Enterprises providing CVT courses by percentage of participation of employees, by size class and occupational group (%)
methods, notes and classification
Unit of measure International Standard Classification of Occupations for European Union purposes (ISCO-88 (COM))0 Managers and professionals1 Technicians and associate professionals2 Clerks and sales3 Manual workers Participation0 Percentage of enterprises in which persons employed did not participate in CVT courses1 Percentage of enterprises in which 1-10% of the persons employed actually participated in CVT courses2 Percentage of enterprises in which 11-20% of the persons employed actually participated in CVT courses3 Percentage of enterprises in which 21-40% of the persons employed actually participated in CVT courses4 Percentage of enterprises in which more than 40% of the persons employed actually participated in CVT courses Size classes in number of employees0 From 10 to 49 employees1 From 50 to 249 employees2 250 employees or more Geopolitical entity (reporting)0 Belgium1 Bulgaria2 Czechia3 Denmark4 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)5 Estonia6 Ireland7 Greece8 Spain9 Francea Italyb Latviac Lithuaniad Luxembourge Hungaryf Austriag Polandh Portugali Romaniaj Sloveniak Finlandl Norwaym United Kingdom