DATA_DESCR Monthly data on main flows in supply side of crude oil and selected oil products measured in 1000 tons. Data collection covers the full spectrum of the 27 Member States of the European Union, Norway, and the Candidate Countries Croatia and Turkey.
CLASS_SYSTEM Energy statistics is an integral part of the European system of statistics. Therefore, they rely heavily on classifications and nomenclatures developed in other fields while classifications proper to the Energy statistics are fully harmonised with the classifications used in other fields of the European system of statistics.
STAT_CONC_DEF The measurement of energy quantities produced, imported, exported, transformed and delivered for consumption.
STAT_UNIT Energy quantities are at national level.
STAT_POP Not available.
REF_AREA Series cover EU Member States and Candidate Countries (except FYROM and Montenegro), and Norway. The EU-27 and the Euro area totals are also shown.
BASE_PER Not Applicable.
UNIT_MEASURE Basic data are on energy quantities expressed in fuel specific units e.g. in thousand tonnes.