National road freight transport by region of loading and type of goods (t) - annual data (1982-1999)
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Groups of goods based on NST/R chapters
- 0 Total
- 1 Cereals
- 2 Potatoes, other fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables
- 3 Live animals, sugar beet
- 4 Wood and cork
- 5 Textiles, textile articles and man-made fibres, other raw animal and vegetable materials
- 6 Foodstuff and animal fodder
- 7 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits and fats
- 8 Solid mineral fuels
- 9 Crude petroleum
- a Petroleum products
- b Iron ore, iron and steel waste and blast furnace dust
- c Non-ferrous ores and waste
- d Metal products
- e Cement, lime, manufactured building materials
- f Crude and manufactured minerals
- g Natural and chemical fertilizers
- h Coal chemicals, tar
- i Chemicals other than coal chemicals and tar
- j Paper pulp and waste paper
- k Transport equipment, machinery, apparatus, engines, whether or not assembled, and parts thereof
- l Manufactures of metal
- m Glass, glassware, ceramic products
- n Leather, textile, clothing, other manufactured articles
- o Miscellaneous articles
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 00 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
- 01 Vlaams Gewest
- 02 Prov. Antwerpen
- 03 Région wallonne
- 04 Baden-Württemberg East
- 05 Baden-Württemberg North West
- 06 Baden-Württemberg South West
- 07 Bayern - East
- 08 Bayern - North
- 09 Bayern - South
- 0a Berlin
- 0b Brandenburg
- 0c Bremen
- 0d Hamburg
- 0e Hessen - North
- 0f Hessen - South
- 0g Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- 0h Niedersachsen - North
- 0i Niedersachsen - South East
- 0j Niedersachsen - West
- 0k Nordrhein-Westfalen - East
- 0l Nordrhein-Westfalen - North
- 0m Nordrhein-Westfalen - South West
- 0n Ruhrgebiet
- 0o Rheinland-Pfalz - North
- 0p Rheinland-Pfalz - South
- 0q Saarland
- 0r Sachsen
- 0s Sachsen-Anhalt
- 0t Schleswig-Holstein
- 0u Thüringen
- 0v Voreia Ellada (NUTS 2010)
- 0w Kentriki Ellada (NUTS 2010)
- 0x Attiki
- 0y Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti
- 0z Galicia
- 10 Principado de Asturias
- 11 Cantabria
- 12 País Vasco
- 13 Comunidad Foral de Navarra
- 14 La Rioja
- 15 Aragón
- 16 Comunidad de Madrid
- 17 Castilla y León
- 18 Castilla-la Mancha
- 19 Extremadura
- 1a Cataluña
- 1b Valencia/València
- 1c Illes Balears
- 1d Andalucía
- 1e Región de Murcia
- 1f Ceuta
- 1g Melilla
- 1h Canarias
- 1i Spain, not allocated
- 1j Île de France
- 1k Champagne-Ardenne (NUTS 2013)
- 1l Picardie (NUTS 2013)
- 1m Haute-Normandie (NUTS 2013)
- 1n Centre (FR) (NUTS 2013)
- 1o Basse-Normandie (NUTS 2013)
- 1p Bourgogne (NUTS 2013)
- 1q Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NUTS 2013)
- 1r Lorraine (NUTS 2013)
- 1s Alsace (NUTS 2013)
- 1t Franche-Comté (NUTS 2013)
- 1u Pays de la Loire (NUTS 2013)
- 1v Bretagne (NUTS 2013)
- 1w Poitou-Charentes (NUTS 2013)
- 1x Aquitaine (NUTS 2013)
- 1y Midi-Pyrénées (NUTS 2013)
- 1z Limousin (NUTS 2013)
- 20 Rhône-Alpes (NUTS 2013)
- 21 Auvergne (NUTS 2013)
- 22 Languedoc-Roussillon (NUTS 2013)
- 23 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (NUTS 2013)
- 24 Corse (NUTS 2013)
- 25 Piemonte
- 26 Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
- 27 Liguria
- 28 Lombardia
- 29 Veneto (NUTS 2006)
- 2a Friuli-Venezia Giulia (NUTS 2006)
- 2b Emilia-Romagna (NUTS 2006)
- 2c Toscana (NUTS 2006)
- 2d Umbria (NUTS 2006)
- 2e Marche (NUTS 2006)
- 2f Lazio (NUTS 2006)
- 2g Abruzzo
- 2h Molise
- 2i Campania
- 2j Puglia
- 2k Basilicata
- 2l Calabria
- 2m Sicilia
- 2n Sardegna
- 2o Noord-Nederland
- 2p Oost-Nederland
- 2q West-Nederland
- 2r Zuid-Nederland
- 2s Zuidwest
- 2t Rijnmond
- 2u Noordzeekanaalgebied
- 2v Netherlands, not allocated
- 2w Burgenland (AT)
- 2x Niederösterreich
- 2y Wien
- 2z Kärnten
- 30 Steiermark
- 31 Oberösterreich
- 32 Salzburg
- 33 Tirol
- 34 Vorarlberg
- 35 Norte
- 36 Algarve
- 37 Stockholm
- 38 Östra Mellansverige
- 39 Sydsverige
- 3a Norra Mellansverige
- 3b Mellersta Norrland
- 3c Övre Norrland
- 3d Småland med öarna (NUTS 1995)
- 3e Västsverige (NUTS 1995)
- 3f North (NUTS 1995)
- 3g Yorkshire and Humberside (NUTS 1995)
- 3h East Midlands (NUTS 1995)
- 3i East Anglia (NUTS 1995)
- 3j South East (UK) (NUTS 1995)
- 3k South West (UK) (NUTS 1995)
- 3l West Midlands (NUTS 1995)
- 3m North West (UK) (NUTS 1995)
- 3n Wales (NUTS 1995)
- 3o Scotland (NUTS 1995)
- 3p Northern Ireland (UK)(NUTS 1995)