Eurostat, Luxembourg. 27100098 (01/1993-12/1998) Lubricating oils and other preparations n.e.s. containing by weight >= 70% of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations (excl. for undergoing chemical transformation or the specific processes specified in Additional Note 4 to chapter 27 and to be mixed in accordance with the terms of Additional Note 6 to chapter 27): KN 27100098 /Exporte /Einheit = Preise (Euro/Tonne) /Partnerland: Faeroeer Inseln /Meldeland: Eur27 /27100098:Schmieroele und Andere Zubereitungen mit Einem Gehalt an Erdoel Oder oel aus Bituminoesen Mineralien von >= 70 Ght, in Denen Diese Oele den Charakter Dieser Waren Bestimmen, A.n.g..