Standard international energy product classification (SIEC)
00 Total
01 Renewables and biofuels
02 Liquid biofuels
03 Sustainable biofuels
04 Sustainable biofuels Annex IX
05 Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A
06 Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (a) - from algae
07 Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (b) - from biomass in mixed municipal waste
08 Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (c) - from biowaste
09 Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (d) - from biomass in industrial waste
0a Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (e) - from straw
0b Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (f) - from animal manure and sewage sludge
0c Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (g) - from palm oil effluent and empty palm fruit bunches
0d Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (h) - from tall oil pitch
0e Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (i) - from crude glycerine
0f Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (j) - from bagasse
0g Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (k) - from grape marcs and wine lees
0h Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (l) - from nut shells
0i Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (m) - from husks
0j Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (n) - from cobs cleaned of kernels of corn
0k Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (o) - from biomass fraction of wastes and residues from forestry and forest-based industries
0l Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (p) - from other non-food cellulosic material - article 2 second paragraph point (s)
0m Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (q) - from other ligno-cellulosic material - article 2 second paragraph point (r) except saw logs and veneer logs
0n Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (r) - from renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin
0o Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (s) - from carbon capture and utilisation for transport purposes, if the energy source is renewable - article 2 second paragraph point (a)
0p Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part A (t) - from bacteria, if the energy source is renewable - article 2 second paragraph point (a)
0q Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part B
0r Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part B (a) - from used cooking oil
0s Sustainable biofuels Annex IX, Part B (b) - from animal fats classified as categories 1 and 2 (Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009)
0t Sustainable biofuels 3(4)d first paragraph - from cereal and other starch-rich crops, sugars and oil crops and from crops grown as main crops primarily for energy purposes on agricultural land
0u Sustainable biofuels 3(4)d third paragraph, subsection (i) and (ii)
0v Sustainable biofuels - other
0w Grandfathered biofuels
0x Sustainable biofuels from food and feed crops
0y Sustainable biofuels from food and feed crops - non-high indirect land use change-risk
0z Biogases
10 Blended biogases
11 Biogases in the grid allocated based on sustainability certificates
12 Electricity
13 Electricity - renewable
14 Electricity - non-renewable
15 Hydrogen of renewable origin
16 Synthetic fuels of renewable origin
17 Recycled carbon fuels
Energy balance
00 Final consumption - transport sector - energy use - Renewable Energy Directive
01 Final consumption - transport sector - road - energy use - Renewable Energy Directive
02 Final consumption - transport sector - road - energy use - direct transmission line - Renewable Energy Directive
03 Final consumption - transport sector- road - energy use - grid - Renewable Energy Directive
04 Final consumption - transport sector - rail - energy use - Renewable Energy Directive
05 Final consumption - transport sector - maritime - energy use - Renewable Energy Directive
06 Final consumption - transport sector - aviation - energy use - Renewable Energy Directive
07 Final consumption - other transport sector- energy use - Renewable Energy Directive
08 Energy sector - manufacturing of non-biological fuels of renewable origin used in transport - energy use
09 Gross final consumption - transport - energy use - without multipliers
0a Gross final consumption - transport - energy use - with multipliers
0b 7% limit - transport target
0c Biofuels contribution - 7% limit - transport
0d Share of biofuels from food sources
0e Share of advanced biofuels and biogas from Annex IX Part A in final energy consumption in transport
0f Share of advanced biofuels and biogas from Annex IX Part B in final energy consumption in transport
0g Share of high indirect land use change-risk bioliquids, biofuels and biomass fuels for transport target
0h Statistical transfers between Member States - transport