Use of renewables for heating and cooling - details
methods, notes and classification
- Standard international energy product classification (SIEC)
- 00 Total
- 01 Renewables and biofuels
- 02 Geothermal
- 03 Solar thermal
- 04 Ambient heat (heat pumps)
- 05 Primary solid biofuels
- 06 Charcoal
- 07 Bioliquids
- 08 Pure bioliquids
- 09 Sustainable bioliquids
- 0a Sustainable pure bioliquids
- 0b Sustainable blended bioliquids (only bio-part)
- 0c Sustainable bioliquids from non-food sources
- 0d Sustainable pure bioliquids from non-food sources
- 0e Sustainable blended bioliquids (only bio-part) from non-food sources
- 0f Biogases
- 0g Blended biogases
- 0h Renewable municipal waste
- Energy balance
- 00 Primary production - Renewable Energy Directive
- 01 Final consumption - industry and other sectors - energy use
- 02 Gross heat production - Renewable Energy Directive
- 03 Gross final consumption - heating and cooling - energy use
- 04 Share of biogas - grid
- 05 Biogas - grid - transport
- 06 Biogas - grid - adjusted share
- Unit of measure
- 00 Thousand tonnes of oil equivalent
- 01 Terajoule (gross calorific value - GCV)
- 02 Percentage
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- 002 Belgium
- 003 Bulgaria
- 004 Czechia
- 005 Denmark
- 006 Germany
- 007 Estonia
- 008 Ireland
- 009 Greece
- 00a Spain
- 00b France
- 00c Croatia
- 00d Italy
- 00e Cyprus
- 00f Latvia
- 00g Lithuania
- 00h Luxembourg
- 00i Hungary
- 00j Malta
- 00k Netherlands
- 00l Austria
- 00m Poland
- 00n Portugal
- 00o Romania
- 00p Slovenia
- 00q Slovakia
- 00r Finland
- 00s Sweden
- 00t Iceland
- 00u Norway
- 00v United Kingdom
- 00w Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 00x Montenegro
- 00y Moldova
- 00z North Macedonia
- 010 Georgia
- 011 Albania
- 012 Serbia
- 013 Türkiye
- 014 Kosovo*