Economical indicator for structural business statistics
00 Enterprises - number
01 Turnover or gross premiums written - million euro
02 Gross direct premiums written - million euro
03 Gross reinsurance premiums accepted, written premiums - million euro
04 Gross direct premiums written, individual premiums - million euro
05 Gross direct premiums written, premiums under group contracts - million euro
06 Gross direct premiums written, periodic premiums - million euro
07 Gross direct premiums written, single premiums - million euro
08 Gross direct premiums written, premiums from non-bonus contracts - million euro
09 Gross direct premiums written, premiums from bonus contracts - million euro
0a Gross direct premiums written, premiums from contracts where the investment risk is borne by policyholders - million euro
0b Production value - million euro
0c Value added at basic prices - million euro
0d Value added at factor cost - million euro
0e Gross operating surplus - million euro
0f Total purchases of goods and services - million euro
0g Payments for agency workers - million euro
0h Personnel costs - million euro
0i Wages and Salaries - million euro
0j Social security costs - million euro
0k Persons employed - number
0l Employees in full time equivalent units - number
0m Gross premiums earned - million euro
0n Gross change in the provision for unearned premiums - million euro
0o Allocated investment return transferred from the non-technical account - million euro
0p Gross claims incurred - million euro
0q Gross claims payments - million euro
0r Gross claims payments in respect of claims incurred in the current accounting year - million euro
0s Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims - million euro
0t Gross operating expenses - million euro
0u Change in the equalisation provision - million euro
0v Other items in the technical account, gross amount - million euro
0w Other technical income, net amount - million euro
0x Net changes in other technical provisions, not shown under other headings - million euro
0y Bonuses and rebates, net amount - million euro
0z Other technical charges, net amount - million euro
10 Gross balance of the techncial account (sub-total I) - million euro
11 Reinsurance balance - million euro
12 Reinsurers share of gross premiums written - million euro
13 Reinsurers share of gross change in the provision for unearned premiums - million euro
14 Reinsurers share of gross claims payments - million euro
15 Reinsurers share of gross change in the provision for outstanding claims - million euro
16 Reinsurance commissions and profit participations - million euro
17 Reinsurers share of the gross amount of other items in the technical account - million euro
18 Net balance of the technical account (sub-total II) - million euro
19 Investment income - million euro
1a Unrealised gains on investments - million euro
1b Gross change in life insurance provision - million euro
1c Investments charges - million euro
1d Unrealised losses on investments - million euro
1e Allocated investment return transferred to the non-technical account - million euro
1f Reinsurers share of gross change in life insurance provision - million euro
1g Investment income - million euro
1h Allocated investment return transferred from the life-assurance technical account - million euro
1i Investment charges - million euro
1j Allocated investment return transferred to the non-life insurance technical account - million euro
1k Other income - million euro
1l Other charges, including value adjustments - million euro
1m Profit or loss on ordinary activities - million euro
1n Extraordinary profit or loss - million euro
1o All taxes - million euro
1p Profit or loss for the financial year - million euro
1q Commissions for total insurance business - million euro
1r Commissions for direct insurance business - million euro
1s External expenses on goods and services - million euro
1t External and internal claims management expenses - million euro
1u Acquisition costs - million euro
1v Administrative expenses - million euro
1w Gross other technical charges - million euro
1x Investment management charges - million euro
1y Income from participating interests - million euro
1z Income from land and buildings - million euro
20 Income from other investments - million euro
21 Value re-adjustments on investments - million euro
22 Gains on the realization on investments - million euro
23 Investment management charges, including interest - million euro
24 Value adjustments on investments - million euro
25 Losses on the realization on investments - million euro
26 Land and buildings - million euro
27 Land and buildings occupied by an insurance enterprise for its own activities - million euro
28 Land and buildings (current value) - million euro
29 Investments in affiliated enterprises and participating interests - million euro
2a Shares in affiliated enterprises and participating interests - million euro
2b Debt securities issued by, and loans to, affiliated enterprises and to enterprises with which an insurance enterprise is linked in virtue of a particiapting interest - million euro
2c Investments in affiliated enterprises and participating interest (current value) - million euro
2d Other financial investments - million euro
2e Shares and other variable-yield securities and units in unit trusts - million euro
2f Debt securities and other fixed-income securities - million euro
2g Participation in investments pools - million euro
2h Loans guaranted by mortgages - million euro
2i Other loans - million euro
2j Other (incl. deposits with credit institutions) - million euro
2k Other financial investments (current value) - million euro
2l Deposits with ceding enterprises - million euro
2m Investments for the benefit of life-assurance policyholders who bear the investment risk - million euro
2n Investments for the benefit of life-assurance policyholders who bear the investment risk - land and buildings - million euro
2o Investments for the benefit of life-assurance policyholders who bear the investment risk - other financial investments - million euro
2p Balance sheet total - million euro
2q Total capital and reserves - million euro
2r Subscribed capital or equivalent funds - million euro
2s Share premium account, revaluation reserve, reserve - million euro
2t Subordinated liabilities - million euro
2u Total gross technical provisions - million euro
2v Total net technical provisions - million euro
2w Gross provision for unearned premiums - million euro
2x Gross life assurance provision - million euro
2y Gross provision for outstanding claims - million euro
2z Gross provision for outstanding claims, related to direct business - million euro
30 Gross provision for outstanding claims related to business accepted - million euro
31 Gross provision for bonuses and rebates - million euro
32 Equalization provision - million euro
33 Gross other technical provisions - million euro
34 Gross technical provisions for life-assurance policies where the investment risk is borne by the policyholders - million euro
35 Debenture loans - million euro
36 Amounts owed to credit institutions - million euro
0 Total
1 Life insurance enterprises
2 Non-life insurance enterprises
3 Composite insurance enterprises
4 Specialist reinsurance enterprises
5 Life insurance business of composite insurance enterprises
6 Non-life insurance business of composite insurance enterprises (including business accepted)
Geopolitical entity (reporting)
0 Belgium
1 Bulgaria
2 Czechia
3 Denmark
4 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)