03026595 (01/2010-12/2011) Fresh or chilled sharks (excl. dogfish of the species `Squalus acanthias`, `Scyliorhinus spp.` and porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus))

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg


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Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Belgium
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Bulgaria
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Czechia
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Denmark
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Estonia
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Greece
Population of active enterprises in t - number / Total / Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Spain