69060000 (01/1988-..) Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings (excl. of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths, refractory ceramic goods, chimney liners, pipes specifically manufactured for laboratories, insulating tubing and fittings and other piping for electrotechnical purposes)

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg


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Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Belgium
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Bulgaria
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Czechia
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Denmark
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Germany
Country of destination: Europe / Purpose: Total / Duration: 1 night or over / Unit of measure: Number / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Estonia