Economic Outlook No 95 - June 2014 - Long-term baseline projections Country
Country: Australia [AUS]
Country: Austria [AUT]
Country: Belgium [BEL]
Country: Canada [CAN]
Country: Chile [CHL]
Country: Czech Republic [CZE]
Country: Denmark [DNK]
Country: Estonia [EST]
Country: Finland [FIN]
Country: France [FRA]
Country: Germany [DEU] Country: Greece [GRC]
Country: Hungary [HUN]
Country: Iceland [ISL]
Country: Ireland [IRL]
Country: Israel [ISR] Country: Italy [ITA]
Country: Japan [JPN]
Country: Korea [KOR]
Country: Luxembourg [LUX]
Country: Mexico [MEX]
Country: Netherlands [NLD]
Country: New Zealand [NZL]
Country: Norway [NOR]
Country: Poland [POL]
Country: Portugal [PRT]
Country: Slovak Republic [SVK]
Country: Slovenia [SVN]
Country: Spain [ESP]
Country: Sweden [SWE]
Country: Switzerland [CHE]
Country: Turkey [TUR]
Country: United Kingdom [GBR]
Country: United States [USA]
Country: Euro area (15 countries) [EA15]
Country: OECD - Total [OTO]
Country: World [WLD]
Country: Non-OECD Member Economies [NMEC]
Country: Brazil [BRA]
Country: China [CHN]
Country: India [IND]
Country: Indonesia [IDN]
Country: Russian Federation [RUS]
Country: South Africa [ZAF]
Variable: GDPD2: Gross domestic product in current PPP [GDPD2]
Variable: GDPPOP: GDP per capita in USA 2005 PPPs [GDPPOP]
Variable: GDPVTRD: Potential output of total economy, volum, in 2005 PPPs [GDPVTRD]
Variable: ITISKD: Missing english description [ITISKD]
Variable: ITISKQ: Gross capital formation, as a percentage of GDP [ITISKQ]
Variable: LABEFFSD: Labour efficiency, in 2005 PPPs [LABEFFSD]
Variable: PDTYPTD: Potential output per potential employment, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD [PDTYPTD]
Variable: SAVPGQ: Gross private savings, as a percentage of GDP [SAVPGQ]
Variable: SAVTGD: Gross national savings, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD [SAVTGD]
Variable: EXT: External sectors, trade and payments [EXT]
Variable: CBGDPR: Current account balance, as a percentage of GDP [CBGDPR]
Variable: EXCH: Exchange rate, USD per National currency [EXCH]
Variable: SUP: Supply block [SUP]
Variable: ETPT: Potential employment of the total economy [ETPT]
Variable: GAP: Output gap of the total economy [GAP]
Variable: KTPV: Productive capital stocks, volume [KTPV]
Variable: NAIRU: NAIRU - Unemployment rate with non-accelerating inflation rate [NAIRU]
Variable: EXP: Expenditure and GDP [EXP]
Variable: GDPD: Gross domestic product value at 2005 PPP USD [GDPD]
Variable: GDPVD: Gross domestic product, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD [GDPVD]
Variable: SAVTGQ: Gross national savings, per cent of GDP [SAVTGQ]
Variable: GOV: Government accounts [GOV]
Variable: GGFLQ: General government gross financial liabilities, as a percentage of GDP [GGFLQ]
Variable: NLGQ: Government net lending, as a percentage of GDP [NLGQ]
Variable: NLGQU: Underlying governement net lending as a percentage of potential GDP [NLGQU]
Variable: NLGXQU: Underlying governement primary balance as a percentage of potential GDP [NLGXQU]
Variable: MON: Monetary data [MON]
Variable: IRL: Long-term interest rate on government bonds [IRL]
Variable: PRI: Prices and deflators [PRI]
Variable: PGDP: Gross domestic product, deflator, market prices [PGDP]
Variable: PPP: Purchasing power parity, National currency per USD [PPP]
Variable: LAB: Labour markets [LAB]
Variable: POP: Population [POP]
Frequency: Annual [A]
Time: 1990 - 2060