Supply and transformation of oil - monthly data
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Products
- 0 Crude oil, NGLs, feedstocks, additives/oxygenates and other hydrocarbons (blended with bio components)
- 1 Crude oil (without NGL)
- 2 Natural gas liquids (NGL)
- 3 Refinery feedstocks
- 4 Additives/oxygenates (blended with bio components)
- 5 Other hydrocarbons
- 6 Of which: biofuels (3192A)
- 7 Total products (blended with bio components)
- 8 Refinery gas
- 9 Ethane
- a Liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
- b Gasoline (without bio components)
- c Total motor gasoline (blended with bio components)
- d Aviation gasoline
- e Other kerosene
- f Gasoline type jet fuel
- g Kerosene type jet fuel (without bio components)
- h Total kerosene type jet fuel (blended with bio components)
- i Naphtha
- j Gas/diesel oil (without bio components)
- k Total gas/diesel oil (blended with bio components)
- l Road diesel (blended with bio components)
- m Heating and other gas oil (blended with bio components)
- n Total fuel oil
- o Fuel oil-low sulphur (<1%)
- p =1%)
- q Petroleum coke
- r Other products
- s Biogasoline
- t Biodiesels
- u Bio jet kerosene
- Energy indicator
- 0 Primary production
- 1 Primary product receipts
- 2 Direct use (Crude Oil & NGL)
- 3 Direct use
- 4 Primary product receipts (Crude oil & NGL)
- 5 From Other Sources
- 6 Recycled products
- 7 Imports
- 8 Exports
- 9 Stock Changes
- a International Marine Bunkers
- b Gross inland consumption
- c Transformation input in Refineries
- d Transformation output from Refineries
- e Interproduct transfers
- f Products transferred
- g Consumption in Petroleum Refineries
- h Backflows from Petrochemical Sector to Refineries
- i Deliveries of Automotive LPG
- j Deliveries to Main Activity Producer Power Plants
- k Gross Deliveries to Petrochemical Sector
- l Gross Inland Deliveries Observed
- m Memo Item: Refinery Losses
- n Memo Items:7 Deliveries to International Aviation
- o Gross inland deliveries (calculated)
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 00 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 01 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- 02 European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)
- 03 Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015)
- 04 Belgium
- 05 Bulgaria
- 06 Czechia
- 07 Denmark
- 08 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 09 Estonia
- 0a Ireland
- 0b Greece
- 0c Spain
- 0d France
- 0e Croatia
- 0f Italy
- 0g Cyprus
- 0h Latvia
- 0i Lithuania
- 0j Luxembourg
- 0k Hungary
- 0l Malta
- 0m Netherlands
- 0n Austria
- 0o Poland
- 0p Portugal
- 0q Romania
- 0r Slovenia
- 0s Slovakia
- 0t Finland
- 0u Sweden
- 0v Iceland
- 0w Norway
- 0x United Kingdom
- 0y Montenegro
- 0z North Macedonia
- 10 Albania
- 11 Turkey