Table grape vines - Area by age classes (area in ha)
methods, notes and classification
- Plantation density
- Unit of measure
- Age class
- 0 Total
- 1 Less than 3 years
- 2 From 3 to 9 years
- 3 From 10 to 19 years
- 4 20 years or over
- Fruit species and groups of varieties
- 0 Table grape vines
- 1 White table grape vines
- 2 Seedless white table grape vines
- 3 Normal white table grape vines
- 4 Red table grape vines
- 5 Seedless red table grape vines
- 6 Normal red table grape vines
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 00 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 01 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- 02 Bulgaria
- 03 Severna i yugoiztochna Bulgaria
- 04 Yugozapadna i yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria
- 05 Czechia
- 06 Denmark
- 07 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 08 Berlin
- 09 Bremen
- 0a Estonia
- 0b Ireland
- 0c Spain
- 0d Noroeste (ES)
- 0e Noreste (ES)
- 0f Comunidad de Madrid
- 0g Centro (ES)
- 0h Este (ES)
- 0i Sur (ES)
- 0j Canarias
- 0k France
- 0l Île de France
- 0m Bassin Parisien (NUTS 2013)
- 0n Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NUTS 2013)
- 0o Est (FR) (NUTS 2013)
- 0p Ouest (FR) (NUTS 2013)
- 0q Sud-Ouest (FR) (NUTS 2013)
- 0r Centre-Est (FR) (NUTS 2013)
- 0s Méditerranée (NUTS 2013)
- 0t Départements d'outre-mer (NUTS 2010)
- 0u Italy
- 0v Nord-Ovest
- 0w Nord-Est
- 0x Centro (IT)
- 0y Sud
- 0z Isole
- 10 Latvia
- 11 Lithuania
- 12 Luxembourg
- 13 Romania
- 14 Macroregiunea unu
- 15 Macroregiunea doi
- 16 Macroregiunea trei
- 17 Macroregiunea patru
- 18 Finland
- 19 Manner-Suomi
- 1a Åland
- 1b Sweden
- 1c Östra Sverige
- 1d Södra Sverige
- 1e Norra Sverige
- 1f United Kingdom
- 1g North East (UK)
- 1h North West (UK)
- 1i Yorkshire and The Humber
- 1j East Midlands (UK)
- 1k West Midlands (UK)
- 1l East of England
- 1m London
- 1n South East (UK)
- 1o South West (UK)
- 1p Wales
- 1q Scotland
- 1r Northern Ireland (UK)