Time spent, participation time and participation rate in the main activity by sex and household composition
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- 0 Time spent (hh:mm)
- 1 Participation time (hh:mm)
- 2 Participation rate (%)
- Sex
- Individuals by household status
- 0 Total
- 1 Person in a couple with youngest child less than 6 years old
- 2 Person in a couple with youngest child between 7 and 17 years old
- 3 Person less than 45 years old, in a couple, with no children younger than 18 years old
- 4 Person from 45 to 64 years old, in a couple, with no children younger than 18 years old
- 5 Person from 45 to 64 years old, living in another household arrangement with no children younger than 18 years old
- 6 Person 65 years old or over, in a couple, with no children younger than 18 years old
- 7 Person less than 25 years old, with no children younger than 18 years old and living in his/her parents household
- 8 Person from 25 to 44 years old, with no children younger than 18 years old and living in his/her parents household
- 9 Person less than 45 years old, in another household arrangement with no children younger than 18 years old
- a Person 65 years old or over, living in another household arrangement with no children younger than 18 years old
- b Single parent with youngest child less than 18 years old
- Classification of activities for time use
- 00 Total
- 01 Personal care
- 02 Sleep
- 03 Eating
- 04 Other and/or unspecified personal care
- 05 Employment, related activities and travel as part of/during main and second job
- 06 Main and second job and related travel
- 07 Activities related to employment and unspecified employment
- 08 Study
- 09 School and university except homework
- 0a Homework
- 0b Free time study
- 0c Household and family care
- 0d Food management except dish washing
- 0e Dish washing
- 0f Cleaning dwelling
- 0g Household upkeep except cleaning dwelling
- 0h Laundry
- 0i Ironing
- 0j Handicraft and producing textiles and other care for textiles
- 0k Gardening; other pet care
- 0l Tending domestic animals
- 0m Caring for pets
- 0n Walking the dog
- 0o Construction and repairs
- 0p Shopping and services
- 0q Childcare, except teaching, reading and talking
- 0r Teaching, reading and talking with child
- 0s Household management and help family member
- 0t Leisure, social and associative life
- 0u Organisational work
- 0v Informal help to other households
- 0w Participatory activities
- 0x Visiting and feasts
- 0y Other social life
- 0z Entertainment and culture
- 10 Resting
- 11 Walking and hiking
- 12 Sports and outdoor activities except walking and hiking
- 13 Computer games
- 14 Computing
- 15 Hobbies and games except computing and computer games
- 16 Reading books
- 17 Reading, except books
- 18 TV and video
- 19 Radio and music
- 1a Unspecified leisure
- 1b Travel except travel related to jobs
- 1c Travel to/from work
- 1d Travel related to study
- 1e Travel related to shopping and services
- 1f Transporting a child
- 1g Travel related to other household purposes
- 1h Travel related to leisure, social and associative life
- 1i Unspecified travel
- 1j Unspecified time use
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 Belgium
- 1 Bulgaria
- 2 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 3 Estonia
- 4 Greece
- 5 Spain
- 6 France
- 7 Italy
- 8 Latvia
- 9 Lithuania
- a Hungary
- b Austria
- c Poland
- d Romania
- e Slovenia
- f Finland
- g Norway
- h United Kingdom
- i Serbia