Land use footprints

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

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Country of destination: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Forest land / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Country of destination: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Forest land / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: Extra-EU27 (from 2020)
Country of destination: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Cropland / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Country of destination: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Cropland / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: Extra-EU27 (from 2020)
Country of destination: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Grassland / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Country of destination: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Grassland / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: Extra-EU27 (from 2020)
Country of destination: Extra-EU27 (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Forest land / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Country of destination: Extra-EU27 (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Cropland / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
Country of destination: Extra-EU27 (from 2020) / Environment indicator: Grassland / Unit of measure: Hectare / Country of origin: European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)