39011090 (01/1988-..) Polyethylene with a specific gravity of < 0,94, in primary forms (excl. linear polyethylene)

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg


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Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Belgium
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Bulgaria
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Czechia
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Denmark
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Germany
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Estonia
Stock or flow: Imports / Raw materials: Total / Geopolitical entity (partner): Greece / Unit of measure: Thousand euro / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Ireland