DATA_DESCR The total financial sector liabilities measures the evolution of the sum of all liabilities (which includes currency and deposits, securities other than shares, loans, shares and other equity, insurance technical reserves and other accounts payable) of the financial sector. The indicator is expressed as year over year growth rate in per cent, and presented in non-consolidated terms (taking into account positions between units within the same sector).
CLASS_SYSTEM The classification system follows the European System of Accounts, 1995 edition (ESA 95). Borderline classification issues are referred to in the chapters 2 and 3 in the Manual on sources and methods for the compilation of ESA 95 financial accounts, 2nd edition. The indicator is classified by institutional sector, namely financial corporations (S.12). For definitions of institutional sectors and sub-sectors, see ESA 95 chapter 2. The instruments taken into account to compile the indicator are Currency and deposits (AF.2), Securities other than shares (AF.3), Loans (AF.4), Shares and other equity (AF.5), Insurance technical reserves (AF.6), and Other accounts payable (AF.7).
STAT_CONC_DEF According to ESA 95, financial assets are
STAT_UNIT These are identified as institutional units, as defined in ESA 95 º 2.16.
STAT_POP The target population consists of all institutional units in the financial corporations sector. Population coverage is expected to be 100%.
REF_AREA EU Member States.
BASE_PER Not applicable
UNIT_MEASURE Data are provided in current prices in national currency.