44033590 (01/1988-12/1995) Tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibetou, limba and azobe in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared (excl. rough-cut wood for walking sticks, umbrellas, tool shafts and the like, wood cut into boards or beams, etc., wood treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives)

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg


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Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Estonia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Eesti
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Eesti
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Greece
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Attiki
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Attiki
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti
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