methods, notes and classification OECD Historical Statistics methods, notes and classification

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    1   XXX......   Country
    2   ...X.....   Table
    3   ....XXX..   Variable
    4   .......X.   Measure or Blank
    5   ........X   Blank

SUB-CODE  1 : Country

          AUS Australia
          AUT Austria
          BEL Belgium
          CAN Canada
          CZE Czech Republic
          DNK Denmark                                                                     
          E15 Eu15                                                                        
          E11 Euro Zone                                                                   
          FIN Finland
          FRA France                                                                      
          DEU Germany                                                                     
          GRC Greece                                                                      
          HUN Hungary                                                                     
          ISL Iceland                                                                     
          IRL Ireland                                                                     
          ITA Italy                                                                       
          JPN Japan                                                                       
          KOR Korea                                                                       
          LUX Luxembourg                                                                  
          MEX Mexico                                                                      
          NAF Nafta                                                                       
          NLD Netherlands                                                                 
          NZL New Zealand                                                                 
          NOR Norway                                                                      
          OTH Oecd Less High Inflation                                                    
          OTO Oecd Total                                                                  
          POL Poland                                                                      
          PRT Portugal
          SVK Slovak Republic                                                             
          ESP Spain                                                                       
          SWE Sweden                                                                      
          CHE Switzerland                                                                 
          TUR Turkey
          GBR United Kingdom                                                              
          USA United States

SUB-CODE  2 : Table
            1 Main aggregates of the national accounts, benchmark data for 2000
            2 Major components of the population and labour force, 2000, in millions
            3 Exchange rates, 1970-2000, units per US $
            4 Year to year percentage changes in selected economic variables
            5 Structure or composition of certain economic aggregates (percentage ratios or
            6 Value of foreign trade by SITC section (in millions)
            7 Foreign trade by partner group, and by SITC section (percentage distributoin)

SUB-CODE  3 : Variable

     Table 1 Main aggregates of the national accounts, benchmark data for 2000
          001 Gross domestic product: expenditure approach
          002 Gross domestic product: output approach
          003 Gross domestic product: income approach
          004 Disposable income
          005 Saving and net lending/net borrowing
          006 Gross domestic product: expenditure approach
          007 Final consumption expenditure
          008 Household final consumption expenditure
          009 Final consumption expenditure of NPISH's
          010 Government final consumption expenditure
          011 Gross capital formation
          012 Gross fixed capital formation, total
          013 Changes in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables
          014 External balance of goods and services
          015 Exports of goods and services
          016 Imports of goods and services
          017 Statistical discrepancy
          018 Gross Domestic Product
          019 Gross domestic product: output approach
          020 Total value added at basic prices
          021 Agriculture, hunting and forestry
          022 Industry, including energy
          023 Construction
          024  Wholesale and retail trade, repairs
          025  Financial intermediation
          026 Other service activities
          027 FISIM (Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured)
          028 Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIM
          029 Taxes less subsidies on products
          030 Statistical discrepancy
          031 Gross domestic product at market prices
          032 Gross domestic product: income approach
          033 Compensation of employees
          034 Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income
          035 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
          036 Statistical discrepancy
          037 Gross domestic product
          038 Disposable income
          039 Gross domestic product
          040 Net primary incomes from the rest of the world
          041 Primary incomes receivable from the rest of the world
          042 Primary incomes payable to the rest of the world
          043 Gross national income at market prices
          044 Consumption of fixed capital
          045 Net national income at market prices
          046 Net current transfers from the rest of the world
          047 Current transfers receivable from the rest of the world
          048 Current transfers payable to the rest of the world
          049 Net national disposable income
          050 Saving and net lending/net borrowing
          051 Final consumption expenditures
          052 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension reserves funds
          053 Saving, net
          054 Net capital transfers from the rest of the world
          055 Capital transfers receivable from the rest of the world
          056 Capital transfers payable to the rest of the world
          057 Gross capital formation
          058 Acquisition less disposal of non-financial non-produced assets
          059 Consumption of fixed capital
          060 Net lending/net borrowing

     Table 2 Major components of the population and labour force, 2000, in millions
          061 Population, Total
          062 Population, Males
          063 Population, Females
          064 Population 15-64 years, Total
          065 Population 15-64 years, Males
          066 Population 15-64 years, Females
          067 Labour force, Total
          068 Labour force, Males
          069 Labour force, Females
          070 Unemployment
          071 Employment
          072 Armed forces
          073 Civilian labour force
          074 Civilian employment, Total
          075 Civilian employment, in agriculture
          076 Civilian employment, in industry
          077 Civilian employment, in manufacting
          078 Civilian employment, in services

     Table 4 Year to year percentage changes in selected economic variables
          079 Section 1. Growth of population and labour force
          080 Section 3. Growth of real GDP and productivity
          081 Section 4. Growth of real final expenditure
          082 Section 7. Price movements
          083 Section 8. Movements of hourly earnings
          084 Section 9. Domestic finance and interest rates
          085 Section 10. Foreign trade and official reserves
          086 Section 1. Growth of population and labour force,Section 1. Evolution de la population et de la population active
          087 Total population
          088 Population from 15 to 64 years
          089 Total labour force
          090 Male labour force
          091 Female labour force
          092 Total employment
          093 Civilian employment
          094 Civilian employment in agriculture
          095 Civilian employment in industry
          096 Civilian employment in manufacturing
          097 Civilian employment in services
          098 Civilian employees
          099 Section 3. Growth of real GDP and productivity
          100 Real gross domestic product (GDP)
          101 Real GDP per capita
          102 Real value added in agriculture
          103 Real value added in industry
          104 Real value added in manufacturing
          105 Real value added in services
          106 Real GDP per person employed
          107 Real value added in agriculture per person employed
          108 Real value added in industry per person employed
          109 Real value added in manufacturing per person employed
          110 Real value added in services per person employed
          111 Section 4. Growth of real final expenditure
          112 Real private final consumption expenditure
          113 Real private final consumption expenditure per capita
          114 Real gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)
          115 Real GFCF:  residential construction
          116 Real GFCF:  non-residential construction
          117 Real government final consumption expenditure
          118 Exports of goods and services:  volume
          119 Imports of goods and services:  volume
          120 Section 7. Price movements
          121 Gross domestic product:  implicit price index
          122 Final domestic demand:  implicit price index
          123 Private consumption expenditure:  implicit price index
          124 Government final consumption expenditure:  implicit price index
          125 Gross fixed capital formation:  implicit price index
          126 Residential construction:  implicit price index
          127 Non-residential construction:  implicit price index
          128 Exports of goods and services:  implicit price index
          129 Imports of goods and services:  implicit price index
          130 Consumer price indices
          131 Consumer price indices:  all items less food less energy
          132 Consumer price indices:  food
          133 Consumer price indices:  energy
          134 Producer price indices:  manufacturing
          135 Section 8. Movements of hourly earnings
          136 Hourly earnings in manufacturing
          137 Real hourly earnings in manufacturing
          138 Section 9. Domestic finance and interest rates
          139 Narrow money
          140 Real narrow money
          141 Broad money
          142 Real broad money
          143 Credit to economy
          144 Section 10. Foreign trade and official reserves
          145 Volume of imports:  goods
          146 Volume of exports:  goods
          147 Average value of imports:  goods
          148 Average value of exports:  goods
          149 Terms of trade

     Table 5 Structure or composition of certain economic aggregates
          151 Section 2. Structure of population and labour force
          152 Section 5. Industrial structure of GDP
          153 Section 6. Structure of final demand, goverment outlays, and saving
          154 Section 9. Domestic finance and interest rates
          155 Section 10. Foreign trade and official reserves
          156 Section 2. Structure of population and labour force
          157 Population from 15 to 64 years as a percentage of total population
          158 Total labour force as a percentage of total population
          159 Female labour force as a percentage of total labour force
          160 Male labour force as a percentage of male population
          161 Female labour force as a percentage of female population
          162 Total labour force as a percentage of population from 15 to 64 years
          163 Male labour force as a percentage of male population from 15 to 64 years
          164 Female labour force as a percentage of female population from 15 to 64 years
          165 Employment in agriculture as a percentage of civilian employment
          166 Employment in industry as a percentage of civilian employment
          167 Employment in manufacturing as a percentage of civilian employment
          168 Employment in services as a percentage of civilian employment
          169 Total employment as a percentage of population from 15 to 64 years
          170 Unemployment as a percentage of total labour force
          171 Male unemployment as a percentage of male labour force
          172 Female unemployment as a percentage of female labour force
          173 Male unemployment as a percentage of total unemployment
          174 Youth unemployment (less than 25 years) as a percentage of total unemployment
          175 Standardised unemployment rate
          176 Section 5. Industrial structure of GDP
          177 Value added in agriculture as a percentage of GDP
          178 Value added in industry as a percentage of GDP
          179 Value added in manufacturing as a percentage of GDP
          180 Value added in services as a percentage of GDP
          181 Section 6. Structure of final demand, goverment outlays, and saving
          182 Private final consumption expenditure as a percentage of GDP
          183 Government final consumption expenditure as a percentage of GDP
          184 Social security transfers as a percentage of GDP
          185 Current disbursements of government as a percentage of GDP
          186 Total outlays (excluding consumption of fixed capital) of government as a percentage of GDP
          187 Current receipts of government as a percentage of GDP
          188 Net lending of government as a percentage of GDP
          189 Gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP
          190 Residential construction as a percentage of GDP
          191 Non-residential construction as a percentage of GDP
          192 Exports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
          193 Imports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
          194 External balance of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
          195 Surplus on current transactions as a percentage of GDP
          196 Net saving as a percentage of GDP
          197 Gross saving as a percentage of GDP
          198 Section 9. Domestic finance and interest rates
          199 Velocity of circulation of money
          200 Nominal short-term interest rates
          201 Real short-term interest rates
          202 Nominal long-term interest rates
          203 Real long-term interest rates
          204 Section10. Ratio of official reserves to imports
          205 Ratio of official reserves to imports

     Table 6 Value of foreign trade by SITC section
          206 Total - imports
          207 Total - exports
          208 SITC 0 + 1, Food, beverages and tobacco - imports
          209 SITC 0 + 1, Food, beverages and tobacco - exports
          210 SITC 2 + 4, Crude materials excluding petroleum - imports
          211 SITC 2 + 4, Crude materials excluding petroleum - exports
          212 SITC 3, Mineral fuels - imports
          213 SITC 3, Mineral fuels - exports
          214 SITC 7, Machinery and transport equipment - imports
          215 SITC 7, Machinery and transport equipment - exports
          216 SITC 5 + 6 + 8 + 9, Other manufactured goods - imports
          217 SITC 5 + 6 + 8 + 9, Other manufactured goods - exports

     Table 7 Foreign trade by partner group, and by SITC section
          218 Section 12. Foreign trade by partner country group
          219 Section 13. Foreign trade by SITC section
          220 Section 12. Foreign trade by partner country group
          221 Total trade - OECD - imports
          222 Total trade - Non-OECD - imports
          223 Total trade - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          224 Total trade - OPEC - imports
          225 Total trade - CEEC & CIS - imports
          226 Total trade - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          227 Total trade - Other - imports
          228 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - imports
          229 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - imports
          230 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          231 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - imports
          232 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - imports
          233 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          234 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - imports
          235 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - imports
          236 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - imports
          237 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          238 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - imports
          239 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - imports
          240 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          241 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - imports
          242 Mineral fuels - OECD - imports
          243 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - imports
          244 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          245 Mineral fuels - OPEC - imports
          246 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - imports
          247 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          248 Mineral fuels - Other - imports
          249 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - imports
          250 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - imports
          251 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          252 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - imports
          253 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - imports
          254 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          255 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - imports
          256 Other manufactured goods - OECD - imports
          257 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - imports
          258 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          259 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - imports
          260 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - imports
          261 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          262 Other manufactured goods - Other - imports
          263 Total trade - OECD - exports
          264 Total trade - Non-OECD - exports
          265 Total trade - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          266 Total trade - OPEC - exports
          267 Total trade - CEEC & CIS - exports
          268 Total trade - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          269 Total trade - Other - exports
          270 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - exports
          271 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - exports
          272 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          273 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - exports
          274 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - exports
          275 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          276 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - exports
          277 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - exports
          278 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - exports
          279 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          280 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - exports
          281 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - exports
          282 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          283 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - exports
          284 Mineral fuels - OECD - exports
          285 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - exports
          286 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          287 Mineral fuels - OPEC - exports
          288 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - exports
          289 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          290 Mineral fuels - Other - exports
          291 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - exports
          292 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - exports
          293 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          294 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - exports
          295 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - exports
          296 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          297 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - exports
          298 Other manufactured goods - OECD - exports
          299 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - exports
          300 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          301 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - exports
          302 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - exports
          303 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          304 Other manufactured goods - Other - exports
          305 Section13. Foreign trade by SITC sections
          306 Food, beverages and tobacco - World - imports
          307 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - imports
          308 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - imports
          309 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          310 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - imports
          311 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - imports
          312 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          313 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - imports
          314 Crude materials excluding petroleum - World - imports
          315 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - imports
          316 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - imports
          317 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          318 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - imports
          319 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - imports
          320 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          321 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - imports
          322 Mineral fuels - World - imports
          323 Mineral fuels - OECD - imports
          324 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - imports
          325 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          326 Mineral fuels - OPEC - imports
          327 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - imports
          328 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          329 Mineral fuels - Other - imports
          330 Machinery and transport equipment - World - imports
          331 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - imports
          332 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - imports
          333 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          334 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - imports
          335 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - imports
          336 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          337 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - imports
          338 Other manufactured goods - World - imports
          339 Other manufactured goods - OECD - imports
          340 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - imports
          341 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - imports
          342 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - imports
          343 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - imports
          344 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
          345 Other manufactured goods - Other - imports
          346 Food, beverages and tobacco - World - exports
          347 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - exports
          348 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - exports
          349 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          350 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - exports
          351 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - exports
          352 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          353 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - exports
          354 Crude materials excluding petroleum - World - exports
          355 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - exports
          356 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - exports
          357 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          358 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - exports
          359 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - exports
          360 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          361 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - exports
          362 Mineral fuels - World - exports
          363 Mineral fuels - OECD - exports
          364 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - exports
          365 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          366 Mineral fuels - OPEC - exports
          367 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - exports
          368 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          369 Mineral fuels - Other - exports
          370 Machinery and transport equipment - World - exports
          371 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - exports
          372 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - exports
          373 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          374 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - exports
          375 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - exports
          376 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          377 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - exports
          378 Other manufactured goods - World - exports
          379 Other manufactured goods - OECD - exports
          380 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - exports
          381 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - exports
          382 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - exports
          383 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - exports
          384 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
          385 Other manufactured goods - Other - exports

SUB-CODE  4: Measure

           M Millions of national currency at current prices
           B Billions of US $ at current prices and exchange rates
           P Billions of US $ at current prices and current PPPs

Remark on table 6/7

The tables in this section are based on the OECD annual publication,
International Trade by Commodity Statistics.  This publication gives
details of the trade definitions used by the Standard International
Trade Classification (SITC Revision 3) used for classifying OECD trade
statistics, and the composition of the country groups.  Data for Germany
refer to western Germany until 1990 and to unified Germany thereafter.

In all the tables of this section, Indonesia is included in the OPEC
country group and also in the ASEAN country group.  The NAFTA country
group includes Mexico from 1990.  Venezuela is included in the OPEC
country group and also in the Andean Pact. The OECD and EU15 country
groups do not include data for Luxembourg from 1993 to 1998.

    • Table 1 Main aggregates of the national accounts, benchmark data for 2000
      • 1007 Final consumption expenditure
      • 1008 Household final consumption expenditure
      • 1009 Final consumption expenditure of NPISH's
      • 1010 Government final consumption expenditure
      • 1011 Gross capital formation
      • 1012 Gross fixed capital formation, total
      • 1013 Changes in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables
      • 1014 External balance of goods and services
      • 1015 Exports of goods and services
      • 1016 Imports of goods and services
      • 1017 Statistical discrepancy
      • 1018 Gross Domestic Product
      • 1020 Total value added at basic prices
      • 1021 Agriculture, hunting and forestry
      • 1022 Industry, including energy
      • 1023 Construction
      • 1024 Wholesale and retail trade, repairs
      • 1025 Financial intermediation
      • 1026 Other service activities
      • 1027 FISIM (Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured)
      • 1028 Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIM
      • 1029 Taxes less subsidies on products
      • 1030 Statistical discrepancy
      • 1031 Gross domestic product at market prices
      • 1033 Compensation of employees
      • 1034 Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income
      • 1035 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
      • 1036 Statistical discrepancy
      • 1037 Gross domestic product
      • 1039 Gross domestic product
      • 1040 Net primary incomes from the rest of the world
      • 1041 Primary incomes receivable from the rest of the world
      • 1042 Primary incomes payable to the rest of the world
      • 1043 Gross national income at market prices
      • 1044 Consumption of fixed capital
      • 1045 Net national income at market prices
      • 1046 Net current transfers from the rest of the world
      • 1047 Current transfers receivable from the rest of the world
      • 1048 Current transfers payable to the rest of the world
      • 1049 Net national disposable income
      • 1051 Final consumption expenditures
      • 1052 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension reserves funds
      • 1053 Saving, net
      • 1054 Net capital transfers from the rest of the world
      • 1055 Capital transfers receivable from the rest of the world
      • 1056 Capital transfers payable to the rest of the world
      • 1057 Gross capital formation
      • 1058 Acquisition less disposal of non-financial non-produced assets
      • 1059 Consumption of fixed capital
      • 1060 Net lending/net borrowing
    • Table 2 Major components of the population and labour force, 2000, in millions
      • 2061 Population, Total
      • 2062 Population, Males
      • 2063 Population, Females
      • 2064 Population 15-64 years, Total
      • 2065 Population 15-64 years, Males
      • 2066 Population 15-64 years, Females
      • 2067 Labour force, Total
      • 2068 Labour force, Males
      • 2069 Labour force, Females
      • 2070 Unemployment
      • 2071 Employment
      • 2072 Armed forces
      • 2073 Civilian labour force
      • 2074 Civilian employment, Total
      • 2075 Civilian employment, in agriculture
      • 2076 Civilian employment, in industry
      • 2077 Civilian employment, in manufacting
      • 2078 Civilian employment, in services
    • Table 3 Exchange rates, 1970-2000
      • 3 Exchange rates, units per US $
    • Table 4 Year to year percentage changes in selected economic variables
      • 4087 Total population
      • 4088 Population from 15 to 64 years
      • 4089 Total labour force
      • 4090 Male labour force
      • 4091 Female labour force
      • 4092 Total employment
      • 4093 Civilian employment
      • 4094 Civilian employment in agriculture
      • 4095 Civilian employment in industry
      • 4096 Civilian employment in manufacturing
      • 4097 Civilian employment in services
      • 4098 Civilian employees
      • 4100 Real gross domestic product (GDP)
      • 4101 Real GDP per capita
      • 4102 Real value added in agriculture
      • 4103 Real value added in industry
      • 4104 Real value added in manufacturing
      • 4105 Real value added in services
      • 4106 Real GDP per person employed
      • 4107 Real value added in agriculture per person employed
      • 4108 Real value added in industry per person employed
      • 4109 Real value added in manufacturing per person employed
      • 4110 Real value added in services per person employed
      • 4112 Real private final consumption expenditure
      • 4113 Real private final consumption expenditure per capita
      • 4114 Real gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)
      • 4115 Real GFCF: residential construction
      • 4116 Real GFCF: non-residential construction
      • 4117 Real government final consumption expenditure
      • 4118 Exports of goods and services: volume
      • 4119 Imports of goods and services: volume
      • 4121 Gross domestic product: implicit price index
      • 4122 Final domestic demand: implicit price index
      • 4123 Private consumption expenditure: implicit price index
      • 4124 Government final consumption expenditure: implicit price index
      • 4125 Gross fixed capital formation: implicit price index
      • 4126 Residential construction: implicit price index
      • 4127 Non-residential construction: implicit price index
      • 4128 Exports of goods and services: implicit price index
      • 4129 Imports of goods and services: implicit price index
      • 4130 Consumer price indices
      • 4131 Consumer price indices: all items less food less energy
      • 4132 Consumer price indices: food
      • 4133 Consumer price indices: energy
      • 4134 Producer price indices: manufacturing
      • 4136 Hourly earnings in manufacturing
      • 4137 Real hourly earnings in manufacturing
      • 4139 Narrow money
      • 4140 Real narrow money
      • 4141 Broad money
      • 4142 Real broad money
      • 4143 Credit to economy
      • 4145 Volume of imports: goods
      • 4146 Volume of exports: goods
      • 4147 Average value of imports: goods
      • 4148 Average value of exports: goods
      • 4149 Terms of trade
    • Table 5 Structure or composition of certain economic aggregates
      • 5157 Population from 15 to 64 years as a percentage of total population
      • 5158 Total labour force as a percentage of total population
      • 5159 Female labour force as a percentage of total labour force
      • 5160 Male labour force as a percentage of male population
      • 5161 Female labour force as a percentage of female population
      • 5162 Total labour force as a percentage of population from 15 to 64 years
      • 5163 Male labour force as a percentage of male population from 15 to 64 years
      • 5164 Female labour force as a percentage of female population from 15 to 64 years
      • 5165 Employment in agriculture as a percentage of civilian employment
      • 5166 Employment in industry as a percentage of civilian employment
      • 5167 Employment in manufacturing as a percentage of civilian employment
      • 5168 Employment in services as a percentage of civilian employment
      • 5169 Total employment as a percentage of population from 15 to 64 years
      • 5170 Unemployment as a percentage of total labour force
      • 5171 Male unemployment as a percentage of male labour force
      • 5172 Female unemployment as a percentage of female labour force
      • 5173 Male unemployment as a percentage of total unemployment
      • 5174 Youth unemployment (less than 25 years) as a percentage of total unemployment
      • 5175 Standardised unemployment rate
      • 5177 Value added in agriculture as a percentage of GDP
      • 5178 Value added in industry as a percentage of GDP
      • 5179 Value added in manufacturing as a percentage of GDP
      • 5180 Value added in services as a percentage of GDP
      • 5182 Private final consumption expenditure as a percentage of GDP
      • 5183 Government final consumption expenditure as a percentage of GDP
      • 5184 Social security transfers as a percentage of GDP
      • 5185 Current disbursements of government as a percentage of GDP
      • 5186 Total outlays (excluding consumption of fixed capital) of government as a percentage of GDP
      • 5187 Current receipts of government as a percentage of GDP
      • 5188 Net lending of government as a percentage of GDP
      • 5189 Gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP
      • 5190 Residential construction as a percentage of GDP
      • 5191 Non-residential construction as a percentage of GDP
      • 5192 Exports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
      • 5193 Imports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
      • 5194 External balance of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
      • 5195 Surplus on current transactions as a percentage of GDP
      • 5196 Net saving as a percentage of GDP
      • 5197 Gross saving as a percentage of GDP
      • 5199 Velocity of circulation of money
      • 5200 Nominal short-term interest rates
      • 5201 Real short-term interest rates
      • 5202 Nominal long-term interest rates
      • 5203 Real long-term interest rates
      • 5205 Ratio of official reserves to imports
    • Table 6 Value of foreign trade by SITC section
      • 6206 Total - imports
      • 6207 Total - exports
      • 6208 SITC 0 + 1, Food, beverages and tobacco - imports
      • 6209 SITC 0 + 1, Food, beverages and tobacco - exports
      • 6210 SITC 2 + 4, Crude materials excluding petroleum - imports
      • 6211 SITC 2 + 4, Crude materials excluding petroleum - exports
      • 6212 SITC 3, Mineral fuels - imports
      • 6213 SITC 3, Mineral fuels - exports
      • 6214 SITC 7, Machinery and transport equipment - imports
      • 6215 SITC 7, Machinery and transport equipment - exports
      • 6216 SITC 5 + 6 + 8 + 9, Other manufactured goods - imports
      • 6217 SITC 5 + 6 + 8 + 9, Other manufactured goods - exports
    • Table 7 Foreign trade by partner group, and by SITC section
      • 7221 Total trade - OECD - imports
      • 7222 Total trade - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7223 Total trade - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7224 Total trade - OPEC - imports
      • 7225 Total trade - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7226 Total trade - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7227 Total trade - Other - imports
      • 7228 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - imports
      • 7229 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7230 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7231 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - imports
      • 7232 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7233 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7234 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - imports
      • 7235 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - imports
      • 7236 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7237 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7238 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - imports
      • 7239 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7240 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7241 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - imports
      • 7242 Mineral fuels - OECD - imports
      • 7243 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7244 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7245 Mineral fuels - OPEC - imports
      • 7246 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7247 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7248 Mineral fuels - Other - imports
      • 7249 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - imports
      • 7250 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7251 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7252 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - imports
      • 7253 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7254 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7255 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - imports
      • 7256 Other manufactured goods - OECD - imports
      • 7257 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7258 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7259 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - imports
      • 7260 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7261 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7262 Other manufactured goods - Other - imports
      • 7263 Total trade - OECD - exports
      • 7264 Total trade - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7265 Total trade - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7266 Total trade - OPEC - exports
      • 7267 Total trade - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7268 Total trade - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7269 Total trade - Other - exports
      • 7270 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - exports
      • 7271 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7272 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7273 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - exports
      • 7274 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7275 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7276 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - exports
      • 7277 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - exports
      • 7278 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7279 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7280 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - exports
      • 7281 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7282 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7283 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - exports
      • 7284 Mineral fuels - OECD - exports
      • 7285 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7286 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7287 Mineral fuels - OPEC - exports
      • 7288 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7289 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7290 Mineral fuels - Other - exports
      • 7291 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - exports
      • 7292 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7293 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7294 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - exports
      • 7295 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7296 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7297 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - exports
      • 7298 Other manufactured goods - OECD - exports
      • 7299 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7300 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7301 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - exports
      • 7302 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7303 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7304 Other manufactured goods - Other - exports
      • 7306 Food, beverages and tobacco - World - imports
      • 7307 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - imports
      • 7308 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7309 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7310 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - imports
      • 7311 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7312 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7313 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - imports
      • 7314 Crude materials excluding petroleum - World - imports
      • 7315 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - imports
      • 7316 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7317 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7318 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - imports
      • 7319 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7320 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7321 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - imports
      • 7322 Mineral fuels - World - imports
      • 7323 Mineral fuels - OECD - imports
      • 7324 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7325 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7326 Mineral fuels - OPEC - imports
      • 7327 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7328 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7329 Mineral fuels - Other - imports
      • 7330 Machinery and transport equipment - World - imports
      • 7331 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - imports
      • 7332 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7333 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7334 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - imports
      • 7335 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7336 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7337 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - imports
      • 7338 Other manufactured goods - World - imports
      • 7339 Other manufactured goods - OECD - imports
      • 7340 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - imports
      • 7341 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - imports
      • 7342 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - imports
      • 7343 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - imports
      • 7344 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - imports
      • 7345 Other manufactured goods - Other - imports
      • 7346 Food, beverages and tobacco - World - exports
      • 7347 Food, beverages and tobacco - OECD - exports
      • 7348 Food, beverages and tobacco - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7349 Food, beverages and tobacco - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7350 Food, beverages and tobacco - OPEC - exports
      • 7351 Food, beverages and tobacco - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7352 Food, beverages and tobacco - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7353 Food, beverages and tobacco - Other - exports
      • 7354 Crude materials excluding petroleum - World - exports
      • 7355 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OECD - exports
      • 7356 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7357 Crude materials excluding petroleum - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7358 Crude materials excluding petroleum - OPEC - exports
      • 7359 Crude materials excluding petroleum - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7360 Crude materials excluding petroleum - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7361 Crude materials excluding petroleum - Other - exports
      • 7362 Mineral fuels - World - exports
      • 7363 Mineral fuels - OECD - exports
      • 7364 Mineral fuels - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7365 Mineral fuels - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7366 Mineral fuels - OPEC - exports
      • 7367 Mineral fuels - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7368 Mineral fuels - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7369 Mineral fuels - Other - exports
      • 7370 Machinery and transport equipment - World - exports
      • 7371 Machinery and transport equipment - OECD - exports
      • 7372 Machinery and transport equipment - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7373 Machinery and transport equipment - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7374 Machinery and transport equipment - OPEC - exports
      • 7375 Machinery and transport equipment - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7376 Machinery and transport equipment - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7377 Machinery and transport equipment - Other - exports
      • 7378 Other manufactured goods - World - exports
      • 7379 Other manufactured goods - OECD - exports
      • 7380 Other manufactured goods - Non-OECD - exports
      • 7381 Other manufactured goods - ASEAN & DAE - exports
      • 7382 Other manufactured goods - OPEC - exports
      • 7383 Other manufactured goods - CEEC & CIS - exports
      • 7384 Other manufactured goods - MERCOSUR & ANDEAN - exports
      • 7385 Other manufactured goods - Other - exports
    • Reporting Country
      • AUS Australia
      • AUT Austria
      • BEL Belgium
      • CAN Canada
      • CZE Czech Republic
      • DNK Denmark
      • E15 Eu15
      • E11 Euro Zone
      • FIN Finland
      • FRA France
      • DEU Germany
      • GRC Greece
      • HUN Hungary
      • ISL Iceland
      • IRL Ireland
      • ITA Italy
      • JPN Japan
      • KOR Korea
      • LUX Luxembourg
      • MEX Mexico
      • NAF Nafta
      • NLD Netherlands
      • NZL New Zealand
      • NOR Norway
      • OTH Oecd Less High Inflation
      • OTO Oecd Total
      • POL Poland
      • PRT Portugal
      • SVK Slovak Republic
      • ESP Spain
      • SWE Sweden
      • CHE Switzerland
      • TUR Turkey
      • GBR United Kingdom
      • USA United States