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Economic Outlook No 95 - June 2014 - Long-term baseline projections
    Country: Australia [AUS]
    Country: Austria [AUT]
    Country: Belgium [BEL]
    Country: Canada [CAN]
    Country: Chile [CHL]
    Country: Czech Republic [CZE]
    Country: Denmark [DNK]
    Country: Estonia [EST]
    Country: Finland [FIN]
    Country: France [FRA]
    Country: Germany [DEU]
    Country: Greece [GRC]
    Country: Hungary [HUN]
    Country: Iceland [ISL]
    Country: Ireland [IRL]
    Country: Israel [ISR]
    Country: Italy [ITA]
    Country: Japan [JPN]
    Country: Korea [KOR]
    Country: Luxembourg [LUX]
    Country: Mexico [MEX]
    Country: Netherlands [NLD]
    Country: New Zealand [NZL]
    Country: Norway [NOR]
    Country: Poland [POL]
    Country: Portugal [PRT]
    Country: Slovak Republic [SVK]
    Country: Slovenia [SVN]
    Country: Spain [ESP]
    Country: Sweden [SWE]
    Country: Switzerland [CHE]
    Country: Turkey [TUR]
    Country: United Kingdom [GBR]
    Country: United States [USA]
    Country: Euro area (15 countries) [EA15]
    Country: OECD - Total [OTO]
    Country: World [WLD]
    Country: Non-OECD Member Economies [NMEC]
    Country: Brazil [BRA]
    Country: China [CHN]
    Country: India [IND]
    Country: Indonesia [IDN]
    Country: Russian Federation [RUS]
    Country: South Africa [ZAF]
    Variable: GDPD2: Gross domestic product in current PPP [GDPD2]
    Variable: GDPPOP: GDP per capita in USA 2005 PPPs [GDPPOP]
    Variable: GDPVTRD: Potential output of total economy, volum, in 2005 PPPs [GDPVTRD]
    Variable: ITISKD: Missing english description [ITISKD]
    Variable: ITISKQ: Gross capital formation, as a percentage of GDP [ITISKQ]
    Variable: LABEFFSD: Labour efficiency, in 2005 PPPs [LABEFFSD]
    Variable: PDTYPTD: Potential output per potential employment, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD [PDTYPTD]
    Variable: SAVPGQ: Gross private savings, as a percentage of GDP [SAVPGQ]
    Variable: SAVTGD: Gross national savings, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD [SAVTGD]
    Variable: EXT: External sectors, trade and payments [EXT]
    Variable: CBGDPR: Current account balance, as a percentage of GDP [CBGDPR]
    Variable: EXCH: Exchange rate, USD per National currency [EXCH]
    Variable: SUP: Supply block [SUP]
    Variable: ETPT: Potential employment of the total economy [ETPT]
    Variable: GAP: Output gap of the total economy [GAP]
    Variable: KTPV: Productive capital stocks, volume [KTPV]
    Variable: NAIRU: NAIRU - Unemployment rate with non-accelerating inflation rate [NAIRU]
    Variable: EXP: Expenditure and GDP [EXP]
    Variable: GDPD: Gross domestic product value at 2005 PPP USD [GDPD]
    Variable: GDPVD: Gross domestic product, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD [GDPVD]
    Variable: SAVTGQ: Gross national savings, per cent of GDP [SAVTGQ]
    Variable: GOV: Government accounts [GOV]
    Variable: GGFLQ: General government gross financial liabilities, as a percentage of GDP [GGFLQ]
    Variable: NLGQ: Government net lending, as a percentage of GDP [NLGQ]
    Variable: NLGQU: Underlying governement net lending as a percentage of potential GDP [NLGQU]
    Variable: NLGXQU: Underlying governement primary balance as a percentage of potential GDP [NLGXQU]
    Variable: MON: Monetary data [MON]
    Variable: IRL: Long-term interest rate on government bonds [IRL]
    Variable: PRI: Prices and deflators [PRI]
    Variable: PGDP: Gross domestic product, deflator, market prices [PGDP]
    Variable: PPP: Purchasing power parity, National currency per USD [PPP]
    Variable: LAB: Labour markets [LAB]
    Variable: POP: Population [POP]
    Frequency: Annual [A]
    Time: 1990 - 2060

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Economic Outlook No 95 - June 2014 - Long-term baseline projections
Database Specific

The OECD Long Term Baseline analyzes the major economic trends beyond the OECD short-term projections. For all OECD economies, and the major non-OECD economies, it provides coverage of components of potential growth, fiscal balances and debt accumulation, domestic saving and investment balances, and external balances (through the current account). It also includes interest rates consistent with those projections.

The database contains annual data to 2060. Variables are defined in such a way that they are as homogenous as possible for the countries covered. Breaks in underlying series are corrected as far as possible. Sources for the historical data are publications of national statistical agencies and OECD statistical publications such as the Annual National Accounts, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and Eurostat.


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Country: Germany [DEU]     [Expand/Collapse]
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Germany (code DEU) was created 3 October 1990 by the accession of the Democratic Republic of Germany (code DDR) to the then Federal Republic of Germany (code DEW).
    Country: Israel [ISR]     [Expand/Collapse]
    Other Aspects
    Other comments
    The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
      Frequency: Annual [A]     [Expand/Collapse]

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