatia
- 00b Italy
- 00c Cyprus
- 00d Latvia
- 00e Lithuania
- 00f Luxembourg
- 00g Hungary
- 00h Malta
- 00i Netherlands
- 00j Austria
- 00k Poland
- 00l Portugal
- 00m Romania
- 00n Slovenia
- 00o Slovakia
- 00p Finland
- 00q Sweden
- 00r Iceland
- 00s Norway
- 00t Switzerland
- 00u United Kingdom