International transport of goods from the reporting country to the unloading country (Monthly data) (1982-2002)
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Country/region of unloading/disembarking
- 00 European Union - 15 countries (1995-2004)
- 01 Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015)
- 02 Belgium
- 03 Bulgaria
- 04 Czechia
- 05 Denmark
- 06 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 07 Former German Democratic Republic (until 1990)/new Länder (from 1991)
- 08 Estonia
- 09 Ireland
- 0a Greece
- 0b Spain
- 0c France
- 0d Croatia
- 0e Italy
- 0f Latvia
- 0g Lithuania
- 0h Luxembourg
- 0i Hungary
- 0j Netherlands
- 0k Austria
- 0l Poland
- 0m Portugal
- 0n Romania
- 0o Slovenia
- 0p Slovakia
- 0q Finland
- 0r Sweden
- 0s European Economic Area except Liechtenstein
- 0t Iceland
- 0u Norway
- 0v Switzerland
- 0w United Kingdom
- 0x North Macedonia
- 0y Albania
- 0z Turkey
- 10 Belarus
- 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 12 Russia
- 13 Ukraine
- 14 Former Czechoslovakia (before 1992)/Total components of former Czechoslovakia
- 15 Former Serbia and Montenegro (before 2006)/Total components of the former Serbia and Montenegro
- 16 Former Yugoslavia (before 1992)/Total components of the former republic of Yugoslavia
- 17 Former Soviet Union (before 1991)/Total components of the former Soviet Union
- 18 Extra-EU15 (1995-2004)
- 19 Other European countries (aggregate changing according to the context)
- 1a Northern Africa
- 1b United States
- 1c Near and Middle East Asia (aggregate changing according to the context)
- 1d All countries of the world
- 1e Others
- 1f Unknown
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 Belgium
- 1 Denmark
- 2 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 3 Greece
- 4 Spain
- 5 France
- 6 Italy
- 7 Luxembourg
- 8 Netherlands
- 9 Austria
- a Portugal
- b Finland
- c Sweden