Income of households by NUTS 2 regions

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

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Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Estonia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Eesti
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Eesti
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Greece
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Attiki
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Attiki
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Voreio Aigaio
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Notio Aigaio
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Kriti
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Voreia Elláda
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Kentriki Makedonia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Dytiki Makedonia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Ipeiros
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Kentriki Elláda
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Thessalia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Ionia Nisia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Dytiki Elláda
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Sterea Elláda
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Peloponnisos
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Cyprus
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Kýpros
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Kýpros
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Latvia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Latvija
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Latvija
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Lithuania
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Lietuva
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Luxembourg
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Luxembourg
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Luxembourg
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Malta
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Malta
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Malta
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Extra-Regio NUTS 1
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Extra-Regio NUTS 2
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Norway
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Norge
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Innlandet
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Trøndelag
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Nord-Norge
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Oslo og Viken
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Agder og Sør-Østlandet
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Vestlandet
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Montenegro
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Crna Gora
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Final consumption expenditure / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Crna Gora
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Belgium
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Vlaams Gewest
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Antwerpen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Limburg (BE)
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. West-Vlaanderen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Région wallonne
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Brabant wallon
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Hainaut
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Liège
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Luxembourg (BE)
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Namur
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Extra-Regio NUTS 1
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Extra-Regio NUTS 2
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Bulgaria
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Severna i Yugoiztochna Bulgaria
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Severozapaden
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Severen tsentralen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Severoiztochen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Yugoiztochen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Yugozapadna i Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Yugozapaden
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Yuzhen tsentralen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Czechia
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): ?esko
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Praha
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): St?ední ?echy
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Jihozápad
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Severozápad
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Severovýchod
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Jihovýchod
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): St?ední Morava
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Moravskoslezsko
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Denmark
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Danmark
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Hovedstaden
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Sjælland
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Syddanmark
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Midtjylland
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Nordjylland
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Germany
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Baden-Württemberg
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Stuttgart
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Karlsruhe
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Freiburg
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Tübingen
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Bayern
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Oberbayern
Unit of measure: Million euro / Direction of flow: Paid / National accounts indicator (ESA 2010): Property income / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Niederbayern