******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS THE OECD LABOUR MARKET STATISTICS DATABASE * * ------------------------------------------ * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : X / XX / XXXXXX SUB-CODES : 1 X........ Country 2 .XX...... Domain/Table 3 ...XXXXXX Indicator SUB-CODE 1 : Country ----------- 0 Australia 1 Austria 2 Belgium 3 Canada 4 Czech Republic 5 Denmark 6 Finland 7 France 8 Germany V West Germany 9 Greece A Hungary B Iceland C Ireland D Italy E Japan F Korea G Luxembourg I Mexico J Netherlands K New Zealand L Norway M Poland N Portugal O Slovak Republic P Spain Q Sweden R Switzerland S Turkey T United Kingdom U United States SUB-CODE 2 : Domain/Table ----------- C1. Labour force status Raw data 05 Table 8. Employment by permanency of the (main) job 06 Table 9_1. Employment (civilian) by sector (ISIC Rev 3) 07 Table 9_2. Employment (civilian) by sector (ISIC Rev 2) 08 Table 10. Average annual hours of work 09 Table 11. Distribution of employed persons by weekly usual hour bands 10 Table 12. Involuntary part-time workers 11 Table 13. Economic short-time workers 12 Table 14. Discouraged workers 13 Table 15. Unemployment by duration Derived indicators 21 Table 8. Employment by permanency of the (main) job 22 Table 9_1. Employment (civilian) by sector (ISIC revision 3) 23 Table 9_2. Employment (civilian) by broad sector 24 Table 9_3. Employment (civilian) by sector (ISIC revision 2) 25 Table 11. Distribution of employed persons by usual weekly hour bands 26 Table 12. Involuntary part-time workers 27 Table 13. Economic short-time workers 28 Table 14. Discouraged workers 29 Table 15. Unemployment by duration 30 Table 16. Standardised unemployment rates C2. Earnings, compensations, taxation of wages Raw data 31 Table 1. Percentile distribution of gross earnings 32 Table 2. Gross earnings by age group 33 Table 3. Minimum wages 34 Table 4. Compensation per employee in the total economy at current prices 35 Table 5. Compensation per employee in the total economy at constant 1995 prices 36 Table 6. Compensation per employee in the business sector at current prices 37 Table 7. Compensation per employee in the business sector at constant 1995 prices 38 Table 8. Wage rates in the total economy at current prices 39 Table 9. Wage rates in the total economy at constant 1995 prices 40 Table 10. Wage rates in the business sector at current prices 41 Table 11. Wage rates in the business sector at constant 1995 prices Derived indicators 42 Table 1. Percentile ratios of gross earnings 43 Table 2. Minimum wages 44 Table 3. Employer's contributions % of total compensation in the total economy 45 Table 4. Employer's contributions % of total compensation in the business sector 46 Table 5. Taxation of wages 1997-2000 47 Table 6. Historical tax rates 1979-2000 C3. Public expenditures/beneficiaries of labour market programs Raw data 48 Table 1. Public expenditures on labour market programs 49 Table 2. Labour market participant inflows 50 Table 3. GDP based on fiscal years 51 Table 4. Labour force data based on fiscal years Derived indicators 52 Table 1. Public expenditures on labour market programs as a percentage of GDP 53 Table 2. Labour market participant inflows C4. Gross and net unemployment benefit replacement rates 54 Table 1. Index of gross replacement rates C5. Employment protection legislation (EPL) 56 Table 1. The strictness of employment protection legislation (EPL) 57 Table 2. The strictness of employment protection for regular employment 58 Table 3. Regulation of temporary employment C6. Trade Union Density and Collective Bargaining Coverage Raw data 60 Table 1. Trade union members and number of employees Derived indicators 61 Table 1. Trade union density 62 Table 2. Collective bargaining coverage C7. Background statistics and indicators 63 Table 1. GDP at current prices 64 Table 2. GDP at constant 1995 prices 65 Table 3. Unit labour cost in the total economy 66 Table 4. Unit labour cost in the business sector 67 Table 5. GDP deflator 68 Table 6. Private consumption prices 69 Table 7. Purchasing power parities, US$ to local currency 70 Table 8. Exchange rates, US$ to local currency