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CN 20089937 /Exports /Unit = Quantities in tons /Partner: Belarus /Reporter: European Union /20089937:Fruit and Other Edible Parts of Plants, Prepared or Preserved, Containing Added Spirit, of an Actual Alcoholic Strength of <= 11,85% mas (Excl. With a Sugar Content of > 9% by Weight, Nuts, Groundnuts and Other Seeds, Pineapples, Citrus Fruits, Pears, Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Strawberries, Cranberries, Ginger, Grapes, Guavas, Mangoes, Mangosteens, Papaws `papayas`, Tamarinds, Cashew Apples, Lychees, Jackfruit, Sapodillo Plums, Passion Fruit, Carambola and Pitahaya)