OECD, STAN Indicators database
STAN Indicators database highlights vital trends in industrial structure and performance for all OECD countries and various country groups, providing analysts and researchers with a comprehensive tool for analysis. This detailed data set presents 28 annual indicators addressing five themes: international trade, employment and productivity, industrial composition, business enterprise R&D and investment.
It allows users to focus on productivity growth, competitiveness and general structural change, while furnishing sufficient detail to enable users to isolate high-technology sectors and make comparisons across countries.
The indicators have been calculated with data from the OECD STAN database for Industrial Analysis and the Analytical Business Enterprise R&D database (ANBERD).
They also complement the 2012 version of the Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard. The industrial breakdown presented for the STAN indicators database is based upon the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Revision 3.
The indicators are presented in five groups according to their main theme:
INTERNATIONAL TRADE These indicators address the question of trade specialisation and performance in international markets.
INDUSTRIAL COMPOSITION These indicators attempt to reveal the importance of manufacturing industry in the economies of OECD countries, the industrial composition of manufacturing, the weight of different countries in OECD production by industry, and the relative growth performance of industries.
BUSINESS ENTERPRISE R&D These indicators highlight the distribution of business enterprise research and development efforts within and across OECD countries, the intensity of R&D, and the relationship of investment in R&D to physical investment.
Note: For the United States, Shipbuilding (3841) is included in Other transport equipment (3842A). Consequently, for regions including USA, 3841 is a sum of 3841 for all countries except USA and USA 3841 is included in 3842A. For Germany, R&D data refer to western Germany up to 1990 and total Germany for 1991-. The country group NORAM (North America) does not include Mexico as consistent R&D data are not available.
EMPLOYMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY Indicators in this area address the issue of employment structure and compensation, labour costs and labour productivity.
INVESTMENT These indicators address the question of investment intensity and shares.
Intra-industry trade
Intra-industry trade is the value of total trade remaining after subtraction of the absolute value of net exports or imports of an industry.
For comparison between countries and industries, the measures are expressed as a percentage of each industry's combined exports and imports.
For total manufacturing, the calculation is the summation of the value of total trade remaining after subtraction of the absolute value of net exports or imports for all manufacturing industries.
This indicator is not calculated for zones.
Contribution to manufacturing trade balance
The contribution to the trade balance enables to identify an economy's structural strengths and weaknesses via the composition of international trade flows.
It takes into account not only exports, but also imports, and tries to eliminate business cycle variations by comparing an industry's trade balance with the overall trade balance. It can be interpreted as an indicator of "revealed comparative advantage", as it indicates whether an industry performs relatively better or worse than the manufacturing total, no matter whether the manufacturing total itself is in deficit or surplus.
If there were no comparative advantage or disadvantage for any industry, a country's total trade balance (surplus or deficit) should be distributed across industries according to their share in total trade. The "contribution to the manufacturing trade balance" is the difference between the actual and this theoretical balance.
Export import ratio
The export import ratio shows exports as a percentage of imports.
This indicator is also presented for a certain number of zones.
Trade balance
Trade balance is the difference between the value of exports and imports of goods. Here, it is expressed in million of US dollars.
When exports' values exceed imports, there is a trade surplus. When imports'values exceed exports, there is a trade deficit.
Composition of total exports of goods
This indicator shows the exports of goods in a given industry as a percentage of total industries' exports of goods.
Composition of manufacturing exports of goods
Composition of manufacturing exports shows the exports in a given manufacturing industry as a percentage of total manufacturing exports.
Composition of total imports of goods
Composition of total imports shows the imports in a given industry as a percentage of total industries' imports.
Composition of manufacturing imports of goods
Composition of manufacturing imports shows the imports in a given manufacturing industry as a percentage of total manufacturing imports.
Export share of production
This indicator highlights the export effort and it is calculated as exports as a percentage of production.
The export share of production shows the importance of the foreign market for a given industry in a country.
This indicator may change over time as supply and demand conditions change in foreign and domestic markets.
It is important to bear in mind that exports can exceed production. This can occur for the following reasons:
(i) exports include re-exports (this particularly concerns countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands where there is a significant amount of ætransit trade');
(ii) production data are usually based on Industrial Surveys which record establishments' primary activities. Therefore, activities that are mainly secondary may be understated in terms of production by not being allocated to the relevant ISIC code while exports of the related commodities are allocated to that ISIC code;
(iii) bias introduced by the conversion from product-based trade statistics to activity-based industry statistics for certain sectors for certain countries.
Import penetration
Import penetration indicator shows imports as a percentage of total domestic demand (this latter is estimated as production less exports plus imports).
Import penetration is presented for several zones. Intra-zone trade is excluded from calculations.
Value added shares relative to total economy
This indicator shows the share of nominal value added by industry in the total economy. It highlights the importance of each industry in the economies of OECD countries and is also presented for a certain number of zones (see zones specific to industrial structure).
Value added shares relative to manufacturing
This indicator shows the share of nominal value added by industry in the total manufacturing. It highlights the contribution of each manufacturing industry to the total manufacturing sector.
Value added share of production
Value added share of production relates to production structure.
Intermediate consumption share of production
Intermediate consumption share of production related to production structure.
Distribution of R&D expenditures across all activities
This indicator shows the R&D expenditures for an industry as a percentage of R&D expenditures for the total economy.
R&D expenditures data are expressed at current prices and are drawn from the STAN, R&D Expenditure in Industry (ANBERD) which covers business R&D and excludes government, public administration R&D expenditures, etc. (see ANBERD metadata or Frascati Manual for further details).
In ANBERD, agriculture and primary production are included in the big total (cf industry CTOTAL).
Distribution of R&D expenditures across manufacturing activities
This indicator shows the R&D expenditures for an industry as a percentage of R&D expenditures for the total manufacturing.
R&D expenditures data are expressed at current prices and are drawn from the STAN, R&D Expenditure in Industry (ANBERD) which covers business R&D and excludes government, public administration R&D expenditures, etc. (see ANBERD metadata or Frascati Manual for further details).
In ANBERD, agriculture and primary production are included in the big total (cf industry CTOTAL).
R&D intensity using value added
R&D intensities are calculated in two ways. The first expresses R&D expenditures as a percentage of value added (indicator presented hereafter) while the second expressed R&D expenditures as a percentage of production.
These two indicators cannot be calculated for most country groups and are not always available for recent years due to the difference in coverage between R&D, production and value added data by country.
R&D intensity using production
R&D intensities are calculated in two ways. The first expresses R&D expenditures as a percentage of value added while the second expressed R&D expenditures as a percentage of production (indicator presented here).
These two indicators cannot be calculated for most country groups and are not always available for recent years due to the difference in coverage between R&D, production and value added data by country.
Employment shares in total economy
This indicator addresses the issue of employment structure and shows for each industry the total employment (i.e. total number of persons engaged) share in the total economy.
Employment shares in manufacturing
This indicator shows each industry's employment as a percentage of employment for total manufacturing.
Labour compensation per employee in total economy
Labour compensation per employee relative to the total economy is calculated as the ratio of labour compensation for a particular industry (or industry group) to the number engaged divided by the ratio of labour compensation for the total economy to the number of persons engaged for the total economy.
Labour compensation per employee in manufacturing
Labour compensation per employee relative to total manufacturing is calculated as the ratio of labour compensation for a particular manufacturing industry (or industry group) to the number engaged divided by the ratio of labour compensation for total manufacturing to the number of persons engaged for total manufacturing.
Labour share of value added in total economy
Labour shares of value added shows labour compensation in a certain industry as a percentage of value added in that industry.
Labour costs can exceed value added when an industry incurs losses or when an industry receives significant net subsidies (value added measured at producer's prices does not include subsidies). However, the occurrence of values exceeding 100 may also be due to measurement biases when certain series are estimates.
Labour productivity index
Labour productivity is here calculated as the ratio of value added volumes to number engaged. Labour productivity represents the amount of output per unit of input, output being here defined as value added while the input measure used is total employment.
Although hours worked would be preferable as a measure of labour input, at the present time consistent hours worked data at the industry level are not available in STAN Database for all OECD countries.
Series for this indicator are presented as indices, having data for the reference year of each country = 100 (most countries use 2000 as ref. year). This indicator is not calculated for zones (i.e. country groups).
Unit labour cost index
Unit labour cost is the the ratio of labour compensation at current prices to output as measured here by value added volumes.
It represents the current cost of labour to produce one unit of output and reflects how labour costs increase / decrease relative to output; it is an indicator of costs competitiveness.
Labour costs can exceed value added in certain cases; for example, when heavy losses are incurred within an industry or, more generally, when an industry's gross operating surplus is negative and/or it receives significant subsidies.
The series are presented as indices having the reference year of each country equal to 100 (most of countries use 2000 as ref. year). This indicator is not calculated for country groups / zones.
Investment intensity based on value added
This indicator is calculated as the ratio of gross fixed capital formation in a certain industry to value added in that industry.
Investment shares relative to total economy
This indicator represents the investment composition of the total economy. It is calculated by dividing each industry's gross fixed capital formation by gross fixed capital formation for total economy.
Investment shares relative to manufacturing
Investment shares in total manufacturing represents the investment composition of manufacturing. It is calculated by dividing each manufacturing industry's gross fixed capital formation by gross fixed capital formation for total manufacturing.
Remarks on calculations for country groups:
* The underlying data (i.e. production, exports and imports),
used for trade indicators, were first converted to US
dollars using exchange rates.
* The underlying data (i.e. production, business enterprise
R&D, value added, gross fixed capital formation and labour
compensation), used for the indicators of industrial
composition, research and development, employment and
productivity, and investment were first converted to
US dollars using purchasing power parities for total
* The exchange rates and purchasing power parities are
extracted from OECD's System of National Accounts
database (SNA). They are used for converting the
countries' raw data before aggregation to the
country groups.
******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS STAN Indicators database * * ------------------------ * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN ------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XXX / XX / XX / XX SUB-CODES : 1 XXX...... Country 2 ...XX.... Variable 3 .....XX.. Industry 4 .......XX Blank SUB-CODE 1 : Country ----------- AUS Australia AUT Austria BEL Belgium CAN Canada CHL Chile CZE Czech Republic DNK Denmark EST Estonia FIN Finland FIN Finland FRA France DEU Germany GRC Greece HUN Hungary ITA Italy ISL Iceland IRL Ireland ISR Israel JPN Japan KOR Korea LUX Luxembourg MEX Mexico NLD Netherlands NOR Norway NZL New Zealand POL Poland PRT Portugal SVK Slovak Republic SLV Slovenia ESP Spain SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland TUR Turkey GBR United Kingdom USA United States SUB-CODE 2 : Variable ----------- International trade 01 Intra-industry trade 02 Contribution to manufacturing trade balance 03 Export import ratio 04 Trade balance 05 Composition of total exports of goods 06 Composition of manufacturing exports of goods 07 Composition of total imports of goods 08 Composition of manufacturing imports of goods 09 Export share of production 10 Import penetration Industrial Composition 11 Value added shares relative to total economy 12 Value added shares relative to manufacturing 13 Value added share of production 14 Intermediate consumption share of production Business Enterprise R&D 15 Distribution of R&D expenditures across all activities 16 Distribution of R&D expenditures across manufacturing activities 17 R&D intensity using value added 18 R&D intensity using production Employment and Productivity 19 Employment shares in total economy 20 Employment shares in manufacturing 21 Labour compensation per employee in total economy 22 Labour compensation per employee in manufacturing 23 Labour share of value added in total economy 24 Labour productivity index 25 Unit labour cost index Investment 26 Investment intensity based on value added 27 Investment shares relative to total economy 28 Investment shares relative to manufacturing SUB-CODE 3 : Industry ----------- ISIC, Rev.3 GRAND TOTAL 01-99 01 CTOTAL TOTAL AGRICULTURE, HUNTING, FORESTRY AND FISHING 01-05 02 C01T05 AGRICULTURE, HUNTING, FORESTRY AND FISHING 03 C01T02 Agriculture, hunting and forestry 04 ..C01 Agriculture, hunting and related service activities 05 ..C02 Forestry, logging and related service activities 06 C05 Fishing, fish hatcheries, fish farms and related services MINING AND QUARRYING 10-14 07 C10T14 MINING AND QUARRYING 08 ..C10T12 Mining and quarrying of energy producing materials 09 ..C13T14 Mining and quarrying except energy producing materials MANUFACTURING 15-37 10 C15T37 MANUFACTURING 11 C15T16 Food products, beverages and tobacco 12 ..C15 Food products and beverages 13 ..C16 Tobacco products 14 C17T19 Textiles, textile products, leather and footwear 15 C17T18 Textiles and textile products 16 ..C17 Textiles 17 ..C18 Wearing apparel, dressing and dyeing of fur 18 ..C19 Leather, leather products and footwear 19 C20 Wood and products of wood and cork 20 C21T22 Pulp, paper, paper products, printing and publishing 21 ..C21 Pulp, paper and paper products 22 ..C22 Printing and publishing 23 C23T25 Chemical, rubber, plastics and fuel products 24 ..C23 Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel 25 ..C24 Chemicals and chemical products 26 ....C24X Chemicals excluding pharmaceuticals 27 ....C2423 Pharmaceuticals 28 ..C25 Rubber and plastics products 29 C26 Other non-metallic mineral products 30 C27T28 Basic metals and fabricated metal products 31 ..C27 Basic metals 32 ....C271T31 Iron and steel 33 ....C272T32 Non-ferrous metals 34 ..C28 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 35 C29T33 Machinery and equipment 36 ..C29 Machinery and equipment, n.e.c. 37 ..C30T33 Electrical and optical equipment 38 ....C30 Office, accounting and computing machinery 39 ....C31 Electrical machinery and apparatus, n.e.c. 40 ....C32 Radio, television and communication equipment 41 ....C33 Medical, precision and optical instruments 42 C34T35 Transport equipment 43 ..C34 Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 44 ..C35 Other transport equipment 45 ....C351 Building and repairing of ships and boats 46 ....C353 Aircraft and spacecraft 47 ....C352A9 Railroad equipment and transport equipment n.e.c. 48 C36T37 Manufacturing n.e.c. and recycling ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER 40-41 49 C40T41 ELECTRICITY GAS AND, WATER SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION 45 50 C45 CONSTRUCTION WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS 50-55 51 C50T55 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE - RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS 52 ..C50T52 Wholesale and retail trade - repairs 53 ....C50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - retail sale of automotive fuel 54 ....C51 Wholesale, trade and commission excl. motor vehicles 55 ....C52 Retail trade excl. motor vehicles - repair of household goods 56 ..C55 Hotels and restaurants TRANSPORT AND STORAGE; COMMUNICATION 60-64 57 C60T64 TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS 58 ..C60T63 Transport and storage 59 ....C60 Land transport - transport via pipelines 60 ....C61 Water transport 61 ....C62 Air transport 62 ....C63 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities 63 ..C64 Post and telecommunications FINANCE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS SERVICES 65-74 64 C65T74 FINANCE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS SERVICES 65 ..C65T67 Financial intermediation 66 ....C65 Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding 67 ....C66 Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security 68 ....C67 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 69 ..C70T74 Real estate, renting and business activities 70 ....C70 Real estate activities 71 ....C71T74 Renting of mach. and equip. - other business activities 72 ......C71 Renting of machinery and equipment 73 ......C72 Computer and related activities 74 ......C73 Research and development 75 ......C74 Other business activities COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICES 75-99 76 C75T99 COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICES 77 ..C75 Public admin. and defence - compulsory social security 78 ..C80 Education 79 ..C85 Health and social work 80 ..C90T93 Other community, social and personal services 81 ..C95 Private households with employed persons NON-AGRICULTURE BUSINESS SECTOR 10-35 82 C10T41 INDUSTRY INCLUDING ENERGY 83 C27T35 Basic metals, metal products, machinery and equipment TOTAL SERVICES 50-99 84 C50T99 TOTAL SERVICES BUSINESS SECTOR SERVICES 50-74 85 C50T74 BUSINESS SECTOR SERVICES 86 C50T74X BUSINESS SECTOR SERVICES excluding real estate 87 C10T74X NON-AGRICULTURE BUSINESS SECTOR excluding real estate 88 HITECH High-technology manufactures 89 MHTECH Medium-high technology manufactures 90 MLTECH Medium-low technology manufactures 91 LOTECH Low technology manufactures 92 HMHTECH High and medium-high technology manufactures 93 ICTMAN ICT manufactures 94 ENERGYP Energy producing activities