Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg (Statistical Office of the EU)
Domains: Statistics - Tables on EU policy
Share of adult population with upper secondary or tertiary education, age group 25-64
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Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees
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Part-time employment rate
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Unemployment rate
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Labour productivity per person employed and hour worked (EU28=100)
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At-risk of poverty rate of unemployed persons
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Employment rate of low skilled persons, age group 20-64
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Youth employment rate, age group 20-29
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Employment rate of non-EU nationals, age group 20-64
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Tertiary educational attainment, age group 30-34
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Early leavers from education and training, age group 18-24
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Employment rate of older workers, age group 55-64
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Employment rate of the total population, men and women, age group 20-64
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Gender employment gap
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Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
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Overall employment growth
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Involuntary temporary employment
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Youth unemployment rate, age group 15-24
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Long term unemployment rate
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Lifelong learning - Percentage of adult population aged 25-64 participating in education and training
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Newly employed
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Youth neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) rate, age group 15-24
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Nominal and real unit labour cost growth
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Tax rate on low wage earners - Unemployment trap
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At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers by age group (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers by sex (source: SILC)
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Distribution of population by household types (source: SILC)
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Gender differences in aggregate replacement ratio (source: SILC)
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Gender differences in the relative income of elderly people (65+) (source: SILC)
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Gender differences in the relative income of older people (source: SILC)
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Gender differences in the risk of poverty (source: SILC)
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Aggregate replacement ratio (incl. Other social benefits) (source: SILC)
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Aggregate replacement ratio (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate of elderly people by tenure status (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by detailed age group (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate for pensioners (source: SILC)
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Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold for elderly people (source: SILC)
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Income inequality for older people (source: SILC)
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Median relative income of elderly people (60+) (source: SILC)
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Median relative income of elderly people (source: SILC)
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Relative median poverty risk gap of elderly people (source: SILC)
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Share of total population not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household (source: SILC)
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Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark (source: SILC)
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Share of total population having neither a bath, nor a shower in their dwelling (source: SILC)
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In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by working time (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005) by sex (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers by sex (source: SILC)
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Housing deprivation rate by number of item (source: SILC)
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Share of total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames of floor (source: SILC)
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Income quintile share ratio (S80/S20) (source: SILC)
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Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC)
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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by poverty status (source: SILC)
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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by sex (source: SILC)
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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by degree of urbanisation (source: SILC)
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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by age group (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate by age group (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate by sex (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty threshold (source: SILC)
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Material Deprivation rate by age group (source: SILC)
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Material Deprivation rate by sex (source: SILC)
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Persistent at-risk-of poverty rate by age group (source: SILC)
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Persistent at-risk-of poverty rate by sex (source: SILC)
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Relative median poverty risk gap by age group (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate of households without dependent children by work intensity (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of poverty rate by most frequent activity status (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of-poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child by work intensity (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of poverty rate by detailed age group (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of poverty rate by tenure status (source: SILC)
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At-risk-of poverty rate by household type (source: SILC)
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Depth of material deprivation (source: SILC)
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Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by age group (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by degree of urbanisation (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by household type (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by income quintile (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by poverty status (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by sex (source: SILC)
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Housing cost overburden rate by tenure status (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by age group (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by age group - Population without single-person households (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by degree of urbanisation (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by household type (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by poverty status (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by poverty status - Population without single-person households (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by sex (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by sex - Population without single-person households (source: SILC)
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Overcrowding rate by tenure status (source: SILC)
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Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2
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Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2012=100)
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Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-1
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Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-4
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Harmonised unemployment by sex
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Harmonised unemployment by sex - age group 15-24
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Harmonised unemployment by sex - age group 25-74
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Harmonised unemployment rate by sex
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Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 15-24
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Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 25-74
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Job vacancy rate
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Balance of payments, capital account, monthly data
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Balance of payments, capital account, quarterly data
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Balance of payments, current account, monthly data
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Balance of payments, current account, quarterly data
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Balance of payments, current account, quarterly data - % of GDP
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Balance of payments, current and capital account, monthly data
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Balance of payments, current and capital account, quarterly data
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International investment position - quarterly data
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Balance of payments, financial account, monthly data
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Balance of payments, financial account, net, quarterly data
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Current level of capacity utilization in manufacturing industry
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Confidence indicators by sector
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Economic sentiment indicator
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HICP - alcohol and tobacco
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HICP - all items
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HICP - all items excluding energy
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HICP - all items excluding energy and seasonal food
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HICP - all items excluding energy and unprocessed food
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HICP - all items excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco
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HICP - all items excluding tobacco
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HICP - clothing
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HICP - communications
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HICP - education
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HICP - energy
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HICP - food
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HICP - food, alcohol and tobacco
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HICP - health
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HICP - hotels and restaurants
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HICP - household equipment
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HICP - housing
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HICP - miscellaneous
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HICP - non-energy industrial goods
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HICP - recreation and culture
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HICP - services
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HICP - transport
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Building permits - monthly data
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House price index (2010 = 100) - quarterly data
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Labour input in construction
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Construction cost of new residential buildings
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Production in construction
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Service producer prices
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Retail trade deflated turnover - total
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Retail trade deflated turnover - non food
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Retail trade deflated turnover - automotive fuel
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Retail trade deflated turnover - food, beverages and tobacco
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Retail trade turnover - automotive fuel
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Retail trade turnover - food, beverages and tobacco
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Retail trade turnover - non food
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Retail trade turnover - total
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Turnover in services - index and percentage changes
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Turnover in services - index by NACE Rev. 2
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Labour input - total industry (excluding construction)
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Import prices - consumer durables
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Import prices - total industry
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Import prices - capital goods
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Import prices - manufacturing
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Import prices - consumer non-durables
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Import prices - intermediate goods
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Domestic producer prices - capital goods
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Domestic producer prices - consumer durables
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Domestic producer prices - consumer non-durables
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Domestic producer prices - energy
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Domestic producer prices - intermediate goods
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Domestic producer prices - manufacturing
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Domestic producer prices - total industry (excluding construction)
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Production in industry - capital goods
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Production in industry - consumer durables
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Production in industry - consumer non-durables
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Production in industry - energy
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Production in industry - intermediate goods
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Production in industry - manufacturing
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Production in industry - total (excluding construction)
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Turnover in industry - capital goods
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Turnover in industry - consumer durables
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Turnover in industry - consumer non-durables
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Turnover in industry - intermediate goods
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Turnover in industry - manufacturing
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Exports of goods - chemicals and related products
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Exports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
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Exports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
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Exports of goods - mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
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Exports of goods - other manufactured products
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Exports of goods - raw materials
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Exports of goods - total
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Balance of trade
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Balance of trade - EU and euro area aggregates
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Unit value of exports
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Unit value of imports
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Imports of goods - chemicals and related products
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Imports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
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Imports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
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Imports of goods - mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
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Imports of goods - other manufactured products
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Imports of goods - raw materials
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Imports of goods - total
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Euro/national currency exchange rates
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Real effective exchange rate - 42 trading partners
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3-month-interest rate
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Day-to-day money market interest rates
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Euro yield curve by maturity (1, 5 and 10 years)
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Long term government bond yields
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Compensation of employees - NACE Rev. 2
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External balance of goods and services, current prices
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Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-1
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Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-4
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Gross fixed capital formation by asset (AN_F6) - percentage change Q/Q-1
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Gross fixed capital formation by asset (AN_F6) - percentage change Q/Q-4
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Gross fixed capital formation, current prices
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Gross fixed capital formation, volumes
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Gross domestic product, current prices
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Gross domestic product, volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: A - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: A - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: B-E - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: B-E - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: C - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: C - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: F - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: F - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: G-I - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: G-I - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: J - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: J - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: K - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: K - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: L - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: L - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: M_N - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: M_N - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: O-Q - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: O-Q - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: R-U - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: R-U - volumes
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: TOTAL - current prices
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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: TOTAL - volumes
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Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISH, current prices
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Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISH, volumes
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Household final consumption expenditures by durability - percentage change Q/Q-1
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Household final consumption expenditures by durability - percentage change Q/Q-4
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Government final consumption expenditure, current prices
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Government final consumption expenditure, volumes
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General government fixed investment - annual data
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General government gross debt - annual data
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General government gross debt - quarterly data
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General government deficit (-) and surplus (+) - annual data
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General government deficit (-) and surplus (+) - quarterly data
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GDP deflator
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Gross national income
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Gross saving
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Gross disposable income
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Profit share of non-financial corporations
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Households investment rate
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Investment rate of non-financial corporations
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Household saving rate
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People living in households with very low work intensity
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People at risk of poverty after social transfers
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People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
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Severely materially deprived people
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Employment rate by sex, age group 20-64
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Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 30-34
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Early leavers from education and training by sex
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Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption
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Greenhouse gas emissions, base year 1990
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Final energy consumption
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Greenhouse gas emissions in non-ETS sectors
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Primary energy consumption
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Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD)
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Built-up areas
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Productivity of artificial land
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Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption
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Energy dependence
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Energy productivity
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Greenhouse gas emissions per capita
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Domestic material consumption - tonnes per capita
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Water exploitation index
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Water productivity
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Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes
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Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes
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Recycling rate of e-waste
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Recycling rate of municipal waste
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Eco-innovation index
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Energy taxes
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Energy taxes by paying sector
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Environmental tax revenues
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Daily calorie supply per capita by source
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Average carbon dioxide emissions per km from new passenger cars
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Modal split of freight transport
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Modal split of passenger transport
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Pollutant emissions from transport
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Final energy consumption in households
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Final energy consumption in households by fuel
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Resource productivity
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Area under organic farming
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Common bird index
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Landscape fragmentation
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Soil erosion by water - area eroded by more than 10 tonnes per hectare per year
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Gross nutrient balance in agricultural land
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Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter
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Urban population exposed to PM10 concentrations exceeding the daily limit value (50 µg/m3 on more than 35 days in a year)
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Active population (15-64 years) - annual averages
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Activity rate (15-64 years) - % of total population in the same age group
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Unemployment rate - quarterly data, seasonally adjusted
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Unemployment rate - annual data
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Population, 15-74 years (EU labour force survey concept) - thousand of persons
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Youth unemployment rate (15-24 years old) - % of active population in the same age
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Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (15-24 years) - % of the total population in the same age group
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Long-term unemployment rate - % of active population in the same age group
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People living in households with very low work intensity
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People at risk of poverty after social transfer
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People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
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Severely materially deprived people
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Net external debt - annual data, % of GDP
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Net external debt - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Direct investment - annual data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment assets, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment liabilities, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency
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Financial derivatives and employee stock options - annual data, million units of national currency
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Financial derivatives and employee stock options, by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency
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Other investment - annual data, million units of national currency
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Other investment by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency
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Portfolio investement - annual data, million units of national currency
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Portfolio investment assets, by instuments - annual data, million units of national currency
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Portfolio investment liabilities, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency
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International investment position - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Financial derivatives and employee stock options - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Net international investment position - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Other investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Portfolio investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Gross fixed capital formation at current prices
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Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices - annual data
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Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices - quarterly data
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Current account balance - annual data
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Current account, main component, credit - annual data, % of GDP
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Current account, main components, credit - annual data, million units of national currency
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Current account, main components, debit - annual data, % of GDP
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Current account, main components, debit - annual data, million units of national currency
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Current account, main components, net balance - annual data, % of GDP
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Current account, main components, net balance - annual data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment abroad, main components - annual data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment in the reporting economy (flows) - annual data, % of GDP
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Direct investment in the reporting economy (stocks) - annual data, % of GDP
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Direct investment in the reporting economy, main components - annual data, million units of national currency
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Financial account - annual data
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Financial account by components, net balance - annual data, million units of national currency
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Current account balance - quarterly data
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Current account, main components, credit - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Current account, main components, credit - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Current account, main components, debit - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Current account, main components, debit - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Current account, main components, net balance - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Current account, main components, net balance - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment abroad - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Direct investment abroad, main components - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Direct investment in the reporting economy - quarterly data, % of GDP
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Direct investment in the reporting economy, main components - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Financial account - quarterly data
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Financial account, main components - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Nominal effective exchange rate (42 trading partners)
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Nominal effective exchange rate for euro area
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Real effective exchange rate for euro area (based on HICP/CPI)
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Share of OECD exports
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Export market shares by items (% of world total)
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Export market shares by items - 1 year % change
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Exports of high technology products as a share of total exports, SITC Rev. 4 - %
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Net trade balance of energy products - % of GDP
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Terms of trade by items - 5 years % change
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Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, consolidated - % of GDP
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Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, consolidated - million units of national currency
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Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, consolidated - % of GDP
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Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency
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Total financial sector liabilities, consolidated
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Financial sector leverage (debt to equity), non-consolidated - %
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Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, non-consolidated - % of GDP
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Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
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Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
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Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
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Gross domestic expenditure on research and development (R&D)
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General government gross debt (EDP concept), consolidated - quarterly data
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Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions serving households - annual data
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House price index - annual data
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Residential construction - annual data, % of GDP
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Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions serving households - quarterly data
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House price index - quarterly data
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House price index, deflated - quarterly data
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Unemployment rate - 3 year average
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Current account balance - 3 year average
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Export market shares - 5 years % change
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General government gross debt (EDP concept), consolidated - annual data
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House price index, deflated - annual data
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Private sector credit flow, consolidated - % GDP
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Net international investment position - annual data
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Nominal unit labour cost - 3 years % change
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Private sector debt, consolidated - % of GDP
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Real effective exchange rate (42 trading partners, based on HICP/CPI) - 3 years % change
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Total financial sector liabilities, non-consolidated - annual data
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Private sector credit flow: loans by sectors, consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector credit flow: loans by sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector credit flow, non-consolidated
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Private sector credit flow: loans by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector credit flow: loans by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
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Compensation of employees - annual data, million units of national currency
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Employees, domestic concept - annual data
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Employment, domestic concept - annual data
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Unit labour cost performance related to the Euro area - annual data
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Nominal unit labour cost - annual data, % changes and index (2010 = 100)
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Real labour productivity per person employed - annual data
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Compensation of employees - quarterly data, million units of national currency
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Employment, domestic concept - quarterly data, thousands persons, not seasonally adjusted
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Nominal unit labour cost (NULC) - quarterly data
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Real labour productivity per person employed - quarterly data
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Net lending (+) /net borrowing (-), by sub-sector - current prices, million units of national currency
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Net savings by sub-sectors - current prices, million units of national currency
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Private sector debt: debt securities, by sectors, consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector debt: debt securities, by sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector debt: loans, by sectors, consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector debt: loans, by sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector debt, non-consolidated
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Private sector debt: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
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Private sector debt: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector debt: loans by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
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Private sector debt: loans, by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
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Greenhouse gas emissions by sector (source: EEA)
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Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption
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Share of renewable energy in fuel consumption of transport
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Combined heat and power generation
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Electricity generated from renewable sources
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Energy dependence
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Gross inland energy consumption by fuel type
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Implicit tax rate on energy
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Aggregate replacement ratio
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At-risk-of-poverty rate of elderly people, by sex
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Old-age-dependency ratio
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Expenditure on care for elderly
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Pension expenditure projections (baseline scenario)
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Projected old-age dependency ratio
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Crude rate of net migration plus adjustment
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Total fertility rate
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Life expectancy at age 65, by sex
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Duration of working life
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General government gross debt
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Official Development Assistance per capita in donor and recipient countries
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Foreign direct investment in developing countries, by income group
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Bilateral official development assistance, by category
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EU financing for developing countries, by type
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Official development assistance, by income group
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Untied official development assistance
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CO2 emissions per inhabitant in the EU and in developing countries
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Aggregated measurement of support for agriculture
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EU Imports from developing countries by income group
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EU Imports from developing countries by group of products
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EU imports from least-developed countries by group of products
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Level of citizens’ confidence in EU institutions
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Shares of environmental and labour taxes in total tax revenues from taxes and social contributions
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E-government usage by individuals
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Voter turnout in national and EU parliamentary elections
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New infringement cases
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Transposition deficit
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Electricity consumption by households
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Final energy consumption by sector
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Motorisation rate
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Number of persons in households
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Final consumption expenditure of households, by consumption purpose
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Area under agri-environmental commitment
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Area under organic farming
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Ecolabel licenses
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Livestock density index
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Organisations and sites with eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) registration
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Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes
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Emissions of ammonia (NH3), by source sector
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Municipal waste generation and treatment, by type of treatment method
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Components of domestic material consumption
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Domestic material consumption by material - 1 000 t
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Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) by source sector
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Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by source sector
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Emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) by source sector
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Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity
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Average carbon dioxide emissions per km from new passenger cars
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Emissions of particulate matter from transport
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Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from transport
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Greenhouse gas emissions from transport
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People killed in road accidents
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HICP - annual average indices for transport prices
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Energy consumption of transport, by mode
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Modal split of freight transport
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Volume of freight transport relative to GDP
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Modal split of passenger transport
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Volume of passenger transport relative to GDP
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Sufficiency of sites designated under the EU Habitats directive
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Built-up areas
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Forest increment and fellings
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Population connected to urban wastewater treatment with at least secondary treatment
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Biochemical oxygen demand in rivers
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Water exploitation index
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Fishing fleet, total engine power
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Proportion of population living in households considering that they suffer from noise
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Urban population exposure to air pollution by ozone
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Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter
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Production of toxic chemicals, by toxicity class
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Serious accidents at work
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Death rate due to chronic diseases
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Healthy life years and life expectancy at age 65, by sex
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Self reported unmet need for medical examination or treatment, by income quintile
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Suicide death rate, by age group - Females
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Suicide death rate, by age group - Total
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Suicide death rate, by age group - Males
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In work at-risk-of-poverty rate
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Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
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People living in households with very low work intensity
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Long-term unemployment rate, by sex
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At-risk-of-poverty-rate, by highest level of education attained
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Lower secondary educational attainment by age
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Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 30-34
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Early leavers from education and training
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Low reading literacy performance of pupils
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Individuals’ level of computer skills
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Individuals’ level of internet skills
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Lifelong learning
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Public expenditure on education
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At-risk-of-poverty rate, by age group
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At-risk-of-poverty rate, by household type
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Inequality of income distribution
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People at risk of poverty after social transfers
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People at-risk-of-poverty after social transfers by sex
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Persistent-at-risk-of-poverty rate
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Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap
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Severely materially deprived people
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Unemployment rate by age group
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Unemployment rate, by sex
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Dispersion of regional employment rates, by sex
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Employment rate, by highest level of education attained
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Employment rate, by sex
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Total employment rate
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Household saving rate
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Investment by institutional sectors
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Net national income
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Labour productivity per hour worked (ESA95)
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Energy intensity of the economy
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Total R&D expenditure
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Real effective exchange rate - 37 trading partners
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Turnover from innovation
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