methods, notes and classification Banking statistics - Statistical supplement 1 methods, notes and classification

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* Deutsche Bundesbank                                                          *
* Frankfurt                       Time Series Database                         *
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Classification plan for statistics: 

Banking statistics - Statistical supplement 1

Structure of series code:    XXXXXX / XXX

Sub-code :
    1   XXXXXX...  Table
    2   ......XXX  free numbering

Sub-code 1  : Table

              I. Banks (MFIs) in Germany
       b10607   Assets
       b10809   Liabilities
       b11015   Assets and liabilities, by category of banks

                Lending to banks (MFIs)
       b116       a) Total
       b11719     b) By category of banks

                Lending to non-banks (non-MFIs)
       b12021     a) Total
       b12225     b) By category of banks

                Lending to domestic non-banks (non-MFIs)
       b12627     a) Total
       b12833     b) By category of banks

                Lending to domestic enterprises and households, housing loans
       b13441     a) Total
       b13441     b) By category of banks

                Lending to domestic enterprises and resident self-employed persons, by sector of economic activity
       b14249     a) By maturity
       b14249     b) By category of banks

                Lending to domestic government, by debtor group
       b150       a) Total
       b15153     b) By category of banks
       b154     Securities portfolios and participating interests
       b15557   Securities portfolios, by category of banks

                Deposits and borrowing from banks (MFIs)
       b158       a) Total
       b15961     b) By category of banks

                Deposits and borrowing from non-banks (non-MFIs)
       b16263     a) Total
       b16467     b) By category of banks

                Deposits and borrowing from domestic enterprises, households and government
       b168       a) Total
       b16971     b) By category of banks

                Deposits and borrowing from domestic enterprises and households, by creditor group
       b17273     a) Total
       b17477     b) By category of banks
       b17881   Deposits and borrowing from domestic government, by creditor group and by category of banks
       b18285   Saving deposits and bank savings bonds, by category of banks
       b18687   Bearer debt securities outstanding, by maturity and by category of banks (maximum maturity under the terms of issue)
       b188     Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies vis-.á-vis residents, by category of banks
       b189     Interest rate and currency swaps, by category of banks
       b19091   Changes in savings deposits, by category of banks, and debits to giro accounts of non-banks
       b19091   Valid bank customer cards in circulation, by category of banks

              II. Foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries of German banks (MFIs)
       b19293   Assets and liabilities of foreign branches, by country of domicile 1
       b19495   Assets and liabilities of foreign branches, by country of domicile 2
       b19697   Assets and liabilities of foreign branches, by country of domicile 3
       b19899   Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries, by country of domicile 1
       b1a0a1   Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries, by country of domicile 2

              III. Building and loan associations (MFIs) in Germany
       b1a2     Loans, building loans
       b1a3     Deposits and borrowing, by size of business

              IV. Structural figures, multi-office banks
       b1a5     Number of banks (MFIs) in Germany, their foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries reporting for banking statistics, by size category
       b1a6a7   Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks
    • I. Banks (MFIs) in Germany
      • b10607 Assets
      • b10809 Liabilities
      • b11015 Assets and liabilities, by category of banks
      • Lending to banks (MFIs)
        • b116 a) Total
        • b11719 b) By category of banks
      • Lending to non-banks (non-MFIs)
        • b12021 a) Total
        • b12225 b) By category of banks
      • Lending to domestic non-banks (non-MFIs)
        • b12627 a) Total
        • b12833 b) By category of banks
      • Lending to domestic enterprises and households, housing loans
        • b13441 a) Total
      • Lending to domestic enterprises and resident self-employed persons, by sector of economic activity
        • b14249 a) By maturity
      • Lending to domestic government, by debtor group
        • b150 a) Total
        • b15153 b) By category of banks
      • Securities portfolios and participating interests a.o.
        • b154 Securities portfolios and participating interests
        • b15557 Securities portfolios, by category of banks
      • Deposits and borrowing from banks (MFIs)
        • b158 a) Total
        • b15961 b) By category of banks
      • Deposits and borrowing from non-banks (non-MFIs)
        • b16263 a) Total
        • b16467 b) By category of banks
      • Deposits and borrowing from domestic enterprises, households and government
        • b168 a) Total
        • b16971 b) By category of banks
      • Deposits and borrowing from domestic enterprises and households, by creditor group
        • b17273 a) Total
        • b17477 b) By category of banks
      • Deposits and borrowing from domestic government, by creditor group and by category of banks a.o.
        • b17881 Deposits and borrowing from domestic government, by creditor group and by category of banks
        • b18285 Saving deposits and bank savings bonds, by category of banks
        • b18687 Bearer debt securities outstanding, by maturity and by category of banks (maximum maturity under the terms of issue)
        • b188 Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies vis-.á-vis residents, by category of banks
        • b189 Interest rate and currency swaps, by category of banks
        • b19091 Changes in savings deposits, by category of banks, and debits to giro accounts of non-banks
    • II. Foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries of German banks (MFIs)
      • b19293 Assets and liabilities of foreign branches, by country of domicile 1
      • b19495 Assets and liabilities of foreign branches, by country of domicile 2
      • b19697 Assets and liabilities of foreign branches, by country of domicile 3
      • b19899 Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries, by country of domicile 1
      • b1a0a1 Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries, by country of domicile 2
    • III. Building and loan associations (MFIs) in Germany
      • b1a2 Loans, building loans
      • b1a3 Deposits and borrowing, by size of business
    • IV. Structural figures, multi-office banks
      • b1a5 Number of banks (MFIs) in Germany, their foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries reporting for banking statistics, by size category
      • b1a6a7 Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks