methods, notes and classification Trips by detailed country/world region of main destination methods, notes and classification

DATA_DESCR This collection covers national tourism, i.e. domestic and outbound tourism, where "outbound tourism" means residents of a country travelling in another country. The information on tourism demand, concern trips (for the population aged 15 years and over) of which the main purpose is holidays or business and which involve at least one or more consecutive nights spent away from the usual place of residence (See annex at the bottom of the page).

CLASS_SYSTEM Not applicable

STAT_CONC_DEF The collection consists of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Europea statistics on tourism. Available statistics include data on residents' (for the population aged 15 years and over) tourism demand : participation, trips, nights and expenditure Participation in tourism for personal purposes Number of residents, aged 15 or over, having made at least 1 trip of at least 1 overnight stay. Only trips for personal purpose are covered. A breakdown by duration and by destination of the trip is provided as well as by socio-demographic characteristics of the tourist. ╡ Concerning the breakdown by destination: - ádomestic trips cover tourists who made domestic trips only, -ááoutbound trips cover tourists who made outound trips only, - ádomestic and oubound cover tourists who have made both domestic and outbound trips. á Number of tourism trips All tourism trips made by residents, aged 15 or over, for personal or professional/business purpose, with at least 1 overnight stay. Concerning outbound trips with a world geographical breakdown, the destination can be understood in different ways. It may be: - The place the visitor considers as the most important place visited (motivating destination); - The place where the most amount of time is spent (time destination); or - The farthest place visited (distance destination). It is useful to know all these destinations as well as less important destinations in transit. The main destination (place, country) should be separated from other destinations. The main destination is related to the main purpose of trip and therefore the main destination should be defined as the place that the visitor considers as the main destination. If the respondent has difficulties for deciding what that is (e.g. for a touring trip), the main destination may secondarily be decided as the place, where most nights were spent or, if there are several such places, the farthest place. Number of tourism nights All tourism nights spent by residents, aged 15 or over, outside their usual environment for personal or professional/business purpose. A tourism night (or overnight stay) is each night that a guest actually spends (sleeps or stays) or is registered (his/her physical presence there being unnecessary) in a collective accommodation establishment or in private tourism accommodation. It is recommended to record all countries of overnight stays during the trips. Nights spent on board ship or in a train moving from one country to another are included in outbound overnight stays but they are not spent in any specific country. It is recommended to include them in "cruise" or "not specified" category. If the nights are spent on board ship, when the ship is in port, the passengers may or may not be formally free to enter the country. If the passengers are free to enter the country, the nights might be in principle recorded to that country, spent in a specialised establishment (public means of transport), but also in this case the 'cruise' category is recommended.

STAT_UNIT For collecting data on participation in tourism, the statistical unitáis the individual. For collecting data on tourism trips and visitors making the trips, the statistical unit is the trip made by the individual. Visitor Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than twelve months and whose main purpose of trip is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

STAT_POP The statistical population consists of all residents in the respective Member States. However, the Regulation indicates the age group 0-14 years old as optional, as a consequence the data in general refers to the population aged 15 or over.

REF_AREA Data are collected at national level, from all Member States, as well as EFTA and candidate countries. European aggregates (EU-28, EU-27 and Euro area) are calculated when sufficient data is available.

BASE_PER Not applicable

UNIT_MEASURE Data is expressed in absolute values. Data for expenditure on tourism trips is expressed in thousands of euro (from 1.1.1999) / ECU (up to 31.12.1998) and in thousands of national currency.

    • Country of destination
      • 000 Europe
      • 001 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
      • 002 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
      • 003 Belgium
      • 004 Bulgaria
      • 005 Czechia
      • 006 Denmark
      • 007 Germany
      • 008 Estonia
      • 009 Ireland
      • 00a Greece
      • 00b Spain
      • 00c France
      • 00d Croatia
      • 00e Italy
      • 00f Cyprus
      • 00g Latvia
      • 00h Lithuania
      • 00i Luxembourg
      • 00j Hungary
      • 00k Malta
      • 00l Netherlands
      • 00m Austria
      • 00n Poland
      • 00o Portugal
      • 00p Romania
      • 00q Slovenia
      • 00r Slovakia
      • 00s Finland
      • 00t Sweden
      • 00u EU27 countries (from 2020) except reporting country
      • 00v European Free Trade Association
      • 00w Iceland
      • 00x Norway
      • 00y Switzerland
      • 00z United Kingdom
      • 010 Türkiye
      • 011 Ukraine
      • 012 Russia
      • 013 Other European countries (aggregate changing according to the context)
      • 014 Africa
      • 015 South Africa
      • 016 Other African countries (aggregate changing according to the context)
      • 017 America
      • 018 Northern America
      • 019 Canada
      • 01a United States
      • 01b Other Northern American countries
      • 01c Central and South America
      • 01d Argentina
      • 01e Brazil
      • 01f Other Central or South American countries
      • 01g Asia
      • 01h China
      • 01i Japan
      • 01j South Korea
      • 01k Other Asian countries (aggregate changing according to the context)
      • 01l Oceania
      • 01m Australia
      • 01n Other Oceanian countries (aggregate changing according to the context)
      • 01o Domestic country
      • 01p Foreign country
      • 01q All countries of the world
    • Purpose
      • 0 Total
      • 1 Personal reasons
      • 2 Visits to friends and relatives
      • 3 Professional, business
    • Duration
      • 00 1 night or over
      • 01 From 1 to 3 nights
      • 02 4 nights or over
    • Unit of measure
      • 00 Number
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
      • 001 Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
      • 002 Belgium
      • 003 Bulgaria
      • 004 Czechia
      • 005 Denmark
      • 006 Germany
      • 007 Estonia
      • 008 Ireland
      • 009 Greece
      • 00a Spain
      • 00b France
      • 00c Croatia
      • 00d Italy
      • 00e Cyprus
      • 00f Latvia
      • 00g Lithuania
      • 00h Luxembourg
      • 00i Hungary
      • 00j Malta
      • 00k Netherlands
      • 00l Austria
      • 00m Poland
      • 00n Portugal
      • 00o Romania
      • 00p Slovenia
      • 00q Slovakia
      • 00r Finland
      • 00s Sweden
      • 00t Norway
      • 00u Switzerland
      • 00v United Kingdom
      • 00w Montenegro
      • 00x North Macedonia
      • 00y Albania
      • 00z Serbia