International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997)
0 All ISCED 1997 levels
1 First stage of tertiary education, tertiary programmes that are theoretically based/research preparatory or giving access to professions with high skills requirements (level 5A) and second stage of tertiary education (level 6)
2 First stage of tertiary education not leading directly to an advanced research qualification (level 5)
3 First stage of tertiary education, programmes that are theoretically based/research preparatory or giving access to professions with high skills requirements (level 5A)
4 First stage of tertiary education, programmes which are practically oriented and occupationally specific (level 5B)
5 Second stage of tertiary education leading to an advanced research qualification (level 6)
6 Other level of education
0 Total
1 Females
Unit of measure
0 Full-time equivalent (FTE)
1 Head count
Geopolitical entity (reporting)
00 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
01 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
02 Euro area - 19 countries (from 2015)
03 Belgium
04 Bulgaria
05 Czechia
06 Denmark
07 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)