methods, notes and classification World Development Indicators methods, notes and classification

World Development Indicators (WDI)

The World Development Indicators (WDI) provides a comprehensive selection of economic, social and environmental indicators, drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partner agencies. The database covers more than 900 indicators for 210 economies with data back to 1960.

The new WDI 2013 focuses its attention on the worldÆs progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDG targets are a framework for measuring progress set forth by United Nations and have been adopted by 189 nations. The introductory essays in the WDI 2013 highlight progress towards achieving these goals, which include eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a global partnership for development.

    • Indicator
      • Environment
        • Agricultural production
          • 000 Agricultural machinery, tractors
          • 001 Fertilizer consumption (% of fertilizer production)
          • 002 Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land)
          • 003 Land under cereal production (hectares)
          • 004 Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land
          • 005 Cereal production (metric tons)
          • 006 Crop production index (2014-2016 = 100)
          • 007 Food production index (2014-2016 = 100)
          • 008 Livestock production index (2014-2016 = 100)
          • 009 Cereal yield (kg per hectare)
          • 00a Aquaculture production (metric tons)
          • 00b Capture fisheries production (metric tons)
          • 00c Total fisheries production (metric tons)
        • Land use
          • 00d Agricultural land (sq. km)
          • 00e Agricultural land (% of land area)
          • 00f Arable land (hectares)
          • 00g Arable land (hectares per person)
          • 00h Arable land (% of land area)
          • 00i Permanent cropland (% of land area)
          • 00j Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (sq. km)
          • 00k Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area)
          • 00l Urban land area where elevation is below 5 meters (sq. km)
          • 00m Urban land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area)
          • 00n Land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area)
          • 00o Forest area (sq. km)
          • 00p Forest area (% of land area)
          • 00q Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land)
          • 00r Average precipitation in depth (mm per year)
          • 00s Land area (sq. km)
          • 00t Rural land area (sq. km)
          • 00u Urban land area (sq. km)
          • 00v Surface area (sq. km)
          • 00w Disaster risk reduction progress score (1-5 scale; 5=best)
          • 00x Droughts, floods, extreme temperatures (% of population, average 1990-2009)
          • 00y Rural population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population)
          • 00z Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population)
          • 010 Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population)
        • Energy production & use
          • 011 Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking, rural (% of rural population)
          • 012 Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking, urban (% of urban population)
          • 013 Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (% of population)
          • 014 Energy intensity level of primary energy (MJ/$2017 PPP GDP)
          • 015 Access to electricity, rural (% of rural population)
          • 016 Access to electricity, urban (% of urban population)
          • 017 Access to electricity (% of population)
          • 018 Electricity production from coal sources (% of total)
          • 019 Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total)
          • 01a Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total)
          • 01b Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output)
          • 01c Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total)
          • 01d Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total)
          • 01e Electricity production from oil sources (% of total)
          • 01f Renewable electricity output (% of total electricity output)
          • 01g Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh)
          • 01h Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)
          • 01i Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption)
          • 01j GDP per unit of energy use (PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent)
          • 01k GDP per unit of energy use (constant 2017 PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent)
          • 01l Energy imports, net (% of energy use)
          • 01m Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)
          • 01n Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)
          • 01o Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2017 PPP)
          • 01p Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)
          • 01q Electric power consumption (kWh per capita)
          • 01r Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)
        • Emissions
          • 01s CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use)
          • 01t CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)
          • 01u CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (% of total)
          • 01v CO2 emissions (kg per 2015 US$ of GDP)
          • 01w CO2 emissions (kt)
          • 01x CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (kt)
          • 01y CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (% of total)
          • 01z CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
          • 020 CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP)
          • 021 CO2 emissions (kg per 2017 PPP $ of GDP)
          • 022 CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)
          • 023 CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total)
          • 024 Other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 025 Other greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990)
          • 026 Total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)
          • 027 Total greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990)
          • 028 HFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 029 Agricultural methane emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02a Agricultural methane emissions (% of total)
          • 02b Methane emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02c Energy related methane emissions (% of total)
          • 02d Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02e Methane emissions (% change from 1990)
          • 02f Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02g Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total)
          • 02h Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02i Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (% of total)
          • 02j Nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02k Nitrous oxide emissions (% change from 1990)
          • 02l PFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02m PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter)
          • 02n PM2.5 pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO Interim Target-1 value (% of total)
          • 02o PM2.5 pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO Interim Target-2 value (% of total)
          • 02p PM2.5 pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO Interim Target-3 value (% of total)
          • 02q PM2.5 air pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO guideline value (% of total)
          • 02r SF6 gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02s GHG net emissions/removals by LUCF (Mt of CO2 equivalent)
          • 02t CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion)
          • 02u CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (% of total fuel combustion)
          • 02v CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (% of total fuel combustion)
          • 02w CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion)
          • 02x CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion)
        • Biodiversity & protected areas
          • 02y Bird species, threatened
          • 02z Fish species, threatened
          • 030 Plant species (higher), threatened
          • 031 Mammal species, threatened
          • 032 Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area)
          • 033 Marine protected areas (% of territorial waters)
          • 034 Terrestrial and marine protected areas (% of total territorial area)
        • Density & urbanization
          • 035 Population density (people per sq. km of land area)
          • 036 Population living in slums (% of urban population)
          • 037 Population in largest city
          • 038 Population in the largest city (% of urban population)
          • 039 Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million
          • 03a Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population)
          • 03b Rural population
          • 03c Rural population growth (annual %)
          • 03d Rural population (% of total population)
          • 03e Urban population growth (annual %)
          • 03f Urban population
          • 03g Urban population (% of total population)
        • Freshwater
          • 03h Water productivity, total (constant 2015 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal)
          • 03i Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal)
          • 03j Annual freshwater withdrawals, domestic (% of total freshwater withdrawal)
          • 03k Annual freshwater withdrawals, industry (% of total freshwater withdrawal)
          • 03l Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
          • 03m Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters)
          • 03n Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources)
          • 03o Renewable internal freshwater resources, total (billion cubic meters)
          • 03p Renewable internal freshwater resources per capita (cubic meters)
        • Natural resources contribution to GDP
          • 03q Coal rents (% of GDP)
          • 03r Forest rents (% of GDP)
          • 03s Mineral rents (% of GDP)
          • 03t Natural gas rents (% of GDP)
          • 03u Oil rents (% of GDP)
          • 03v Total natural resources rents (% of GDP)
      • Economic Policy & Debt
        • Balance of payments
          • Current account
            • Goods, services & income
              • 03w Trade in services (% of GDP)
              • 03x Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP)
              • 03y Primary income payments (BoP, current US$)
              • 03z Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$)
              • 040 Insurance and financial services (% of service imports, BoP)
              • 041 Goods imports (BoP, current US$)
              • 042 Service imports (BoP, current US$)
              • 043 Charges for the use of intellectual property, payments (BoP, current US$)
              • 044 Imports of goods, services and primary income (BoP, current US$)
              • 045 Transport services (% of service imports, BoP)
              • 046 Travel services (% of service imports, BoP)
              • 047 Net primary income (BoP, current US$)
              • 048 Communications, computer, etc. (% of service exports, BoP)
              • 049 Primary income receipts (BoP, current US$)
              • 04a Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$)
              • 04b Insurance and financial services (% of service exports, BoP)
              • 04c Goods exports (BoP, current US$)
              • 04d Service exports (BoP, current US$)
              • 04e Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$)
              • 04f Exports of goods, services and primary income (BoP, current US$)
              • 04g Transport services (% of service exports, BoP)
              • 04h Travel services (% of service exports, BoP)
            • Transfers
              • 04i Secondary income, other sectors, payments (BoP, current US$)
              • 04j Personal remittances, paid (current US$)
              • 04k Net secondary income (BoP, current US$)
              • 04l Secondary income receipts (BoP, current US$)
              • 04m Personal transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$)
              • 04n Personal remittances, received (current US$)
              • 04o Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)
            • Balances
              • 04p Current account balance (BoP, current US$)
              • 04q Current account balance (% of GDP)
              • 04r Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$)
              • 04s Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$)
          • Capital & financial account
            • 04t Foreign direct investment, net outflows (BoP, current US$)
            • 04u Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
            • 04v Net financial account (BoP, current US$)
            • 04w Net errors and omissions (BoP, current US$)
            • 04x Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$)
            • 04y Portfolio Investment, net (BoP, current US$)
            • 04z Reserves and related items (BoP, current US$)
            • 050 Net capital account (BoP, current US$)
            • 051 Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)
            • 052 Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
            • 053 Portfolio equity, net inflows (BoP, current US$)
          • Reserves & other items
            • 054 Grants, excluding technical cooperation (BoP, current US$)
            • 055 Technical cooperation grants (BoP, current US$)
            • 056 Total reserves (includes gold, current US$)
            • 057 Total reserves (% of total external debt)
            • 058 Total reserves in months of imports
            • 059 Total reserves minus gold (current US$)
        • Official development assistance
          • 05a Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Australia (current US$)
          • 05b Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Austria (current US$)
          • 05c Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Belgium (current US$)
          • 05d Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Canada (current US$)
          • 05e Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, European Union institutions (current US$)
          • 05f Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Switzerland (current US$)
          • 05g Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Czech Republic (current US$)
          • 05h Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Germany (current US$)
          • 05i Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Denmark (current US$)
          • 05j Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Spain (current US$)
          • 05k Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Finland (current US$)
          • 05l Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, France (current US$)
          • 05m Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United Kingdom (current US$)
          • 05n Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Greece (current US$)
          • 05o Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Hungary (current US$)
          • 05p Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Ireland (current US$)
          • 05q Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Iceland (current US$)
          • 05r Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Italy (current US$)
          • 05s Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Japan (current US$)
          • 05t Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Korea, Rep. (current US$)
          • 05u Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Luxembourg (current US$)
          • 05v Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Netherlands (current US$)
          • 05w Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Norway (current US$)
          • 05x Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, New Zealand (current US$)
          • 05y Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Poland (current US$)
          • 05z Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Portugal (current US$)
          • 060 Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Slovak Republic (current US$)
          • 061 Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Slovenia (current US$)
          • 062 Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)
          • 063 Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Total (current US$)
          • 064 Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United States (current US$)
          • 065 Net ODA provided, to the least developed countries (current US$)
          • 066 Net ODA provided to the least developed countries (% of GNI)
          • 067 Net ODA provided, total (current US$)
          • 068 Net ODA provided, total (% of GNI)
          • 069 Net ODA provided, total (constant 2021 US$)
          • 06a Net official flows from UN agencies, FAO (current US$)
          • 06b Net official flows from UN agencies, IAEA (current US$)
          • 06c Net official flows from UN agencies, IFAD (current US$)
          • 06d Net official flows from UN agencies, ILO (current US$)
          • 06e Net official flows from UN agencies, UNAIDS (current US$)
          • 06f Net official flows from UN agencies, UNICEF (current US$)
          • 06g Net official flows from UN agencies, UNHCR (current US$)
          • 06h Net official flows from UN agencies, UNDP (current US$)
          • 06i Net official flows from UN agencies, UNECE (current US$)
          • 06j Net official flows from UN agencies, UNEP (current US$)
          • 06k Net official flows from UN agencies, UNFPA (current US$)
          • 06l Net official flows from UN agencies, UNIDIR (current US$)
          • 06m Net official flows from UN agencies, UNPBF (current US$)
          • 06n Net official flows from UN agencies, UNRWA (current US$)
          • 06o Net official flows from UN agencies, UNTA (current US$)
          • 06p Net official flows from UN agencies, UNWTO (current US$)
          • 06q Net official flows from UN agencies, WFP (current US$)
          • 06r Net official flows from UN agencies, WHO (current US$)
          • 06s Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$)
          • 06t Net official development assistance and official aid received (constant 2021 US$)
          • 06u Net official aid received (current US$)
          • 06v Net official aid received (constant 2021 US$)
          • 06w Net official development assistance received (current US$)
          • 06x Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation)
          • 06y Net ODA received (% of GNI)
          • 06z Net official development assistance received (constant 2021 US$)
          • 070 Net ODA received (% of imports of goods, services and primary income)
          • 071 Net ODA received per capita (current US$)
          • 072 Net ODA received (% of central government expense)
        • External debt
          • Debt outstanding
            • 073 External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$)
            • 074 Use of IMF credit (DOD, current US$)
            • 075 External debt stocks, long-term (DOD, current US$)
            • 076 External debt stocks, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DOD, current US$)
            • 077 External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DOD, current US$)
            • 078 External debt stocks, short-term (DOD, current US$)
            • 079 PPG, IBRD (DOD, current US$)
            • 07a PPG, IDA (DOD, current US$)
            • 07b IBRD loans and IDA credits (DOD, current US$)
            • 07c Present value of external debt (current US$)
          • Debt ratios & other items
            • 07d External debt stocks (% of GNI)
            • 07e Short-term debt (% of total reserves)
            • 07f Short-term debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
            • 07g Short-term debt (% of total external debt)
            • 07h Present value of external debt (% of exports of goods, services and income)
            • 07i Present value of external debt (% of GNI)
            • 07j Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
            • 07k Total debt service (% of GNI)
            • 07l Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of GNI)
            • 07m Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
            • 07n Multilateral debt service (% of public and publicly guaranteed debt service)
          • Net flows
            • 07o Net financial flows, bilateral (NFL, current US$)
            • 07p Portfolio investment, bonds (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$)
            • 07q Net flows on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NFL, current US$)
            • 07r Net financial flows, IMF concessional (NFL, current US$)
            • 07s Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional (NFL, current US$)
            • 07t Net financial flows, IBRD (NFL, current US$)
            • 07u Net financial flows, IDA (NFL, current US$)
            • 07v Net financial flows, multilateral (NFL, current US$)
            • 07w Net financial flows, others (NFL, current US$)
            • 07x IFC, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$)
            • 07y PPG, official creditors (NFL, current US$)
            • 07z PPG, bonds (NFL, current US$)
            • 080 PPG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)
            • 081 Commercial banks and other lending (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$)
            • 082 PNG, bonds (NFL, current US$)
            • 083 PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NFL, current US$)
            • 084 PPG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)
            • 085 PPG, private creditors (NFL, current US$)
            • 086 Net financial flows, RDB concessional (NFL, current US$)
            • 087 Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional (NFL, current US$)
          • Debt service
            • 088 Debt service on external debt, total (TDS, current US$)
            • 089 IMF repurchases and charges (TDS, current US$)
            • 08a Debt service to exports (%)
            • 08b Debt service on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (TDS, current US$)
            • 08c Multilateral debt service (TDS, current US$)
        • National accounts
          • US$ at current prices
            • Expenditure on GDP
              • 08d General government final consumption expenditure (current US$)
              • 08e Household and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (current US$)
              • 08f Final consumption expenditure (current US$)
              • 08g Gross national expenditure (current US$)
              • 08h Exports of goods and services (current US$)
              • 08i Gross fixed capital formation (current US$)
              • 08j Changes in inventories (current US$)
              • 08k Gross capital formation (current US$)
              • 08l Imports of goods and services (current US$)
              • 08m External balance on goods and services (current US$)
            • Value added
              • 08n Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current US$)
              • 08o Manufacturing, value added (current US$)
              • 08p Industry (including construction), value added (current US$)
              • 08q Services, value added (current US$)
            • Aggregate indicators
              • 08r Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (current US$)
              • 08s GDP (current US$)
              • 08t GDP per capita (current US$)
              • 08u Gross domestic savings (current US$)
              • 08v GNI (current US$)
              • 08w Gross savings (current US$)
              • 08x Net primary income (Net income from abroad) (current US$)
              • 08y Taxes less subsidies on products (current US$)
              • 08z Net secondary income (Net current transfers from abroad) (current US$)
          • Local currency at current prices
            • Expenditure on GDP
              • 090 General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU)
              • 091 Household and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (current LCU)
              • 092 Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure: linked series (current LCU)
              • 093 Final consumption expenditure (current LCU)
              • 094 Gross national expenditure (current LCU)
              • 095 Exports of goods and services (current LCU)
              • 096 Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (current LCU)
              • 097 Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU)
              • 098 Changes in inventories (current LCU)
              • 099 Gross capital formation (current LCU)
              • 09a Imports of goods and services (current LCU)
              • 09b External balance on goods and services (current LCU)
              • 09c Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU)
              • 09d GNI: linked series (current LCU)
            • Value added
              • 09e Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current LCU)
              • 09f Financial intermediary services indirectly Measured (FISIM) (current LCU)
              • 09g Manufacturing, value added (current LCU)
              • 09h Industry (including construction), value added (current LCU)
              • 09i Services, value added (current LCU)
            • Aggregate indicators
              • 09j Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (current LCU)
              • 09k GDP (current LCU)
              • 09l GDP: linked series (current LCU)
              • 09m GDP per capita (current LCU)
              • 09n Gross domestic savings (current LCU)
              • 09o GNI (current LCU)
              • 09p GNI per capita (current LCU)
              • 09q Gross savings (current LCU)
              • 09r Net primary income (Net income from abroad) (current LCU)
              • 09s Taxes less subsidies on products (current LCU)
              • 09t Net secondary income (Net current transfers from abroad) (current LCU)
          • US$ at constant 2015 prices
            • Expenditure on GDP
              • 09u General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2015 US$)
              • 09v Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (constant 2015 US$)
              • 09w Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2015 US$)
              • 09x Final consumption expenditure (constant 2015 US$)
              • 09y Gross national expenditure (constant 2015 US$)
              • 09z Exports of goods and services (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a0 Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a1 Gross capital formation (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a2 Imports of goods and services (constant 2015 US$)
            • Value added
              • 0a3 Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added per worker (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a4 Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a5 Industry (including construction), value added per worker (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a6 Manufacturing, value added (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a7 Industry (including construction), value added (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a8 Services, value added per worker (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0a9 Services, value added (constant 2015 US$)
            • Aggregate indicators
              • 0aa Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0ab GDP (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0ac GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0ad GNI (constant 2015 US$)
              • 0ae GNI per capita (constant 2015 US$)
          • Growth rates
            • 0af General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth)
            • 0ag Household and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (annual % growth)
            • 0ah Household final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %)
            • 0ai Final consumption expenditure (annual % growth)
            • 0aj Exports of goods and services (annual % growth)
            • 0ak Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth)
            • 0al Gross capital formation (annual % growth)
            • 0am Imports of goods and services (annual % growth)
            • 0an Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (annual % growth)
            • 0ao Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth)
            • 0ap Industry (including construction), value added (annual % growth)
            • 0aq Services, value added (annual % growth)
            • 0ar GDP growth (annual %)
            • 0as GDP per capita growth (annual %)
            • 0at GNI growth (annual %)
            • 0au GNI per capita growth (annual %)
          • Local currency at constant prices
            • Expenditure on GDP
              • 0av General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU)
              • 0aw Household and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU)
              • 0ax Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU)
              • 0ay Gross national expenditure (constant LCU)
              • 0az Exports of goods and services (constant LCU)
              • 0b0 Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU)
              • 0b1 Changes in inventories (constant LCU)
              • 0b2 Gross capital formation (constant LCU)
              • 0b3 Imports of goods and services (constant LCU)
              • 0b4 External balance on goods and services (constant LCU)
              • 0b5 Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU)
            • Value added
              • 0b6 Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (constant LCU)
              • 0b7 Financial intermediary services indirectly Measured (FISIM) (constant LCU)
              • 0b8 Manufacturing, value added (constant LCU)
              • 0b9 Industry (including construction), value added (constant LCU)
              • 0ba Services, value added (constant LCU)
            • Other items
              • 0bb Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU)
              • 0bc Gross domestic income (constant LCU)
              • 0bd Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU)
            • Aggregate indicators
              • 0be Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (constant LCU)
              • 0bf GDP (constant LCU)
              • 0bg GDP per capita (constant LCU)
              • 0bh GNI (constant LCU)
              • 0bi GNI per capita (constant LCU)
              • 0bj Net primary income (Net income from abroad) (constant LCU)
              • 0bk Taxes less subsidies on products (constant LCU)
              • 0bl Net secondary income (Net current transfers from abroad) (constant LCU)
          • Shares of GDP & other
            • 0bm General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
            • 0bn Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
            • 0bo Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
            • 0bp Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country)
            • 0bq Gross national expenditure (% of GDP)
            • 0br Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
            • 0bs Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP)
            • 0bt Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP)
            • 0bu Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
            • 0bv Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
            • 0bw External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)
            • 0bx Trade (% of GDP)
            • 0by Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
            • 0bz Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)
            • 0c0 Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)
            • 0c1 Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing)
            • 0c2 Food, beverages and tobacco (% of value added in manufacturing)
            • 0c3 Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in manufacturing)
            • 0c4 Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing)
            • 0c5 Medium and high-tech manufacturing value added (% manufacturing value added)
            • 0c6 Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing)
            • 0c7 Services, value added (% of GDP)
            • 0c8 Gross domestic savings (% of GDP)
            • 0c9 Gross savings (% of GNI)
            • 0ca Gross savings (% of GDP)
          • Adjusted savings & income
            • 0cb Adjusted savings: education expenditure (current US$)
            • 0cc Adjusted savings: education expenditure (% of GNI)
            • 0cd Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (current US$)
            • 0ce Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI)
            • 0cf Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (current US$)
            • 0cg Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI)
            • 0ch Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (current US$)
            • 0ci Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GNI)
            • 0cj Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (current US$)
            • 0ck Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (% of GNI)
            • 0cl Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$)
            • 0cm Adjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI)
            • 0cn Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (current US$)
            • 0co Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
            • 0cp Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI)
            • 0cq Adjusted savings: gross savings (% of GNI)
            • 0cr Adjusted savings: net national savings (current US$)
            • 0cs Adjusted savings: net national savings (% of GNI)
            • 0ct Adjusted net national income (current US$)
            • 0cu Adjusted net national income (constant 2015 US$)
            • 0cv Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)
            • 0cw Adjusted net national income per capita (current US$)
            • 0cx Adjusted net national income per capita (constant 2015 US$)
            • 0cy Adjusted net national income per capita (annual % growth)
            • 0cz Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (current US$)
            • 0d0 Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
            • 0d1 Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (current US$)
            • 0d2 Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
          • Atlas GNI & GNI per capita
            • 0d3 GNI, Atlas method (current US$)
            • 0d4 GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
        • Purchasing power parity
          • 0d5 Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure, PPP (current international $)
          • 0d6 Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
          • 0d7 GDP, PPP (current international $)
          • 0d8 GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
          • 0d9 GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
          • 0da GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
          • 0db GNI, PPP (current international $)
          • 0dc GNI, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
          • 0dd GNI per capita, PPP (current international $)
          • 0de GNI per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
          • 0df PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $)
          • 0dg Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate
          • 0dh PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $)
      • Infrastructure
        • Communications
          • 0di ICT service exports (BoP, current US$)
          • 0dj ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP)
          • 0dk Mobile cellular subscriptions
          • 0dl Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)
          • 0dm Fixed telephone subscriptions
          • 0dn Fixed telephone subscriptions (per 100 people)
          • 0do Fixed broadband subscriptions
          • 0dp Fixed broadband subscriptions (per 100 people)
          • 0dq Secure Internet servers
          • 0dr Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people)
          • 0ds Individuals using the Internet (% of population)
          • 0dt ICT goods imports (% total goods imports)
          • 0du ICT goods exports (% of total goods exports)
        • Transportation
          • 0dv Pump price for diesel fuel (US$ per liter)
          • 0dw Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter)
          • 0dx Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide
          • 0dy Air transport, freight (million ton-km)
          • 0dz Air transport, passengers carried
          • 0e0 Railways, goods transported (million ton-km)
          • 0e1 Railways, passengers carried (million passenger-km)
          • 0e2 Rail lines (total route-km)
          • 0e3 Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum value in 2004 = 100)
          • 0e4 Container port traffic (TEU: 20 foot equivalent units)
        • Technology
          • 0e5 Research and development expenditure (% of GDP)
          • 0e6 Industrial design applications, nonresident, by count
          • 0e7 Industrial design applications, resident, by count
          • 0e8 Scientific and technical journal articles
          • 0e9 Patent applications, nonresidents
          • 0ea Patent applications, residents
          • 0eb Trademark applications, nonresident, by count
          • 0ec Trademark applications, resident, by count
          • 0ed Researchers in R&D (per million people)
          • 0ee Technicians in R&D (per million people)
          • 0ef Medium and high-tech exports (% manufactured exports)
          • 0eg High-technology exports (current US$)
          • 0eh High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)
      • Public Sector
        • Policy & institutions
          • 0ei Control of Corruption: Estimate
          • 0ej Control of Corruption: Number of Sources
          • 0ek Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank
          • 0el Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0em Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0en Control of Corruption: Standard Error
          • 0eo Government Effectiveness: Estimate
          • 0ep Government Effectiveness: Number of Sources
          • 0eq Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank
          • 0er Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0es Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0et Government Effectiveness: Standard Error
          • 0eu Human capital index (HCI) (scale 0-1)
          • 0ev Human capital index (HCI), female (scale 0-1)
          • 0ew Human capital index (HCI), lower bound (scale 0-1)
          • 0ex Human capital index (HCI), female, lower bound (scale 0-1)
          • 0ey Human capital index (HCI), male, lower bound (scale 0-1)
          • 0ez Human capital index (HCI), male (scale 0-1)
          • 0f0 Human capital index (HCI), upper bound (scale 0-1)
          • 0f1 Human capital index (HCI), female, upper bound (scale 0-1)
          • 0f2 Human capital index (HCI), male, upper bound (scale 0-1)
          • 0f3 CPIA business regulatory environment rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0f4 CPIA debt policy rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0f5 CPIA economic management cluster average (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0f6 CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0f7 CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0f8 CPIA financial sector rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0f9 CPIA fiscal policy rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fa CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fb CPIA building human resources rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fc IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fd CPIA macroeconomic management rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fe CPIA quality of public administration rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0ff CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fg CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fh CPIA social protection rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fi CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fj CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fk CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fl CPIA structural policies cluster average (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fm CPIA trade rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fn CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6=high)
          • 0fo Methodology assessment of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100)
          • 0fp Statistical Capacity Score (Overall Average) (scale 0 - 100)
          • 0fq Periodicity and timeliness assessment of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100)
          • 0fr Source data assessment of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100)
          • 0fs Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Overall score (scale 0-100)
          • 0ft Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Pillar 1 data use score (scale 0-100)
          • 0fu Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Pillar 2 data services score (scale 0-100)
          • 0fv Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Pillar 3 data products score (scale 0-100)
          • 0fw Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Pillar 4 data sources score (scale 0-100)
          • 0fx Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Pillar 5 data infrastructure score (scale 0-100)
          • 0fy Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate
          • 0fz Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Number of Sources
          • 0g0 Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank
          • 0g1 Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0g2 Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0g3 Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Standard Error
          • 0g4 Rule of Law: Estimate
          • 0g5 Rule of Law: Number of Sources
          • 0g6 Rule of Law: Percentile Rank
          • 0g7 Rule of Law: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0g8 Rule of Law: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0g9 Rule of Law: Standard Error
          • 0ga Regulatory Quality: Estimate
          • 0gb Regulatory Quality: Number of Sources
          • 0gc Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank
          • 0gd Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0ge Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0gf Regulatory Quality: Standard Error
          • 0gg Voice and Accountability: Estimate
          • 0gh Voice and Accountability: Number of Sources
          • 0gi Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank
          • 0gj Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0gk Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval
          • 0gl Voice and Accountability: Standard Error
        • Government finance
          • Deficit & financing
            • 0gm Net acquisition of financial assets (current LCU)
            • 0gn Net acquisition of financial assets (% of GDP)
            • 0go Central government debt, total (current LCU)
            • 0gp Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
            • 0gq Net incurrence of liabilities, total (current LCU)
            • 0gr Net incurrence of liabilities, total (% of GDP)
            • 0gs Net investment in nonfinancial assets (current LCU)
            • 0gt Net investment in nonfinancial assets (% of GDP)
            • 0gu Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (current LCU)
            • 0gv Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (% of GDP)
          • Revenue
            • 0gw Grants and other revenue (current LCU)
            • 0gx Grants and other revenue (% of revenue)
            • 0gy Social contributions (current LCU)
            • 0gz Social contributions (% of revenue)
            • 0h0 Revenue, excluding grants (current LCU)
            • 0h1 Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP)
            • 0h2 Taxes on exports (current LCU)
            • 0h3 Taxes on exports (% of tax revenue)
            • 0h4 Taxes on goods and services (current LCU)
            • 0h5 Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue)
            • 0h6 Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services)
            • 0h7 Customs and other import duties (current LCU)
            • 0h8 Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue)
            • 0h9 Taxes on international trade (current LCU)
            • 0ha Taxes on international trade (% of revenue)
            • 0hb Other taxes (current LCU)
            • 0hc Other taxes (% of revenue)
            • 0hd Tax revenue (current LCU)
            • 0he Tax revenue (% of GDP)
            • 0hf Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (current LCU)
            • 0hg Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenue)
            • 0hh Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes)
          • Expense
            • 0hi Compensation of employees (current LCU)
            • 0hj Compensation of employees (% of expense)
            • 0hk Goods and services expense (current LCU)
            • 0hl Goods and services expense (% of expense)
            • 0hm Interest payments (current LCU)
            • 0hn Interest payments (% of revenue)
            • 0ho Interest payments (% of expense)
            • 0hp Other expense (current LCU)
            • 0hq Other expense (% of expense)
            • 0hr Expense (current LCU)
            • 0hs Expense (% of GDP)
            • 0ht Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU)
            • 0hu Subsidies and other transfers (% of expense)
          • 0hv Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget (%)
        • Defense & arms trade
          • 0hw Arms imports (SIPRI trend indicator values)
          • 0hx Armed forces personnel, total
          • 0hy Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force)
          • 0hz Military expenditure (current USD)
          • 0i0 Military expenditure (current LCU)
          • 0i1 Military expenditure (% of GDP)
          • 0i2 Military expenditure (% of general government expenditure)
          • 0i3 Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values)
        • Conflict & fragility
          • 0i4 Battle-related deaths (number of people)
          • 0i5 Internally displaced persons, new displacement associated with conflict and violence (number of cases)
          • 0i6 Internally displaced persons, new displacement associated with disasters (number of cases)
          • 0i7 Internally displaced persons, total displaced by conflict and violence (number of people)
          • 0i8 Intentional homicides, female (per 100,000 female)
          • 0i9 Intentional homicides, male (per 100,000 male)
          • 0ia Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)
      • Financial Sector
        • Capital markets
          • 0ib S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change)
          • 0ic Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (current US$)
          • 0id Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (% of GDP)
          • 0ie Listed domestic companies, total
          • 0if Stocks traded, total value (current US$)
          • 0ig Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP)
          • 0ih Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)
        • Assets
          • 0ii Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%)
          • 0ij Bank capital to assets ratio (%)
          • 0ik Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP)
          • 0il Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%)
          • 0im Claims on central government (annual growth as % of broad money)
          • 0in Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (annual growth as % of broad money)
          • 0io Net domestic credit (current LCU)
          • 0ip Net foreign assets (current LCU)
          • 0iq Monetary Sector credit to private sector (% GDP)
          • 0ir Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of broad money)
          • 0is Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP)
          • 0it Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (% of GDP)
          • 0iu Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP)
          • 0iv Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)
        • Access
          • 0iw Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 100,000 adults)
          • 0ix Commercial bank branches (per 100,000 adults)
          • 0iy Borrowers from commercial banks (per 1,000 adults)
          • 0iz Depositors with commercial banks (per 1,000 adults)
          • 0j0 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, poorest 40% (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j1 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, richest 60% (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j2 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, female (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j3 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, male (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j4 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, older adults (% of population ages 25+)
          • 0j5 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, primary education or less (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j6 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, secondary education or more (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j7 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, young adults (% of population ages 15-24)
          • 0j8 Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider (% of population ages 15+)
          • 0j9 Average transaction cost of sending remittances to a specific country (%)
          • 0ja Average transaction cost of sending remittances from a specific country (%)
        • Monetary holdings (liabilities)
          • 0jb Broad money (current LCU)
          • 0jc Broad money (% of GDP)
          • 0jd Broad money to total reserves ratio
          • 0je Broad money growth (annual %)
        • Exchange rates & prices
          • 0jf Consumer price index (2010 = 100)
          • 0jg Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
          • 0jh Wholesale price index (2010 = 100)
          • 0ji Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %)
          • 0jj Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %)
          • 0jk GDP deflator (base year varies by country)
          • 0jl GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country)
          • 0jm DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$)
          • 0jn Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average)
          • 0jo Real effective exchange rate index (2010 = 100)
        • Interest rates
          • 0jp Deposit interest rate (%)
          • 0jq Lending interest rate (%)
          • 0jr Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %)
          • 0js Real interest rate (%)
          • 0jt Risk premium on lending (lending rate minus treasury bill rate, %)
      • Private Sector & Trade
        • Business environment
          • 0ju Ease of doing business score (0 = lowest performance to 100 = best performance)
          • 0jv Business extent of disclosure index (0=less disclosure to 10=more disclosure)
          • 0jw Ease of doing business rank (1=most business-friendly regulations)
          • 0jx New business density (new registrations per 1,000 people ages 15-64)
          • 0jy New businesses registered (number)
          • 0jz Depth of credit information index (0=low to 8=high)
          • 0k0 Private credit bureau coverage (% of adults)
          • 0k1 Public credit registry coverage (% of adults)
          • 0k2 Average time to clear exports through customs (days)
          • 0k3 Time to obtain an electrical connection (days)
          • 0k4 Power outages in firms in a typical month (number)
          • 0k5 Firms experiencing electrical outages (% of firms)
          • 0k6 Time required to get electricity (days)
          • 0k7 Firms using banks to finance working capital (% of firms)
          • 0k8 Firms using banks to finance investment (% of firms)
          • 0k9 Bribery incidence (% of firms experiencing at least one bribe payment request)
          • 0ka Firms competing against unregistered firms (% of firms)
          • 0kb Informal payments to public officials (% of firms)
          • 0kc Losses due to theft and vandalism (% of annual sales of affected firms)
          • 0kd Time required to obtain an operating license (days)
          • 0ke Firms with female top manager (% of firms)
          • 0kf Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms)
          • 0kg Firms formally registered when operations started (% of firms)
          • 0kh Firms that do not report all sales for tax purposes (% of firms)
          • 0ki Firms visited or required meetings with tax officials (% of firms)
          • 0kj Value lost due to electrical outages (% of sales for affected firms)
          • 0kk Firms that spend on R&D (% of firms)
          • 0kl Firms experiencing losses due to theft and vandalism (% of firms)
          • 0km Firms offering formal training (% of firms)
          • 0kn Time spent dealing with the requirements of government regulations (% of senior management time)
          • 0ko Time to resolve insolvency (years)
          • 0kp Strength of legal rights index (0=weak to 12=strong)
          • 0kq Time required to enforce a contract (days)
          • 0kr Time required to register property (days)
          • 0ks Procedures to register property (number)
          • 0kt Cost of business start-up procedures, female (% of GNI per capita)
          • 0ku Cost of business start-up procedures, male (% of GNI per capita)
          • 0kv Cost of business start-up procedures (% of GNI per capita)
          • 0kw Time required to start a business (days)
          • 0kx Time required to start a business, female (days)
          • 0ky Time required to start a business, male (days)
          • 0kz Start-up procedures to register a business (number)
          • 0l0 Start-up procedures to register a business, female (number)
          • 0l1 Start-up procedures to register a business, male (number)
          • 0l2 Time to prepare and pay taxes (hours)
          • 0l3 Firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials (% of firms)
          • 0l4 Labor tax and contributions (% of commercial profits)
          • 0l5 Number of visits or required meetings with tax officials (average for affected firms)
          • 0l6 Other taxes payable by businesses (% of commercial profits)
          • 0l7 Tax payments (number)
          • 0l8 Profit tax (% of commercial profits)
          • 0l9 Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit)
          • 0la Time required to build a warehouse (days)
          • 0lb Procedures to build a warehouse (number)
        • Trade facilitation
          • 0lc Cost to export, border compliance (US$)
          • 0ld Cost to export, documentary compliance (US$)
          • 0le Time to export, border compliance (hours)
          • 0lf Time to export, documentary compliance (hours)
          • 0lg Cost to import, border compliance (US$)
          • 0lh Cost to import, documentary compliance (US$)
          • 0li Time to import, border compliance (hours)
          • 0lj Time to import, documentary compliance (hours)
          • 0lk Lead time to export, median case (days)
          • 0ll Lead time to import, median case (days)
          • 0lm Logistics performance index: Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure (1=low to 5=high)
          • 0ln Logistics performance index: Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments (1=low to 5=high)
          • 0lo Logistics performance index: Competence and quality of logistics services (1=low to 5=high)
          • 0lp Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high)
          • 0lq Logistics performance index: Frequency with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or expected time (1=low to 5=high)
          • 0lr Logistics performance index: Ability to track and trace consignments (1=low to 5=high)
        • Private infrastructure investment
          • 0ls Investment in energy with private participation (current US$)
          • 0lt Investment in ICT with private participation (current US$)
          • 0lu Investment in transport with private participation (current US$)
          • 0lv Investment in water and sanitation with private participation (current US$)
          • 0lw Public private partnerships investment in energy (current US$)
          • 0lx Public private partnerships investment in ICT (current US$)
          • 0ly Public private partnerships investment in transport (current US$)
          • 0lz Public private partnerships investment in water and sanitation (current US$)
        • Travel & tourism
          • 0m0 International tourism, number of arrivals
          • 0m1 International tourism, number of departures
          • 0m2 International tourism, receipts (current US$)
          • 0m3 International tourism, receipts (% of total exports)
          • 0m4 International tourism, receipts for passenger transport items (current US$)
          • 0m5 International tourism, expenditures for passenger transport items (current US$)
          • 0m6 International tourism, receipts for travel items (current US$)
          • 0m7 International tourism, expenditures for travel items (current US$)
          • 0m8 International tourism, expenditures (current US$)
          • 0m9 International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports)
        • 0ma Total merchandise trade: Merchandise trade (% of GDP)
        • Trade indexes
          • 0mb Import volume index (2000 = 100)
          • 0mc Import value index (2000 = 100)
          • 0md Net barter terms of trade index (2000 = 100)
          • 0me Export volume index (2000 = 100)
          • 0mf Export value index (2000 = 100)
        • Tariffs
          • 0mg Binding coverage, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mh Bound rate, simple mean, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mi Share of tariff lines with international peaks, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mj Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mk Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, manufactured products (%)
          • 0ml Share of tariff lines with specific rates, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mm Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mn Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, manufactured products (%)
          • 0mo Binding coverage, all products (%)
          • 0mp Bound rate, simple mean, all products (%)
          • 0mq Share of tariff lines with international peaks, all products (%)
          • 0mr Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%)
          • 0ms Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, all products (%)
          • 0mt Share of tariff lines with specific rates, all products (%)
          • 0mu Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, all products (%)
          • 0mv Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, all products (%)
          • 0mw Binding coverage, primary products (%)
          • 0mx Bound rate, simple mean, primary products (%)
          • 0my Share of tariff lines with international peaks, primary products (%)
          • 0mz Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, primary products (%)
          • 0n0 Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, primary products (%)
          • 0n1 Share of tariff lines with specific rates, primary products (%)
          • 0n2 Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, primary products (%)
          • 0n3 Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, primary products (%)
        • Trade price indices
          • 0n4 Import unit value index (2015 = 100)
          • 0n5 Export unit value index (2015 = 100)
        • Imports
          • 0n6 Agricultural raw materials imports (% of merchandise imports)
          • 0n7 Food imports (% of merchandise imports)
          • 0n8 Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports)
          • 0n9 Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service imports)
          • 0na Manufactures imports (% of merchandise imports)
          • 0nb Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports)
          • 0nc Merchandise imports from economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nd Merchandise imports (current US$)
          • 0ne Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nf Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies outside region (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0ng Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nh Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0ni Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nj Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nk Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nl Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nm Merchandise imports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0nn Merchandise imports by the reporting economy (current US$)
          • 0no Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies within region (% of total merchandise imports)
          • 0np Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports)
          • 0nq Commercial service imports (current US$)
          • 0nr Transport services (% of commercial service imports)
          • 0ns Travel services (% of commercial service imports)
        • Exports
          • 0nt Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports)
          • 0nu Food exports (% of merchandise exports)
          • 0nv Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports)
          • 0nw Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service exports)
          • 0nx Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports)
          • 0ny Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports)
          • 0nz Merchandise exports to economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o0 Merchandise exports (current US$)
          • 0o1 Merchandise exports to high-income economies (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o2 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies outside region (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o3 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o4 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o5 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o6 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o7 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o8 Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0o9 Merchandise exports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0oa Merchandise exports by the reporting economy (current US$)
          • 0ob Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies within region (% of total merchandise exports)
          • 0oc Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports)
          • 0od Commercial service exports (current US$)
          • 0oe Transport services (% of commercial service exports)
          • 0of Travel services (% of commercial service exports)
      • 0og Trade: Logistics performance index: Efficiency of customs clearance process (1=low to 5=high)
      • Social Protection & Labor
        • Performance
          • 0oh Adequacy of social protection and labor programs (% of total welfare of beneficiary households)
          • 0oi Benefit incidence of social protection and labor programs to poorest quintile (% of total SPL benefits)
          • 0oj Coverage of social protection and labor programs (% of population)
          • 0ok Adequacy of unemployment benefits and ALMP (% of total welfare of beneficiary households)
          • 0ol Benefit incidence of unemployment benefits and ALMP to poorest quintile (% of total U/ALMP benefits)
          • 0om Coverage of unemployment benefits and ALMP (% of population)
          • 0on Coverage of unemployment benefits and ALMP in poorest quintile (% of population)
          • 0oo Coverage of unemployment benefits and ALMP in 2nd quintile (% of population)
          • 0op Coverage of unemployment benefits and ALMP in 3rd quintile (% of population)
          • 0oq Coverage of unemployment benefits and ALMP in 4th quintile (% of population)
          • 0or Coverage of unemployment benefits and ALMP in richest quintile (% of population)
          • 0os Adequacy of social safety net programs (% of total welfare of beneficiary households)
          • 0ot Benefit incidence of social safety net programs to poorest quintile (% of total safety net benefits)
          • 0ou Coverage of social safety net programs (% of population)
          • 0ov Coverage of social safety net programs in poorest quintile (% of population)
          • 0ow Coverage of social safety net programs in 2nd quintile (% of population)
          • 0ox Coverage of social safety net programs in 3rd quintile (% of population)
          • 0oy Coverage of social safety net programs in 4th quintile (% of population)
          • 0oz Coverage of social safety net programs in richest quintile (% of population)
          • 0p0 Adequacy of social insurance programs (% of total welfare of beneficiary households)
          • 0p1 Benefit incidence of social insurance programs to poorest quintile (% of total social insurance benefits)
          • 0p2 Coverage of social insurance programs (% of population)
          • 0p3 Coverage of social insurance programs in poorest quintile (% of population)
          • 0p4 Coverage of social insurance programs in 2nd quintile (% of population)
          • 0p5 Coverage of social insurance programs in 3rd quintile (% of population)
          • 0p6 Coverage of social insurance programs in 4th quintile (% of population)
          • 0p7 Coverage of social insurance programs in richest quintile (% of population)
        • Economic activity
          • 0p8 Child employment in agriculture, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0p9 Child employment in agriculture, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0pa Child employment in agriculture (% of economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0pb Employment in agriculture, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pc Employment in agriculture, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pd Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pe Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (national estimate)
          • 0pf Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pg Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (national estimate)
          • 0ph Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pi Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (national estimate)
          • 0pj Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pk Employers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pl Employers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pm Employers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pn Self-employed, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0po Self-employed, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pp Self-employed, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pq Female share of employment in senior and middle management (%)
          • 0pr Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (national estimate)
          • 0ps Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pt Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (national estimate)
          • 0pu Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pv Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national estimate)
          • 0pw Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0px Vulnerable employment, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0py Vulnerable employment, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0pz Vulnerable employment, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q0 Wage and salaried workers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q1 Wage and salaried workers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q2 Wage and salaried workers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q3 Children in employment, unpaid family workers, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0q4 Children in employment, unpaid family workers, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0q5 Children in employment, unpaid family workers (% of children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0q6 Contributing family workers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q7 Contributing family workers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q8 Contributing family workers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0q9 GDP per person employed (constant 2017 PPP $)
          • 0qa Employment in industry, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0qb Employment in industry, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0qc Employment in industry (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0qd Child employment in manufacturing, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0qe Child employment in manufacturing, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0qf Child employment in manufacturing (% of economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0qg Children in employment, self-employed, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qh Children in employment, self-employed, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qi Children in employment, self-employed (% of children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qj Child employment in services, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0qk Child employment in services, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0ql Child employment in services (% of economically active children ages 7-14)
          • 0qm Employment in services, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0qn Employment in services, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0qo Employment in services (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0qp Children in employment, female (% of female children ages 7-14)
          • 0qq Children in employment, male (% of male children ages 7-14)
          • 0qr Average working hours of children, study and work, female, ages 7-14 (hours per week)
          • 0qs Children in employment, study and work, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qt Average working hours of children, study and work, male, ages 7-14 (hours per week)
          • 0qu Children in employment, study and work, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qv Average working hours of children, study and work, ages 7-14 (hours per week)
          • 0qw Children in employment, study and work (% of children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qx Average working hours of children, working only, female, ages 7-14 (hours per week)
          • 0qy Children in employment, work only, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0qz Average working hours of children, working only, male, ages 7-14 (hours per week)
          • 0r0 Children in employment, work only, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0r1 Average working hours of children, working only, ages 7-14 (hours per week)
          • 0r2 Children in employment, work only (% of children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0r3 Children in employment, total (% of children ages 7-14)
          • 0r4 Part time employment, female (% of total female employment)
          • 0r5 Part time employment, male (% of total male employment)
          • 0r6 Part time employment, total (% of total employment)
          • 0r7 Children in employment, wage workers, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0r8 Children in employment, wage workers, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14)
          • 0r9 Children in employment, wage workers (% of children in employment, ages 7-14)
        • Labor force structure
          • 0ra Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (national estimate)
          • 0rb Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rc Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (national estimate)
          • 0rd Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0re Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (national estimate)
          • 0rf Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rg Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-64) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rh Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-64) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0ri Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15-64) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rj Labor force with advanced education, female (% of female working-age population with advanced education)
          • 0rk Labor force with advanced education, male (% of male working-age population with advanced education)
          • 0rl Labor force with advanced education (% of total working-age population with advanced education)
          • 0rm Labor force with basic education, female (% of female working-age population with basic education)
          • 0rn Labor force with basic education, male (% of male working-age population with basic education)
          • 0ro Labor force with basic education (% of total working-age population with basic education)
          • 0rp Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (national estimate)
          • 0rq Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rr Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (national estimate)
          • 0rs Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rt Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (national estimate)
          • 0ru Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rv Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (national estimate)
          • 0rw Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0rx Labor force with intermediate education, female (% of female working-age population with intermediate education)
          • 0ry Labor force with intermediate education, male (% of male working-age population with intermediate education)
          • 0rz Labor force with intermediate education (% of total working-age population with intermediate education)
          • 0s0 Labor force, female (% of total labor force)
          • 0s1 Labor force, total
        • Unemployment
          • 0s2 Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (national estimate)
          • 0s3 Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0s4 Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (national estimate)
          • 0s5 Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0s6 Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (national estimate)
          • 0s7 Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0s8 Unemployment with advanced education, female (% of female labor force with advanced education)
          • 0s9 Unemployment with advanced education, male (% of male labor force with advanced education)
          • 0sa Unemployment with advanced education (% of total labor force with advanced education)
          • 0sb Unemployment with basic education, female (% of female labor force with basic education)
          • 0sc Unemployment with basic education, male (% of male labor force with basic education)
          • 0sd Unemployment with basic education (% of total labor force with basic education)
          • 0se Unemployment with intermediate education, female (% of female labor force with intermediate education)
          • 0sf Unemployment with intermediate education, male (% of male labor force with intermediate education)
          • 0sg Unemployment with intermediate education (% of total labor force with intermediate education)
          • 0sh Share of youth not in education, employment or training, female (% of female youth population)
          • 0si Share of youth not in education, employment or training, male (% of male youth population)
          • 0sj Share of youth not in education, employment or training, total (% of youth population)
          • 0sk Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (national estimate)
          • 0sl Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0sm Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (national estimate)
          • 0sn Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
          • 0so Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (national estimate)
          • 0sp Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
        • Migration
          • 0sq Net migration
          • 0sr Refugee population by country or territory of asylum
          • 0ss Refugee population by country or territory of origin
          • 0st International migrant stock, total
          • 0su International migrant stock (% of population)
      • Education
        • Outcomes
          • 0sv Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24)
          • 0sw Literacy rate, youth (ages 15-24), gender parity index (GPI)
          • 0sx Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24)
          • 0sy Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)
          • 0sz Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above)
          • 0t0 Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
          • 0t1 Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)
          • 0t2 Compulsory education, duration (years)
          • 0t3 Learning poverty: Share of Children at the End-of-Primary age below minimum reading proficiency adjusted by Out-of-School Children (%)
          • 0t4 Learning poverty: Share of Female Children at the End-of-Primary age below minimum reading proficiency adjusted by Out-of-School Children (%)
          • 0t5 Pupils below minimum reading proficiency at end of primary (%). Low GAML threshold
          • 0t6 Female pupils below minimum reading proficiency at end of primary (%). Low GAML threshold
          • 0t7 Male pupils below minimum reading proficiency at end of primary (%). Low GAML threshold
          • 0t8 Learning poverty: Share of Male Children at the End-of-Primary age below minimum reading proficiency adjusted by Out-of-School Children (%)
          • 0t9 Primary school age children out-of-school (%)
          • 0ta Female primary school age children out-of-school (%)
          • 0tb Male primary school age children out-of-school (%)
          • 0tc Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group)
          • 0td Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group)
          • 0te Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
          • 0tf Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tg Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0th Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0ti Primary education, duration (years)
          • 0tj Lower secondary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group)
          • 0tk Lower secondary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group)
          • 0tl Lower secondary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
          • 0tm Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tn Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0to Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tp Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tq Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tr Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0ts Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tt Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tu Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tv Secondary education, duration (years)
          • 0tw Educational attainment, at least Bachelor's or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tx Educational attainment, at least Bachelor's or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0ty Educational attainment, at least Bachelor's or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0tz Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u0 Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u1 Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u2 Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u3 Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u4 Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u5 Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u6 Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)
          • 0u7 Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
        • Participation
          • 0u8 School enrollment, primary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
          • 0u9 School enrollment, primary and secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
          • 0ua School enrollment, secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
          • 0ub School enrollment, tertiary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
          • 0uc School enrollment, preprimary (% gross)
          • 0ud School enrollment, preprimary, female (% gross)
          • 0ue School enrollment, preprimary, male (% gross)
          • 0uf Primary education, pupils
          • 0ug Primary education, pupils (% female)
          • 0uh School enrollment, primary (% gross)
          • 0ui School enrollment, primary, female (% gross)
          • 0uj School enrollment, primary, male (% gross)
          • 0uk School enrollment, primary (% net)
          • 0ul School enrollment, primary, female (% net)
          • 0um School enrollment, primary, male (% net)
          • 0un School enrollment, primary, private (% of total primary)
          • 0uo Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary (% of primary school age children)
          • 0up Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary, female (% of primary school age children)
          • 0uq Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary, male (% of primary school age children)
          • 0ur Children out of school, primary
          • 0us Children out of school, primary, female
          • 0ut Children out of school, female (% of female primary school age)
          • 0uu Children out of school, primary, male
          • 0uv Children out of school, male (% of male primary school age)
          • 0uw Children out of school (% of primary school age)
          • 0ux Secondary education, pupils
          • 0uy Secondary education, pupils (% female)
          • 0uz Secondary education, general pupils
          • 0v0 Secondary education, general pupils (% female)
          • 0v1 Secondary education, vocational pupils
          • 0v2 Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female)
          • 0v3 School enrollment, secondary (% gross)
          • 0v4 School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross)
          • 0v5 School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross)
          • 0v6 School enrollment, secondary (% net)
          • 0v7 School enrollment, secondary, female (% net)
          • 0v8 School enrollment, secondary, male (% net)
          • 0v9 School enrollment, secondary, private (% of total secondary)
          • 0va Adolescents out of school, female (% of female lower secondary school age)
          • 0vb Adolescents out of school, male (% of male lower secondary school age)
          • 0vc Adolescents out of school (% of lower secondary school age)
          • 0vd School enrollment, tertiary (% gross)
          • 0ve School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross)
          • 0vf School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross)
        • Inputs
          • 0vg Preprimary education, duration (years)
          • 0vh Pupil-teacher ratio, preprimary
          • 0vi Trained teachers in preprimary education, female (% of female teachers)
          • 0vj Trained teachers in preprimary education, male (% of male teachers)
          • 0vk Trained teachers in preprimary education (% of total teachers)
          • 0vl Primary school starting age (years)
          • 0vm Pupil-teacher ratio, primary
          • 0vn Trained teachers in primary education, female (% of female teachers)
          • 0vo Trained teachers in primary education, male (% of male teachers)
          • 0vp Trained teachers in primary education (% of total teachers)
          • 0vq Primary education, teachers
          • 0vr Primary education, teachers (% female)
          • 0vs Lower secondary school starting age (years)
          • 0vt Pupil-teacher ratio, lower secondary
          • 0vu Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary
          • 0vv Pupil-teacher ratio, upper secondary
          • 0vw Trained teachers in secondary education, female (% of female teachers)
          • 0vx Trained teachers in lower secondary education, female (% of female teachers)
          • 0vy Trained teachers in lower secondary education, male (% of male teachers)
          • 0vz Trained teachers in lower secondary education (% of total teachers)
          • 0w0 Trained teachers in secondary education, male (% of male teachers)
          • 0w1 Trained teachers in upper secondary education, female (% of female teachers)
          • 0w2 Trained teachers in upper secondary education, male (% of male teachers)
          • 0w3 Trained teachers in upper secondary education (% of total teachers)
          • 0w4 Trained teachers in secondary education (% of total teachers)
          • 0w5 Secondary education, teachers
          • 0w6 Secondary education, teachers, female
          • 0w7 Secondary education, teachers (% female)
          • 0w8 Pupil-teacher ratio, tertiary
          • 0w9 Tertiary education, academic staff (% female)
          • 0wa Current education expenditure, primary (% of total expenditure in primary public institutions)
          • 0wb Current education expenditure, secondary (% of total expenditure in secondary public institutions)
          • 0wc Current education expenditure, tertiary (% of total expenditure in tertiary public institutions)
          • 0wd Current education expenditure, total (% of total expenditure in public institutions)
          • 0we Government expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita)
          • 0wf Expenditure on primary education (% of government expenditure on education)
          • 0wg Government expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per capita)
          • 0wh Expenditure on secondary education (% of government expenditure on education)
          • 0wi Government expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita)
          • 0wj Expenditure on tertiary education (% of government expenditure on education)
          • 0wk Government expenditure on education, total (% of government expenditure)
          • 0wl Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
        • Efficiency
          • 0wm Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, female (% of relevant age group)
          • 0wn Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, male (% of relevant age group)
          • 0wo Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, total (% of relevant age group)
          • 0wp Net intake rate in grade 1, female (% of official school-age population)
          • 0wq Net intake rate in grade 1, male (% of official school-age population)
          • 0wr Net intake rate in grade 1 (% of official school-age population)
          • 0ws Over-age students, primary, female (% of female enrollment)
          • 0wt Over-age students, primary, male (% of male enrollment)
          • 0wu Over-age students, primary (% of enrollment)
          • 0wv Persistence to grade 5, female (% of cohort)
          • 0ww Persistence to grade 5, male (% of cohort)
          • 0wx Persistence to grade 5, total (% of cohort)
          • 0wy Persistence to last grade of primary, female (% of cohort)
          • 0wz Persistence to last grade of primary, male (% of cohort)
          • 0x0 Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort)
          • 0x1 Repeaters, primary, female (% of female enrollment)
          • 0x2 Repeaters, primary, male (% of male enrollment)
          • 0x3 Repeaters, primary, total (% of total enrollment)
          • 0x4 Progression to secondary school, female (%)
          • 0x5 Progression to secondary school, male (%)
          • 0x6 Progression to secondary school (%)
      • Gender
        • Public life & decision making
          • 0x7 Women participating in the three decisions (own health care, major household purchases, and visiting family) (% of women age 15-49)
          • 0x8 Women making their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care (% of women age 15-49)
          • 0x9 Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)
        • Participation & access
          • 0xa Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, female (% of 24 hour day)
          • 0xb Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, male (% of 24 hour day)
        • Health
          • 0xc Proportion of women subjected to physical and/or sexual violence in the last 12 months (% of ever-partnered women ages 15-49)
          • 0xd Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%)
          • 0xe Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%)
          • 0xf Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%)
          • 0xg Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%)
          • 0xh Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%)
          • 0xi Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%)
        • Agency
          • 0xj Women who were first married by age 15 (% of women ages 20-24)
          • 0xk Women who were first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20-24)
      • 0xl Employment and Time Use: Women Business and the Law Index Score (scale 1-100)
      • Health
        • Risk factors
          • 0xm Total alcohol consumption per capita, female (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, female 15+ years of age)
          • 0xn Total alcohol consumption per capita (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, 15+ years of age)
          • 0xo Total alcohol consumption per capita, male (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, male 15+ years of age)
          • 0xp Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total)
          • 0xq Cause of death, by injury (% of total)
          • 0xr Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases (% of total)
          • 0xs Women's share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%)
          • 0xt Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49)
          • 0xu Children (0-14) living with HIV
          • 0xv Prevalence of HIV, female (% ages 15-24)
          • 0xw Prevalence of HIV, male (% ages 15-24)
          • 0xx Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people living with HIV)
          • 0xy Adults (ages 15-49) newly infected with HIV
          • 0xz Children (ages 0-14) newly infected with HIV
          • 0y0 Adults (ages 15+) and children (ages 0-14) newly infected with HIV
          • 0y1 Incidence of HIV, all (per 1,000 uninfected population)
          • 0y2 Young people (ages 15-24) newly infected with HIV
          • 0y3 Incidence of HIV, ages 15-24 (per 1,000 uninfected population ages 15-24)
          • 0y4 Incidence of HIV, ages 15-49 (per 1,000 uninfected population ages 15-49)
          • 0y5 Antiretroviral therapy coverage for PMTCT (% of pregnant women living with HIV)
          • 0y6 Incidence of malaria (per 1,000 population at risk)
          • 0y7 Prevalence of current tobacco use (% of adults)
          • 0y8 Prevalence of current tobacco use, females (% of female adults)
          • 0y9 Prevalence of current tobacco use, males (% of male adults)
          • 0ya Risk of catastrophic expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk)
          • 0yb Risk of impoverishing expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk)
          • 0yc Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79)
          • 0yd Female genital mutilation prevalence (%)
          • 0ye People practicing open defecation, rural (% of rural population)
          • 0yf People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population)
          • 0yg People practicing open defecation (% of population)
          • 0yh Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people)
        • Nutrition
          • 0yi Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age (% of women ages 15-49)
          • 0yj Prevalence of anemia among children (% of children ages 6-59 months)
          • 0yk Prevalence of anemia among non-pregnant women (% of women ages 15-49)
          • 0yl Prevalence of anemia among pregnant women (%)
          • 0ym Exclusive breastfeeding (% of children under 6 months)
          • 0yn Low-birthweight babies (% of births)
          • 0yo Prevalence of underweight, weight for age, female (% of children under 5)
          • 0yp Prevalence of underweight, weight for age, male (% of children under 5)
          • 0yq Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5)
          • 0yr Prevalence of overweight, weight for height, female (% of children under 5)
          • 0ys Prevalence of overweight, weight for height, male (% of children under 5)
          • 0yt Prevalence of overweight (modeled estimate, % of children under 5)
          • 0yu Prevalence of overweight, weight for height (% of children under 5)
          • 0yv Prevalence of stunting, height for age, female (% of children under 5)
          • 0yw Prevalence of stunting, height for age, male (% of children under 5)
          • 0yx Prevalence of stunting, height for age (modeled estimate, % of children under 5)
          • 0yy Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5)
          • 0yz Prevalence of wasting, weight for height, female (% of children under 5)
          • 0z0 Prevalence of wasting, weight for height, male (% of children under 5)
          • 0z1 Prevalence of wasting, weight for height (% of children under 5)
          • 0z2 Prevalence of severe wasting, weight for height, female (% of children under 5)
          • 0z3 Prevalence of severe wasting, weight for height, male (% of children under 5)
          • 0z4 Prevalence of severe wasting, weight for height (% of children under 5)
          • 0z5 Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population)
          • 0z6 Consumption of iodized salt (% of households)
          • 0z7 Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (% of children ages 6-59 months)
        • Disease prevention
          • 0z8 Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24)
          • 0z9 Condom use, population ages 15-24, male (% of males ages 15-24)
          • 0za People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population)
          • 0zb People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population)
          • 0zc People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population)
          • 0zd People using safely managed drinking water services, rural (% of rural population)
          • 0ze People using safely managed drinking water services, urban (% of urban population)
          • 0zf People using safely managed drinking water services (% of population)
          • 0zg Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children)
          • 0zh Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months)
          • 0zi Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)
          • 0zj Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population)
          • 0zk Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever)
          • 0zl ARI treatment (% of children under 5 taken to a health provider)
          • 0zm People using at least basic sanitation services, rural (% of rural population)
          • 0zn People using at least basic sanitation services, urban (% of urban population)
          • 0zo People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population)
          • 0zp People with basic handwashing facilities including soap and water, rural (% of rural population)
          • 0zq People with basic handwashing facilities including soap and water, urban (% of urban population)
          • 0zr People with basic handwashing facilities including soap and water (% of population)
          • 0zs Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding)
          • 0zt Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS packet)
          • 0zu People using safely managed sanitation services, rural (% of rural population)
          • 0zv People using safely managed sanitation services, urban (% of urban population)
          • 0zw People using safely managed sanitation services (% of population)
          • 0zx Tuberculosis treatment success rate (% of new cases)
          • 0zy Tuberculosis case detection rate (%, all forms)
        • Mortality
          • 0zz Number of deaths ages 5-9 years
          • 100 Number of deaths ages 10-14 years
          • 101 Number of deaths ages 15-19 years
          • 102 Number of deaths ages 20-24 years
          • 103 Number of infant deaths
          • 104 Number of under-five deaths
          • 105 Number of neonatal deaths
          • 106 Probability of dying among children ages 5-9 years (per 1,000)
          • 107 Probability of dying among adolescents ages 10-14 years (per 1,000)
          • 108 Probability of dying among adolescents ages 15-19 years (per 1,000)
          • 109 Probability of dying among youth ages 20-24 years (per 1,000)
          • 10a Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10b Mortality rate, under-5, female (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10c Mortality rate, under-5, male (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10d Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70, female (%)
          • 10e Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70, male (%)
          • 10f Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70 (%)
          • 10g Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10h Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution, age-standardized, female (per 100,000 female population)
          • 10i Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution, age-standardized, male (per 100,000 male population)
          • 10j Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution, age-standardized (per 100,000 population)
          • 10k Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100,000 population)
          • 10l Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning, female (per 100,000 female population)
          • 10m Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning, male (per 100,000 male population)
          • 10n Suicide mortality rate, female (per 100,000 female population)
          • 10o Suicide mortality rate, male (per 100,000 male population)
          • 10p Suicide mortality rate (per 100,000 population)
          • 10q Mortality caused by road traffic injury (per 100,000 population)
          • 10r Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (per 100,000 population)
          • 10s Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults)
          • 10t Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults)
          • 10u Mortality rate, infant, female (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10v Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10w Mortality rate, infant, male (per 1,000 live births)
          • 10x Life expectancy at birth, female (years)
          • 10y Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
          • 10z Life expectancy at birth, male (years)
          • 110 Survival to age 65, female (% of cohort)
          • 111 Survival to age 65, male (% of cohort)
        • Reproductive health
          • 112 Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (% of married women with demand for family planning)
          • 113 Number of maternal deaths
          • 114 Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in: rate varies by country)
          • 115 Lifetime risk of maternal death (%)
          • 116 Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%)
          • 117 Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total)
          • 118 Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births)
          • 119 Maternal mortality ratio (national estimate, per 100,000 live births)
          • 11a Newborns protected against tetanus (%)
          • 11b Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)
          • 11c Contraceptive prevalence, any modern method (% of married women ages 15-49)
          • 11d Contraceptive prevalence, any method (% of married women ages 15-49)
          • 11e Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
          • 11f Wanted fertility rate (births per woman)
          • 11g Teenage mothers (% of women ages 15-19 who have had children or are currently pregnant)
          • 11h Unmet need for contraception (% of married women ages 15-49)
        • Health systems
          • 11i Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)
          • 11j Community health workers (per 1,000 people)
          • 11k Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people)
          • 11l Physicians (per 1,000 people)
          • 11m Specialist surgical workforce (per 100,000 population)
          • 11n Number of surgical procedures (per 100,000 population)
          • 11o Current health expenditure (% of GDP)
          • 11p Current health expenditure per capita (current US$)
          • 11q Current health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)
          • 11r External health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
          • 11s External health expenditure per capita (current US$)
          • 11t External health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)
          • 11u Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
          • 11v Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP)
          • 11w Domestic general government health expenditure (% of general government expenditure)
          • 11x Domestic general government health expenditure per capita (current US$)
          • 11y Domestic general government health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)
          • 11z Out-of-pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
          • 120 Out-of-pocket expenditure per capita (current US$)
          • 121 Out-of-pocket expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)
          • 122 Domestic private health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
          • 123 Domestic private health expenditure per capita (current US$)
          • 124 Domestic private health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)
        • Universal Health Coverage
          • 125 Proportion of population pushed further below the $2.15 ($ 2017 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 126 Proportion of population pushed further below the $3.65 ($ 2017 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 127 Proportion of population pushed further below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 128 Proportion of population pushed below the $2.15 ($ 2017 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 129 Proportion of population pushed below the $3.65 ($ 2017 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 12a Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health expenditure (%)
          • 12b Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 12c Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 12d UHC service coverage index
          • 12e Proportion of population pushed or further pushed below the $2.15 ($ 2017 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 12f Proportion of population pushed or further pushed below the $3.65 ($ 2017 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
          • 12g Proportion of population pushed or further pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health expenditure (%)
        • 12h Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population (%)
        • 12i Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the population (%)
        • Population
          • Dynamics
            • 12j Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
            • 12k Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
            • 12l Female headed households (% of households with a female head)
            • 12m Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)
            • 12n Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population)
            • 12o Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population)
            • 12p Population growth (annual %)
            • 12q Completeness of birth registration, female (%)
            • 12r Completeness of birth registration, male (%)
            • 12s Completeness of birth registration, rural (%)
            • 12t Completeness of birth registration, urban (%)
            • 12u Completeness of birth registration (%)
            • 12v Completeness of death registration with cause-of-death information (%)
          • Structure
            • 12w Population ages 00-04, female (% of female population)
            • 12x Population ages 00-04, male (% of male population)
            • 12y Population ages 0-14, female
            • 12z Population ages 0-14, female (% of female population)
            • 130 Population ages 0-14, male
            • 131 Population ages 0-14, male (% of male population)
            • 132 Population ages 0-14, total
            • 133 Population ages 0-14 (% of total population)
            • 134 Population ages 05-09, female (% of female population)
            • 135 Population ages 05-09, male (% of male population)
            • 136 Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population)
            • 137 Population ages 10-14, male (% of male population)
            • 138 Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population)
            • 139 Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population)
            • 13a Population ages 15-64, female
            • 13b Population ages 15-64, female (% of female population)
            • 13c Population ages 15-64, male
            • 13d Population ages 15-64, male (% of male population)
            • 13e Population ages 15-64, total
            • 13f Population ages 15-64 (% of total population)
            • 13g Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population)
            • 13h Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population)
            • 13i Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population)
            • 13j Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population)
            • 13k Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population)
            • 13l Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population)
            • 13m Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population)
            • 13n Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population)
            • 13o Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population)
            • 13p Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population)
            • 13q Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population)
            • 13r Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population)
            • 13s Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population)
            • 13t Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population)
            • 13u Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population)
            • 13v Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population)
            • 13w Population ages 60-64, female (% of female population)
            • 13x Population ages 60-64, male (% of male population)
            • 13y Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population)
            • 13z Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population)
            • 140 Population ages 65 and above, female
            • 141 Population ages 65 and above, female (% of female population)
            • 142 Population ages 65 and above, male
            • 143 Population ages 65 and above, male (% of male population)
            • 144 Population ages 65 and above, total
            • 145 Population ages 65 and above (% of total population)
            • 146 Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population)
            • 147 Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population)
            • 148 Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population)
            • 149 Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population)
            • 14a Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population)
            • 14b Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population)
            • 14c Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births)
            • 14d Population, total
            • 14e Population, female
            • 14f Population, female (% of total population)
            • 14g Population, male
            • 14h Population, male (% of total population)
      • Poverty
        • Income distribution
          • 14i Income share held by second 20%
          • 14j Income share held by third 20%
          • 14k Income share held by fourth 20%
          • 14l Income share held by highest 20%
          • 14m Income share held by highest 10%
          • 14n Proportion of people living below 50 percent of median income (%)
          • 14o Income share held by lowest 10%
          • 14p Income share held by lowest 20%
          • 14q Gini index
        • Poverty rates
          • 14r Poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
          • 14s Poverty gap at $2.15 a day (2017 PPP) (%)
          • 14t Poverty headcount ratio at $3.65 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
          • 14u Poverty gap at $3.65 a day (2017 PPP) (%)
          • 14v Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population)
          • 14w Poverty headcount ratio at $6.85 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
          • 14x Poverty gap at $6.85 a day (2017 PPP) (%)
        • Shared prosperity
          • 14y Survey mean consumption or income per capita, bottom 40% of population (2017 PPP $ per day)
          • 14z Annualized average growth rate in per capita real survey mean consumption or income, bottom 40% of population (%)
          • 150 Survey mean consumption or income per capita, total population (2017 PPP $ per day)
          • 151 Annualized average growth rate in per capita real survey mean consumption or income, total population (%)
    • Reporting Country
      • 00 Aruba
      • 01 Africa Eastern and Southern
      • 02 Afghanistan
      • 03 Africa Western and Central
      • 04 Angola
      • 05 Albania
      • 06 Andorra
      • 07 Arab World
      • 08 United Arab Emirates
      • 09 Argentina
      • 0a Armenia
      • 0b American Samoa
      • 0c Antigua and Barbuda
      • 0d Australia
      • 0e Austria
      • 0f Azerbaijan
      • 0g Burundi
      • 0h Belgium
      • 0i Benin
      • 0j Burkina Faso
      • 0k Bangladesh
      • 0l Bulgaria
      • 0m Bahrain
      • 0n The Bahamas
      • 0o Bosnia and Herzegovina
      • 0p Belarus
      • 0q Belize
      • 0r Bermuda
      • 0s Bolivia
      • 0t Brazil
      • 0u Barbados
      • 0v Brunei
      • 0w Bhutan
      • 0x Botswana
      • 0y Central African Republic
      • 0z Canada
      • 10 Central Europe and the Baltics
      • 11 Switzerland
      • 12 Channel Islands
      • 13 Chile
      • 14 China
      • 15 Côte d'Ivoire
      • 16 Cameroon
      • 17 Dem. Rep. Congo
      • 18 Congo
      • 19 Colombia
      • 1a Comoros
      • 1b Cabo Verde
      • 1c Costa Rica
      • 1d Caribbean small states
      • 1e Cuba
      • 1f Curaçao
      • 1g Cayman Islands
      • 1h Cyprus
      • 1i Czechia
      • 1j Germany
      • 1k Djibouti
      • 1l Dominica
      • 1m Denmark
      • 1n Dominican Republic
      • 1o Algeria
      • 1p East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)
      • 1q Early-demographic dividend
      • 1r East Asia & Pacific
      • 1s Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)
      • 1t Europe & Central Asia
      • 1u Ecuador
      • 1v Egypt
      • 1w Euro area
      • 1x Eritrea
      • 1y Spain
      • 1z Estonia
      • 20 Ethiopia
      • 21 European Union
      • 22 Fragile and conflict affected situations
      • 23 Finland
      • 24 Fiji
      • 25 France
      • 26 Faroe Islands
      • 27 Micronesia
      • 28 Gabon
      • 29 United Kingdom
      • 2a Georgia
      • 2b Ghana
      • 2c Gibraltar
      • 2d Guinea
      • 2e The Gambia
      • 2f Guinea-Bissau
      • 2g Equatorial Guinea
      • 2h Greece
      • 2i Grenada
      • 2j Greenland
      • 2k Guatemala
      • 2l Guam
      • 2m Guyana
      • 2n High income
      • 2o Hong Kong SAR, China
      • 2p Honduras
      • 2q Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC)
      • 2r Croatia
      • 2s Haiti
      • 2t Hungary
      • 2u IBRD only
      • 2v IDA & IBRD total
      • 2w IDA total
      • 2x IDA blend
      • 2y Indonesia
      • 2z IDA only
      • 30 Isle of Man
      • 31 India
      • 32 Ireland
      • 33 Iran
      • 34 Iraq
      • 35 Iceland
      • 36 Israel
      • 37 Italy
      • 38 Jamaica
      • 39 Jordan
      • 3a Japan
      • 3b Kazakhstan
      • 3c Kenya
      • 3d Kyrgyz Republic
      • 3e Cambodia
      • 3f Kiribati
      • 3g St. Kitts and Nevis
      • 3h Korea
      • 3i Kuwait
      • 3j Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)
      • 3k Lao PDR
      • 3l Lebanon
      • 3m Liberia
      • 3n Libya
      • 3o St. Lucia
      • 3p Latin America & Caribbean
      • 3q Least developed countries: UN classification
      • 3r Low income
      • 3s Liechtenstein
      • 3t Sri Lanka
      • 3u Lower middle income
      • 3v Low & middle income
      • 3w Lesotho
      • 3x Late-demographic dividend
      • 3y Lithuania
      • 3z Luxembourg
      • 40 Latvia
      • 41 Macao SAR, China
      • 42 St. Martin (French part)
      • 43 Morocco
      • 44 Monaco
      • 45 Moldova
      • 46 Madagascar
      • 47 Maldives
      • 48 Middle East & North Africa
      • 49 Mexico
      • 4a Marshall Islands
      • 4b Middle income
      • 4c North Macedonia
      • 4d Mali
      • 4e Malta
      • 4f Myanmar
      • 4g Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)
      • 4h Montenegro
      • 4i Mongolia
      • 4j Northern Mariana Islands
      • 4k Mozambique
      • 4l Mauritania
      • 4m Mauritius
      • 4n Malawi
      • 4o Malaysia
      • 4p North America
      • 4q Namibia
      • 4r New Caledonia
      • 4s Niger
      • 4t Nigeria
      • 4u Nicaragua
      • 4v Netherlands
      • 4w Norway
      • 4x Nepal
      • 4y Nauru
      • 4z New Zealand
      • 50 OECD members
      • 51 Oman
      • 52 Other small states
      • 53 Pakistan
      • 54 Panama
      • 55 Peru
      • 56 Philippines
      • 57 Palau
      • 58 Papua New Guinea
      • 59 Poland
      • 5a Pre-demographic dividend
      • 5b Puerto Rico
      • 5c Dem. People's Rep. Korea
      • 5d Portugal
      • 5e Paraguay
      • 5f West Bank and Gaza
      • 5g Pacific island small states
      • 5h Post-demographic dividend
      • 5i French Polynesia
      • 5j Qatar
      • 5k Romania
      • 5l Russia
      • 5m Rwanda
      • 5n South Asia
      • 5o Saudi Arabia
      • 5p Sudan
      • 5q Senegal
      • 5r Singapore
      • 5s Solomon Islands
      • 5t Sierra Leone
      • 5u El Salvador
      • 5v San Marino
      • 5w Somalia
      • 5x Serbia
      • 5y Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)
      • 5z South Sudan
      • 60 Sub-Saharan Africa
      • 61 Small states
      • 62 São Tomé and Principe
      • 63 Suriname
      • 64 Slovak Republic
      • 65 Slovenia
      • 66 Sweden
      • 67 Eswatini
      • 68 Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
      • 69 Seychelles
      • 6a Syrian Arab Republic
      • 6b Turks and Caicos Islands
      • 6c Chad
      • 6d East Asia & Pacific (IDA & IBRD)
      • 6e Europe & Central Asia (IDA & IBRD)
      • 6f Togo
      • 6g Thailand
      • 6h Tajikistan
      • 6i Turkmenistan
      • 6j Latin America & Caribbean (IDA & IBRD)
      • 6k Timor-Leste
      • 6l Middle East & North Africa (IDA & IBRD)
      • 6m Tonga
      • 6n South Asia (IDA & IBRD)
      • 6o Sub-Saharan Africa (IDA & IBRD)
      • 6p Trinidad and Tobago
      • 6q Tunisia
      • 6r Türkiye
      • 6s Tuvalu
      • 6t Tanzania
      • 6u Uganda
      • 6v Ukraine
      • 6w Upper middle income
      • 6x Uruguay
      • 6y United States
      • 6z Uzbekistan
      • 70 St. Vincent and the Grenadines
      • 71 Venezuela
      • 72 British Virgin Islands
      • 73 Virgin Islands
      • 74 Viet Nam
      • 75 Vanuatu
      • 76 World
      • 77 Samoa
      • 78 Kosovo
      • 79 Yemen
      • 7a South Africa
      • 7b Zambia
      • 7c Zimbabwe