69029000 (01/1988-..) Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods (excl. containing, by weight, singly or together, > 50% of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3, containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg


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Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Belgium
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Bulgaria
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Czechia
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Denmark
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Germany
Unit of measure: Percentage of employees / Sex: Total / Age class: From 15 to 19 years / Reason: Total / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Estonia